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#202 Dec 01 2008 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
GrowlingBunny wrote:

If you apply for an admin position when we have them open and get hired, yes. I mean hell, we hired usagi and I almost banned him once so anything is possible.

I'll remember to submit an application next time, then. Smiley: sly

P.S. If you ******* think I'm going to spend 15 minutes catching up to a 5 page thread NOT involving heavy forum drama, well, you thought wrong.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 8:25am by BrownDuck
#203 Dec 01 2008 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
Paskil wrote:
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
What does a girl have to do around here to be well known with all of the admins?... in a good perspective, otherwise it'd suck and I'd have to watch my back constantly.

I rated you down because you are a @#%^ing moron. What is this, myspace?

It's okay, I rated you down because you're a jackass. Take the stick out of your butt and take a joke next time.

Unless you just happen to mistakenly reply to the wrong post, then that's okay. I'll give you a cookie.

Friar Bijou wrote:
Ride around on a horse with an bow and arrow...DUH!!!

Damn it! I should have known! Thanks for the heads up.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 9:33am by xNocturnalSunx
#204 Dec 01 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
bleach wrote:
What is your favorite **** site and/or type of ****?
I don't watch **** and have never watched ****.

digitalcraft wrote:
Do the admins ever rate people up/down besides making things negative to dissapear them? Also, is there any way to see a summary of how many times I've used the rateup button verses the rate down button? I try to do a few positive per negative, but you know, there's good days and bad days. Considering it's 2AM right now and I'm getting up at 6:30 tomorrow, I can guess what tomorrow is going to be. I probably will avoid the WoW Rogue forum tomorrow.
Yes. Yes and I really don't want to go and find out. It would require me to do copy pasting and using excel.

TurinAlexander the Vile wrote:
Who is using the name Turin and are they an active poster? Because if they're not, I'd like to have it please.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 6:33am by TurinAlexander
Call me maybe we can work out a deal...

Baron von tarv wrote:
How many Alts has Varussword been through now? and is he permabanned now or has he just not bothered coming back.
That'd be one for Kao, I hate looking stuff up unless I am in the mood.

jaysgsl wrote:
What are my admin notes? I'm certainly not playing favorites so I HAVE to have some ^.^
Oh, and, um, can I get the J in my name capitolised? ;_;
Just a sign up IP on this account. PM me and I will think on it, more likely if you have premium that I'd do it. Smiley: grin

Mikhalia wrote:
Since others are asking, what are -my- admin notes? (Besides that time you PMed me and told me not to karma camp that one guy)

And since others cheated and asked more than one question: What's your favorite NES-era video game?

None, bad Kao!!! Mine is either Ecco or Mario

His Excellency Soracloud wrote:
Will we ever get a multimedia forum? Smiley: frown

Dunno, feedback forum request?

Paskil wrote:
When do we get [lg] tags back?

Sahaya wrote:
Can we ban stupid yet?
And I bet my admin notes are really boring :(

I actually think we have once or twice, but we get in trouble by the big man. And yes, truly boring = none.

Ranzera wrote:
Kaain wrote:
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Kaain wrote:
What's a reasonable method that I may procure my complete 10k title before central timezone dawn today?

Act of god, and or huh? what are you talking about?

It's supposed to look like this:

You're so Kaain
I bet you think this title's about you

Danalog "forgot" to mention an avatar change would erase it and I've been inconsistently whining about it ever since.

Are you sure that wasn't just flavor text that comes tied with a premium membership?

Looking at your user info it doesn't look like you have premium anymore.
I'd be more apt to harass Dana if he were premium.

[quote=Deadgye]1. What are my admin notes?
2. Can I have my premium that ended in 2995 back?[/quote]

24 aug - Disguised pron link removed . . .

He turned himself in that while ago, I think his NORATE sentance
has been finished, let me know if you disagree -- Danalog. AND no.

[quote=niobia]How do you maintain the "down to earth" feel of the admins? (alla's is actually pretty well known but none of the admins behaves like a snob)[/quote]
If you can't hang with the DF, you can't hang. Smiley: sly

What does a girl have to do around here to be well known with all of the admins?
Get stalked by Magi.[/quote]

You are well known, and don't get stalked by Magi, it's the most horrible thing a chick has to endure, even worse when you work with him...


#205 Dec 01 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
Mistress Darqflame wrote:

You are well known, and don't get stalked by Magi, it's the most horrible thing a chick has to endure, even worse when you work with him...


Yay! I feel bad for you, if you need back up just let me know. Can poke him in the eye or something for you.

And yeah, your quotes started being all weird half way through.
#206 Dec 01 2008 at 6:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
And yeah, your quotes started being all weird half way through.
I blame Kaain.

#207 Dec 01 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Default
12,846 posts
I want to hang ON to the DF ('s boobs)
#208 Dec 01 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
192 posts
I made my first post July 15th 2003 so I'm averaging about 20 posts a year.

Am I just lazy?
#209 Dec 01 2008 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Bamir wrote:
I made my first post July 15th 2003 so I'm averaging about 20 posts a year.

Am I just lazy?

Apparently you have made most of them in the last year, so I'd say no. We will just give you long lurker status.

