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Immortality (scientific)Follow

#1 May 07 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
eh.. just follow the links.. I'm lazy and life is too short...

personally I think taht science made it so taht we could live forever .. It would be the GREATEST ABOMONATION that man has achieved.....

We would be the ones in the Book of Revelation "begging God to end our Lives on Earth" but denied and condenmed to dwell n the hell we have created for ourselves..

Death is a natural process.. like taking a ****.. only our soul ***** out our lives...our Egos to be more presise..

To keep the body form dying trapps the Soul.. and the growth of the soul will be screwed.. We die for a reason..... the Soul must move on... Not meant to be 'imprisoned' in the bounds of Malkuth.
With the receiver in my hand..
#2 May 07 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
1,102 posts
Kelvyquayo the Malevolent wrote:
personally I think taht science made it so taht we could live forever .. It would be the GREATEST ABOMONATION that man has achieved.....

Even if they manage to reactive telomerase, other factors are still degrading life. Until they can stop scar formation and encourage functional cell proliferation, people will still die from liver, kidney, heart, and other organ failures (unless they actually also get around to functional and applicable organ transplants, but even then, they have to get around the brain and the fact that neurons really don't like to replicate themselves.)

So, our bodies will live longer, but we'll be brain-dead zombies. ;) I'd rather just be dead than be 150 year old that looks like a 50 year old and have the mind of a 6 month old puppy.

We die for a reason..... the Soul must move on... Not meant to be 'imprisoned' in the bounds of Malkuth.

Well, biologically we die for lots of reasons, and for population purposes for other reasons.

As for the soul, (if you believe in it or not), it all depends on what religion you believe in. Some faiths have the soul going to a final resting place. Some have it being reincarnated based on kharma until it reaches that final resting place. It will go back to the earth. It dissipates. There is no soul (only Zuul!) only electrical energy.

It will also come down to personal choice. There will be people who think that reactivating their telomeres goes against God's will and will not do it. There will be those who believe that they have something to offer to society and so opt for it to keep delivering whatever it is they feel they have.

If it does happen like that - where people can take something to prolong their lives that 1: it should be available to everyone, no matter who they are, what class they are, etc. and 2: if something like that is implemented, we need to implement some form of population control, or we'll outgrow the planet.
#3 May 07 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
we need to implement some form of population control, or we'll outgrow the planet.

We'll never achieve immortality!

We may prolong life, to a small degree, say 20-40 more years (120years old). We are only beginning to scratch the surface in what we know about cells, life, death, etc... and at the rate we are learning this, it will be another 1,000 years before we ever actually apply any kind of REAL life extending applications!

As far as controling world population, we do that already, it's called war, famine, murder, etc... It's all part of our animal-self!

The world isnt overpopulated, we COULD produce all the food we need to feed the world twice over! We would rather spend our efforts on making the 2% of the world population rich and comfortable.

As for a soul, spirit, God, etc... there is no proof for any of thoses ideas, all ye have is just faith for proof. Faith that GOd will wipe away all tears, some far off day, but not today, not for you, not for the thousands who die of hunger, not for the little child who is being molested and then murdered. God will fix it all in heaven, just be content for now! Anyways, THAT is what the 2% uses to keep the idiot masses under thier boot heel!

The world belongs to the people, not to the 2% rich. it's time to remove the 2%!!!!

Edited, Fri May 7 12:16:47 2004 by singforu
#4 May 07 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

To keep the body form dying trapps the Soul.. and the growth of the soul will be screwed.. We die for a reason..... the Soul must move on... Not meant to be 'imprisoned' in the bounds of Malkuth.


Well, the good news is that all you religious whackos could just kill yourselves and I'd get to live o forever in a paradise world decoid of Easter Bunny believers. Although, to be honest, the people raking in your cash over the "christ" story would just change it so that immmortality was dandy. They'd need all the suckers alive to keep building the big castles.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#5 May 07 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
1,102 posts
singforu wrote:
Faith that GOd will wipe away all tears, some far off day, but not today, not for you, not for the thousands who die of hunger, not for the little child who is being molested and then murdered.

Actually, that's called Free-Will in religious circles. If God stopped all murderers and molesters and war-mongerers, then it wouldn't be Free-Will.

It's a tricky Catch-22.

If God is a good and kind God, why does he let things like that happen?
If God is a good and kind God, he can't take away free-will, because that is wrong, bad, evil, etc, etc.

