Neither i'm english, that said GWB has done more to ruin America's reputation in his administration than any other president. That probably means that Moe will be voting for him.
A two party political system is a bad thing in my opinion, it makes both party's more suseptable to the extreme right and left of the political spectrum.
The range of policies are also limited to two choises and from what i see the good campain issue from an unsucessful candidate stand very little chance of being adopted by the winners, this leads to stagnation in the political system.
We need to bring back the system of Bard, Ovates, and Druids... that's all I'm saying.... A young and powerful figurehead, backed by the wisdom of an army of psuedo-merlins!
First off, leave it to the Brits to name a transport helicopter after one of the greatest mythical wizards of all time.
Second, yes, I am indeed a Republican. As to the job Shrub and Uncle D1ck have done with our image, the rest of the world can get bent. The UN can find someone else to pay for its operations, the French can find someone else to save them the next time they bend over at the first sight of trouble and the Germans can forget about getting their country back next time they decide to not share in the sand box.
We are the most powerful force on the planet. We are one of the most powerful forces this world has ever seen. This is evidenced by the proliferation of American culture world wide. That and the fact that we have more bombs than anyone else, and a crazy *** Texan in the White House who just might be crazy enough to use them. He's kinda like Nuke in Bull Durham, throwing at the mascot.
The rest of the world can think about our "image" while on their knees serving needs so they can get their Uncle Sam Welfare checks.
Althought I consider myself to be a conservative, some of the people here make me look like Nader. I'm definately more moderate that posters such as Stok, Moe and gbaji, but I still lean right.
Is that like a hunger strike where all you eat is bread, milk, vegetables and meat.. but absolutely no apples because you're on a hunger strike?
No, it's more like me saying I wouldn't **** on you to put out the flames, but far be it from me to suggest that you shouldn't roll in the puddle I just made right next to you. :)
Better, but throwing the /progressive in there indicates you are still not ready to get help. The first step starts with you. Now go say a serenity prayer and stay away from voting booths. :)
No, it's more like me saying I wouldn't **** on you to put out the flames, but far be it from me to suggest that you shouldn't roll in the puddle I just made right next to you
Gee, that made me sad. Wait.. aren't you supposed to be striking?
You Republicans are apparently soft on your convictions
Gee, that made me sad. Wait.. aren't you supposed to be striking?
Why? The smiley made it all better. And I am striking the Asylum. Fortunately, you people read here, too. So I am free to berate your pink ways all I wish and still be pure as the driven snow.
And Yanari, damn you and your logical, universe in balance ways. ;)
I am Korean, but I do not like Republicans. It is all right if the stupid Americans think that they rule the world. The others can simply ignore them. (I myself pay no attention to the Americans, they are stereotypically same, lol) I prefer Democrats.
I am Korean, but I do not like Republicans. It is all right if the stupid Americans think that they rule the world. The others can simply ignore them. (I myself pay no attention to the Americans, they are stereotypically same, lol) I prefer Democrats.
And Koreans are all short and bad at running a country. How's that for stereotyping? Like I said, quite talking, you're messing up the hummer. Welfare check incoming.