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#127 Dec 06 2016 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
I keep thinking about all the things "Acid Wolf" said to me before, and again the last time she talked to me over I realize now that she wasn't talking to me at all, but reassuring herself. "I don't want to seem like a heartless bitch" she said, "but." She has assured herself that I am not a friend, only an acquaintance. Twice. By putting this label on me, I am effectively made disposable, as I have no weight or value as a person, so I can be thrown away and forgotten about.

All I am is;

Jophiel wrote:
95% the stereotype of the "Nice Guy" who thinks some girl owes him a romanticany kind of relationship in exchange for friendship and then throws a hissy fit when she declines.

--otherwise known as a 'fuck boy,' a term Red used frequently to describe her male peers and all men-- if that is any indication of what feminism is teaching younger generations. It is the identity of every person like me. I am to be put aside and isolated so that the rest of the world can enjoy their lives without fear of being inconvenienced.

So now I wonder what the difference is between a "fuck boy," a nuisance, a pest-- and someone who is otherwise socially acceptable, who is also male. How does that work, exactly?

I get the impression that I am supposed to keep to myself and pretend I don't care about anyone but myself and what I'm doing-- effectively isolating myself. That is the image of a socially acceptable male. One who doesn't try. It seems counterproductive, because whether you're the "nice guy/fuck boy" or "cool guy who doesn't give a shit," the bottom line is isolation. I feel as though I am on the cusp of figuring something out here, but not quite.

Why is it ok for some people to go out and socialize, but not me? Why do people get SO OFFENDED when I want to talk to them, and even more offended when I offer my company? Keep in mind that this is underlying reaction I get BEFORE I get the chance to say or do anything. --because anything I do that has a chance to make someone uncomfortable has already been anticipated long in advance. Because showing interest in someone in any way at all automatically makes me a stalker and an axe murderer or at the very least, a "fuck boy" and there is no way for me to prove otherwise, and no way that does not ultimately lead into the other party's self-fulfilling prophecy.

I think about all the screen captures people take of a 'nice guy' who immediately turns savage and violent in their reply the moment they are rejected, and how it is an example of why men can never be trusted. Then I realize, perhaps if said man did not feel perpetually isolated and stigmatized in this way, perhaps he would not have lashed out in such a way to begin with. I have never been an example of such a screen capture, and I'm not saying it is right of them to act that way, but I certainly know the frustration-- the feeling behind such outbursts.

So now here I am, sitting in this classroom full of women. Aside from the instructor, I am the only male. I go out of the room and into the halls and lounge area and it feels like high school all over again. There are tables crowded with people talking to each other and all I can think to do is find some place to hide where no one will be bothered by the sight of me. I keep my head down. I say nothing. The world turns and life goes on for everyone and I exist parallel to all of it like a ghost. Whether I am there or not, alive or dead, makes no difference to anyone.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#128 Dec 06 2016 at 11:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kuwoobie wrote:
--otherwise known as a 'fuck boy,' a term Red used frequently to describe her male peers and all men-- if that is any indication of what feminism is teaching younger generations.

Or more likely an indication that she just isn't that nice of a person but I suppose blaming feminism is convenient as well.
Why is it ok for some people to go out and socialize, but not me? Why do people get SO OFFENDED when I want to talk to them, and even more offended when I offer my company? Keep in mind that this is underlying reaction I get BEFORE I get the chance to say or do anything. --because anything I do that has a chance to make someone uncomfortable has already been anticipated long in advance. Because showing interest in someone in any way at all automatically makes me a stalker and an axe murderer or at the very least, a "fuck boy" and there is no way for me to prove otherwise, and no way that does not ultimately lead into the other party's self-fulfilling prophecy.

Why are you connecting "socializing" to "...with females"? Why not join a group of males for your socializing needs? Why not find a place to play Magic: TG without it being about breathing down some girl's neck and hoping she really likes you and then going on a rant about metrosexuals and nice guys and fuckboys when she doesn't really dig that? It's not wrong for you to socialize -- it is pretty creepy to have some dude "making an effort" towards you when (a) he's married and more importantly (b) you're just there to play cards or take photos or hike or whatever.

Your problem isn't that society is keeping you down, your problem is that you're a married man whose idea of socializing is to find and obsess over random women who just act friendly.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#129 Dec 06 2016 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Why are you connecting "socializing" to "...with females"?

I don't know. I mean, it doesn't necessarily have to be females. I just have never had any kind of interest in a guy before. I don't know why. Maybe I'm picky. Very rarely is there ever a person that stands from the crowd and makes me think "Oh wow. That person is awesome! I want to talk to them!" be they male or female, but so far they have all always been female. I think maybe there is some key underlying issue here that I don't really understand.

Your problem isn't that society is keeping you down, your problem is that you're a married man whose idea of socializing is to find and obsess over random women who just act friendly.

It has always been this way, even since long before I was married. I never obsessed over the woman I married. She was not one of those people who I thought these kinds of things over, which is probably why it worked out. She does her own thing and I do mine. I feel like there are a lot of expectations surrounding marriage-- as if I should or should not do certain things because I'm married, because ______? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense almost to the point where I don't even know why you keep bringing it up.