True, the status-quo religious circles are used for control of the masses. I believe that. How do you stop murder and theft? Tell people that when they die, they'll go to Hell! Bam! Control.

What that doesn't negate is that people can have faith that falls into one of the mainstream religions without being blind sheep (Baaa! Baaa!) and doing good things because they're told they should to go to Heaven.

Some of us have spent time looking into faith, thinking about it, debating it, and then thinking some more about it before deciding that whatever it is they think is enough "proof" for them to believe.
(Belief is the acceptance of something without proof, so by its very nature, religion almost can't be proven, unless you want to get scientific about it (yes, religion and science! OMG!))

Does that mean if telomerase became available I wouldn't take it because I believe in God? Uh. No.

In my opinion, God is the one who gave us the ability to discover things like this. If he didn't want us to use it, then he wouldn't put the option there before us. Sure, some of it is Free Will and we could be taking that apple, but... I don't think so.

Provided it doesn't hurt anyone. It allows you to maintain your mental facilities. It doesn't cause something else terrible to happen (like rampant overpopulation and all its ramifications), then .. is it wrong? I don't think so.
#6 May 07 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
1,102 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
I'd get to live o forever in a paradise world decoid of Easter Bunny believers.

What do you mean? Easter Bunny believers? You mean.. the Easter Bunny isn't real? *starts to break down into hysterics* Next you'll tell me that Santa Clause isn't real?!

(Besides, why would you want to live in a world where the Easter Bunny doesn't color eggs and hide them around your house so you can make your spouse wake up and find them because you can and he will. :)
#7 May 07 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Well, the good news is that all you religious whackos could just kill yourselves and I'd get to live o forever in a paradise world decoid of Easter Bunny believers. Although, to be honest, the people raking in your cash over the "christ" story would just change it so that immmortality was dandy. They'd need all the suckers alive to keep building the big castles.

waht I said has Naught to do with religion.

religion is a mixing of Cultural tradition and Spirituality..
in essence, cutltial traditon in Ego-centric.. and earthly.

It is good for brotherhood... but usually not for truth.

thousands who die of hunger, not for the little child who is being molested and then murdered.

these things are Earthly trivialities.. designed to promote the growth of the immortal soul... To our EGO it all horrible.. but to out Soul it is another stepping stone to Evolution.

People are always like.."Why does God let this happen?.. ect ect.." People act like the "mind" of God can compare with our selfish and egocentric prideful expectations of waht we define as a "pleasant life" Good and Bad are PRIMITIVE Human concepts... Life and existance is dependant on growth.. not sunshines and lollipops.

Until they can stop scar formation and encourage functional cell proliferation, people will still die from liver, kidney, heart, and other organ failures

If they do the Stem Cell thing... with organ farms and spare parts for us..... We'd be square.

There is no soul (only Zuul!) only electrical energy.

I think Life..or existance is sort of Dualistic.... In one aspect it is all electrical energy..
But there is another NON-Logical.. RIGHT Brained side to it... The side of things we tend to ignore in preference of justifying the wrong way that 99.9999% of us live our lives.. dictated by greed and pride.. not realizing taht the answers to life are all around you.... All things represent a Uniques oneness.. a basic Essence that resided in all thing.. One on ly need to break tings down to a basic level...... Strip away all of the names taht our Egos attach to things... and thinkabout things on an emotional level.... Try to think of somthing wth out your Ego gettting in the way.. attaching words and mundane concepts to it... Waht people Call God.. I call the Laws of Existance.. and this exist in all things/ and Everything.... we only need to look for the patterns... religion doesn't enter into it.... nor does money and power and food and children.... It ALL juat a Cosmic metaphor for the Ultimate Truth.... Waht is the Ultimate Truth???.. Any words about it would only be metaphors for somting that exsists beyond the scope of humans logical reasoning..

come on now... Pick it apart please.
With the receiver in my hand..
#8 May 07 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
Well, the good news is that all you religious whackos could just kill yourselves and I'd get to live o forever in a paradise world decoid of Easter Bunny believers. Although, to be honest, the people raking in your cash over the "christ" story would just change it so that immmortality was dandy. They'd need all the suckers alive to keep building the big castles.