#210 Dec 01 2008 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
4,153 posts
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up, and how does that compare to what you're doing now?
FFXI-Garuda 2003-2009; Lakshmi 2011-8/20/13 (retired)
FFXIV: ARR - Ghost Bear, Balmung server
#211 Dec 01 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Am i still not allowed to post Jailbait motivators? Smiley: frown

edit: Even if they're 16+ and Legally legal in the UK? :3

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 10:06am by Nilatai
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#212 Dec 01 2008 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
To all admins in general... What's your favorite kind of music/band?
#213 Dec 01 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
13,007 posts
Mozared wrote:
To all admins in general... What's your favorite kind of music/band?
I can't think of a more boring question.
#214 Dec 01 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
What exactly is it that makes me so damned irresistible?

What are my admin notes?
#215 Dec 01 2008 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
Kaolian: Have you ever regretted a ban?
#216 Dec 01 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
KungFuHamster the Flatulent wrote:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up, and how does that compare to what you're doing now?

First I wanted to be a drummer in a band because I hated piano.My dad told me there was no such thing as women drummers.Smiley: glare I eventually ended up playing bass guitar instead.

Then at some point I wanted to be a nurse, even took some courses, then business management. Had my first kid and decided I wanted to be a doctor certified forensic pathologist, even graduated with a biology degree recently. How do you think that compares, this is my FT job? ROFL

Mozared wrote:
To all admins in general... What's your favorite kind of music/band?

Really depends on my mood. You can see some ideas of what I prefer on my myspace, yes I have myspace. Lately I have gone back to listening Linkin Park and Slipknot. I also have this thing for Lil Wayne...

BT: too long to list.

#217 Dec 01 2008 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
KungFuHamster the Flatulent wrote:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up, and how does that compare to what you're doing now?

First I wanted to be a drummer in a band because I hated piano.My dad told me there was no such thing as women drummers.Smiley: glare I eventually ended up playing bass guitar instead.

Then at some point I wanted to be a nurse, even took some courses, then business management. Had my first kid and decided I wanted to be a doctor certified forensic pathologist, even graduated with a biology degree recently. How do you think that compares, this is my FT job? ROFL

Mozared wrote:
To all admins in general... What's your favorite kind of music/band?

Really depends on my mood. You can see some ideas of what I prefer on my myspace, yes I have myspace. Lately I have gone back to listening Linkin Park and Slipknot. I also have this thing for Lil Wayne...

BT: too long to list.

I'm not going to tell you how freakishly strange it is that your answers are very similar to what mine would have been. In fact, I'm messaging you about it because it's just that weird.
#218 Dec 01 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
mrtaba wrote:
Does named posting and the karma system foster better ideas and progress on gameplay and strategy as a whole, or are original ideas and potentially good points drowned out by the more established "colored" folk, their opinions, and their following?

I often see a lot of personal attacks which can be attributed to bad attitudes by individual posters, but promoting a positive environment to share ideas seems more important than letting people swim in the collective ***** from countless stroked e-peens.

Forums are always going to have their more vocal members. Its part of the nature of the system. Our forums in particular tend to tolerate more flaming than some others might, but I really don't think the name colors and karma play much into causing additional strife. if anythign, i think it moderates the comments in some people who don't wish to lsoe their karma. Then again some people rate up ******** too.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#219 Dec 01 2008 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
bsphil wrote:
Is my karma still about 3.24~?

No. it's 2.00
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#220 Dec 01 2008 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Twirdman wrote:
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
No, they named it after me!

So does that mean you own the city or have any powers or is it just an honorary thing?

Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#221 Dec 01 2008 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
digitalcraft wrote:
Do the admins ever rate people up/down besides making things negative to dissapear them? Also, is there any way to see a summary of how many times I've used the rateup button verses the rate down button? I try to do a few positive per negative, but you know, there's good days and bad days. Considering it's 2AM right now and I'm getting up at 6:30 tomorrow, I can guess what tomorrow is going to be. I probably will avoid the WoW Rogue forum tomorrow.

Yes, we do. The negative buttons are seperate from our rate buttons, and admin rate buttons do not have a limiter. I.e. if I press the red arrow 100 times on one of your posts, it rates you down 100 times on that post. We try not to use that too much, but it comes in handy for adjusting the aftermath of karma camping either way, rewarding particularily good posts that we come across, or occasionally punitive measures.

As far as your ratings, your 1.00's outweigh your 6.00s by a slight margin.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#222 Dec 01 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Baron von tarv wrote:
How many Alts has Varussword been through now? and is he permabanned now or has he just not bothered coming back.

18. And I think he got himself an IP ban last time.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#223 Dec 01 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
TurinAlexander the Vile wrote:
Who is using the name Turin and are they an active poster? Because if they're not, I'd like to have it please.

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 6:33am by TurinAlexander

It looks like it is in use, but not an active forum poster.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#224 Dec 01 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
jaysgsl wrote:
What are my admin notes? I'm certainly not playing favorites so I HAVE to have some ^.^
Oh, and, um, can I get the J in my name capitolised? ;_;

Signup IP: Removed IP
Notes: May be a Kmehr Rouge seperatist, watch all posts for subversive content and report to sector alpha HQ if keywords "moogle popsicle" or "Yeeaaaaarrrgghhhhhhhh!!!!" are used.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#225 Dec 01 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Mikhalia wrote:
Since others are asking, what are -my- admin notes? (Besides that time you PMed me and told me not to karma camp that one guy)

And since others cheated and asked more than one question: What's your favorite NES-era video game?

You have none, and Missile command!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#226 Dec 01 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Do i has any Admin notes? Smiley: eek
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
This thread is locked
You cannot post in a locked topic!
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