We needed an OOT forum to let the new posters in from FFXI and from the new games we are adding. Since most people didn't feel comfortable posting on the existing forum, we've added this one. Originally Illia and Pikko added it as an FFXi only OOT forum. I don't like that idea, as it means adding OOT forums for each game we cover. So I've come up with a new solution. The old OOT forum is now called Rants. This is the new OOT forum. Basically the hope is that you can converse about non-game subjects here and not get completely bashed by the old time posters, but if you want to step over to the other forum and bash heads with the existing gang there, you are still able to do so. Hopefully, we will have enough posters to let both forums thrive.
Edited, Sep 23rd 2007 4:59am by NixNot