LMAO. The bit about changing the story so that immortality was acceptable is great. You know they would, thats the beauty of christianity - it's so adaptable!
#9 May 07 2004 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I think Life..or existance is sort of Dualistic.... In one aspect it is all Santa Clause..
But there is another NON-Logical.. RIGHT Brained side to it... The side of things we tend to ignore in preference of justifying the wrong way that 99.9999% of us live our lives.. dictated by greed and pride.. not realizing taht the answers to life are all around you.... All things represent an Easter Bunny.. a basic
Rabbit that resided in all thing.. One only need to break tings down to a basic level...... Strip away all of the names taht our Egos attach to things... and thinkabout things on an emotional level.... Try to think of somthing wth out your Ego gettting in the way.. attaching words and mundane concepts to it... Waht people Call God.. I call the Easter Bunny.. and this exist in all things/ and Everything.... we only need to look for the patterns... religion doesn't enter into it.... nor does money and power and food and children.... It ALL juat a Cosmic metaphor for the Bunny.... Waht is the Easter Bunny???.. Any words about it would only be metaphors for somting that exsists beyond the scope of humans logical reasoning..

come on now... Pick it apart please.

Oh, no, I don't think I could. It's a logically sound argument in favor of the Easter Bunny controlling everything in the universe. Who could argue with that.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#10 May 07 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
oh damn another religious thread...
#11 May 07 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
This is a 'scientific' thread.. didn't you read the title? (^_~)


couldn't have said it better myself ^^... now let us all **** like bunnies!!

Edited, Fri May 7 15:14:33 2004 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#12 May 07 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
You can make it so someone live to be 1000 years old but the older you get the more likely your sorry *** will get shot or hit by a car or something.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#13 May 07 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
"on a line enough time-line, everyones survival rate drops to Zero." ~ I am Jacks complete lack of surprise
With the receiver in my hand..
#14 May 07 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Kudos on fight club reference mainly because it agrees with me which i always like.

P.S. change your voltiare quote before quoting :P
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#15 May 07 2004 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
People will gradually get lazier.

Do you know how many people die from unnatural causes?

I don't think even if everyone was -immortal- in this sense, it would make much difference. Life would just be one step lower from the low value it's at already.

No big deal.

As for religious fanatics, well, they have their own views. If they want to believe that giving their money towards the religion-pyramid-scheme and getting others into it is what they want to invest their time in, good for them.

It takes all kinds of ignorance to run the world. If everyone really knew everything, then no one would want to work lower level jobs.

There would be no one to feed you pizza, or hamburgers, and continue doing it thinking that god loves them and that they will be alright.

Meanwhile, the people that have everything are content and happy, and have people to blindly do things for them while they are well off. It's a classic idea, it's been done for centuries.

Edited, Fri May 7 23:54:47 2004 by Flekite
#16 May 08 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
the immortality that you speak of WOuld Not be compatabtle with the Lives we live today.

jobs?, ask yourself why we work... its becasue of greed.... AL food cloths and shelter aside.. the only other reson we go to work is to get money so we can have Extra Luxuries <----redundant.

BUt it is beyond a personal level...It is pretty mch all of man kind.... I am including cars, T.V.s, COMPUTERs, DVD PLayers, All of theat ****... WE don't ******* need it, any of it.. Break it down and it boils down to our selfish wants...

who needs all that when you got heroin?

Edited, Sat May 8 11:51:13 2004 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#17 May 08 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Hurray for Heroin

I inject between my toes so no one see's the track marks ^^
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#18 May 08 2004 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
jobs?, ask yourself why we work... its becasue of greed.... AL food cloths and shelter aside.. the only other reson we go to work is to get money so we can have Extra Luxuries <----redundant.


Dont tell me why i go to work, dont tell me what my motives are, its my right to work and no idiot like you is going to tell me im greedy. without going to work we would all be dependant on the state, which would collapse and everyone would die of famine and drought. Without us going to work we would not live, dont call me greedy because of that you stupid, narrow-minded, gullible, human equivalent of dirt.
#19 May 08 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
jobs?, ask yourself why we work... its becasue of greed.... AL food cloths and shelter aside.. the only other reson we go to work is to get money so we can have Extra Luxuries <----redundant.

Like fake boobies for the wife! Yay!!!!

#20 May 09 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
Dont tell me why i go to work, dont tell me what my motives are, its my right to work and no idiot like you is going to tell me im greedy. without going to work we would all be dependant on the state, which would collapse and everyone would die of famine and drought. Without us going to work we would not live, dont call me greedy because of that you stupid, narrow-minded, gullible, human equivalent of dirt.

I've never gotten grinched on by a Brit before, neatto!!(i'm Irish too.. how simply felicitous!)

