Does it bother anyone else when someone new writes one post where someone agrees with them, they somehow grab a 4-5 rating, and within a few posts get scholar/sage/guru status.
Sometimes these people turn out to be great additions to the forum, but alot of the time, they turn into hungry, hungry karma trolls, who look to rate down anyone who disagrees with them, and who really don't post anything constructive overall. I've just come across a plethora of these situations lately, and it's just getting pretty old.
I propose that allakhzam AT LEAST holds off giving scholor status until the person has a 3.1 rating over the course of 100 posts, Guru 200-300, and Sage 500+. That would give these people time to show their true colors in the posts they write, anyone can get a rateup/ratedown on a single post or two, it doesn't doesn't show anything.
It'd cut down on the people who nuke posts because it doesn't agree with them, and just help people respect the Karma system better. When I see a Sage with 38 posts, it really demeans the whole karma reward system, and is overall highly detrimental.