I will be arguing positions from the right for the balance of the day.
Specifically, I will argue in favor of the following:
1. Pro-Life
2. Free Markets
3. Supply Side Economics in General
4. The War in Iraq
5. The Superb Performance of the following people in relation to their service to the United States: George W Bush, John Ashcroft; SCOTUS Justices Scalia, Rhenquist, and Thomas, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, and their collective staffs.
6. Drug Policy
7. Tax Cuts, specifically the benefit of reducing the highest marginal income tax rates for individuals and corporations.
8. The fact that Christ was the son of God who died for all of our sins allowing salvation only to those who accept him into their hearts as their personal savior.
9. et all as it appears on the forum.
Fire away.
I will also screen my posts for spelling errors.
Edited, Fri May 28 15:42:50 2004 by Smasharoo
Edited, Fri May 28 16:23:57 2004 by Smasharoo