Obviously what I am saying has passed over your hostile head....

..looks like I struck a nerve.... good

ahem waht's theh matter.. having trouble justifying your measly life of scrounging for the capitalist scraps that fall from the table of the elitist patritions....

..or I dunno.. maybe your one of those rich ***** that has had everything handed to you all your life.. you must love your job to defend it so sternly and make such crass personal remarks toward me...either that or in denial that we'd get along just fine on our own...and everything we are doing is from centuries and centuries and generations of being brainwashed into believing taht we can;t do anything for ourselves and have to depend on an arbitrary unit called "currency" to indebt ourselves beneath the wing of the Fat and Rich masses so we feel alittle safer in this world of mysteries.

WORK= for Food, Clothes, and Shelter.. anything else IS GREED.. waht else do you NEED??! ALL THE REST IS VANITY. Animals get along just fine.. Why can't we?.... BEcause we are greedy...

I'm not saying my views are realistic.... things are the way they are for a reason...but I am from the point of view of things the way they would be if people would stop kissing their own asses... but WE have been doing it for thousands of years.. why would we stop now?

Read the Bible ************: Matthew 6:28,29 & 30.

BTW.. Why did you call me gullible?..or are you just grabbing wahtever form the arsonal of your vocabulary to vent on me? ****

Edited, Sun May 9 02:26:47 2004 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#21 May 10 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
dont call me greedy because of that you stupid, narrow-minded, gullible, human equivalent of dirt.

Hehe.... Dang... who pissed on yer parade!?!?!?

Obviously what I am saying has passed over your hostile head....

I'd say so...

Read the Bible mother@#%^er: Matthew 6:28,29 & 30.

*** dat stick.... thatz part of OUR problem! That book has cuz way too much trublez. Books like the Bible, Koran, and any other books like em needz to be forgoten. The contents of these books are the source of mucho trublez in the world. We need to erase the books, and the relegions they feed! If need be... erase the peeps who follows them.

Christians are, in reality, money worshipers and money whores!
Need proof? Look at thier gawdy churchs, way too much money for a loussy building
As for Muslems, they're no better, instead of money, they worship hate!
And for the Jewish relgion... well, where do y think thoses two above religions came from! Get rid of all three!
#23 May 10 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Christianity is just a cloak people wear... don't judge the cloak... judge the people. All that stuff you said can be said about people from ANY group. Don't be narrow minded.

About Bible quote: Though I disagree with waht Humans have done I do Agree with the Words of Jesus.(reminds me of a Buhddist monk actually)... If you read the Gospels.. it's basically Him telling people how it is "stay positive and if you have enough faith you can make ANYTHING happen" the rest is people asking him stupisd questions and him correcting themm... but obviously they never have learned.. for the most part.

That particular quote was about the fact animals and such get along just fine with keeping nourished and warm.... without worrying about wealth and power like we do.

Try not to automatically bash stuff just because of waht people do with it... Remember it is just a concept... people make all the difference....

Jesus was great.. he said Walk on water with me.. not.. Bow to me and worship me and Then you can walk on water.. he said .. if you believe it.. you can do it.. That's Cool.

Now Human beings in general ahve ****** it all up.. and now people worship a BOOK (idolitry) more than anything else. People just miss the whole ******* point.. and have been since the beginging.. THAT is waht Jesus was saying.. besically "You're all being Idiots!!... all you need to do is chill out, not be greedy and everything will be fine"
But take his words and even his name and make it a tool for their own greed. if Jesus DID come back this day.. and everyone Bowed before him kissing the dirt.. I'd bet he's say "Get the hell up and live life"

and this STILL is NOT a religious thread, I swear.
With the receiver in my hand..
#24 May 11 2004 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
If you are supposed to die and go to paradise, why bother putting on your seatbelt when you get in a car?
#25 May 11 2004 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
1,102 posts
SodolloboZ wrote:
If you are supposed to die and go to paradise, why bother putting on your seatbelt when you get in a car?

Because life is a precious gift and as wonderful as paradise is supposed to be (it is paradise, after all, how can it not be wonderful? ;) it doesn't have all the experiences and joys that you could get just by living life here.

Would you pass out on some food today and tomorrow and the next day because on the weekend you're going to go to a banquet? :)
#26 May 11 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
good answer Kiatrix.

but the real answer is 42.
although I don't think that was the real question..
With the receiver in my hand..
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