I am trying so hard to understand all of this, I think, because ultimately I am trying to decide whether or not I want to live. It's not because of "the universe" or because of feminism or even what other people think. It's because right now I'm feeling really foolish for not pulling the trigger back in 2008 when I had the chance-- because everything I do feels pointless and stupid, and given the fact that everything I try to do to make my life feel worthwhile is obviously wrong. I feel like shit constantly because I am no particular use to anyone.

All of these solutions that seem obvious to everyone, like "why not hang out with a bunch of random guys to play MtG with" do not make sense to me. The idea of something like that is no more appealing than anything else I already do.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#130 Dec 06 2016 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kuwoobie wrote:
Why are you connecting "socializing" to "...with females"?
I don't know. I mean, it doesn't necessarily have to be females. I just have never had any kind of interest in a guy before. I don't know why. Maybe I'm picky. Very rarely is there ever a person that stands from the crowd and makes me think "Oh wow. That person is awesome! I want to talk to them!" be they male or female, but so far they have all always been female. I think maybe there is some key underlying issue here that I don't really understand.

Well, yeah. The goal to casual socializing isn't to find your super-awesome soul mate, it's just to have some fun with other people. That's why (since you said you had played) I said to go play some M:tG. You go out, you spend fifteen minutes with someone and don't even need to make real conversation beyond "I tap my Potato Elves" if you don't want to and then go play the next game with some other dude. It's not about thinking the other person is amazingly compelling, it's about going out and interacting with people.

Or, you know, don't. You always have some excuse.
I feel like there are a lot of expectations surrounding marriage-- as if I should or should not do certain things because I'm married, because ______? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense almost to the point where I don't even know why you keep bringing it up.

They call that "society". I personally don't give a shit who you stick your dork in (or beg them for some dork-sticking) although your spouse seemingly does so you don't even get some "open marriage/polyamory" excuse. And, chances are, whatever poor girl you're making scrapbooks for probably cares as well. So when you start making moon-eyes at some filly and then act like there's some giant flaw in society when she skedaddles, understanding that society does in fact place expectations on marriage is a good first step.
All of these solutions that seem obvious to everyone, like "why not hang out with a bunch of random guys to play MtG with" do not make sense to me.

Well, you're certainly doing well enough on your own to dismiss "obvious" suggestions out of hand just because they don't make sense to you.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#131 Dec 06 2016 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
You go out, you spend fifteen minutes with someone and don't even need to make real conversation beyond "I tap my Potato Elves" if you don't want to and then go play the next game with some other dude. It's not about thinking the other person is amazingly compelling, it's about going out and interacting with people.

Or, you know, don't. You always have some excuse.

Is "I don't want to do that" not a good enough reason not to do something?

They call that "society". I personally don't give a **** who you stick your dork in (or beg them for some dork-sticking) although your spouse seemingly does so you don't even get some "open marriage/polyamory" excuse.

We went from "casual socializing" to this now?

I know what it looks like, but it isn't that simple. I'm not going to pretend I never thought about it, but it's far from being a requirement. It's not about sex no matter how hard you try to force it to be. I mean I realize we're Americans and all that, and it's got to be a big fucking deal in every aspect of our lives because it's so taboo and all.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#132 Dec 07 2016 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kuwoobie wrote:
Is "I don't want to do that" not a good enough reason not to do something?

It's a reason to not take any action to improve things. It's even a valid reason. It's not an especially good reason.

We went from "casual socializing" to this now?

Casual socializing is playing a card game. What you keep describing is how you're trying to find someone who completes your soul.

I'm not going to pretend I never thought about it, but it's far from being a requirement. It's not about sex no matter how hard you try to force it to be.

I'm sure it's purely by coincidence that you only seek friendship and validation from females and then go on a rant about feminism and women only wanting to socialize with perfect men when your affections aren't reciprocated. I was going to say "women" but then you were obsessing over an 11 year old girl before. Anyway, better expressed, marriage is about intimacy and trying to spread that intimacy around (whether physically or emotionally) is generally considered a non-starter by most people. If you choose to focus on "America is obsessed with sex and is trying to blame me for sex" rather than understanding why most chicks aren't into married dudes professing their deep emotional connections to them, that's... well, pretty par for the thread.

Edited, Dec 7th 2016 7:56am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#133 Dec 07 2016 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Casual socializing is playing a card game. What you keep describing is how you're trying to find someone who completes your soul.

Ok. That's not what you said before, but that is certainly more accurate. It has nothing to do with "dork sticking."

It's ok though. I figured it out yesterday.

As it turns out, I am allowed to socialize-- just not with anyone I choose, or anyone in particular I would actually want to socialize with. Now that I think about it, this is exactly what Erika/Acid Wolf was trying to tell me, kind of. She told me I can go to the comic store and play MtG and hang out with any of the random people there, just not with her or any of her friends. She had been hinting at that ever since the incident with my wife storming in and publicly humiliating me. --that I should "feel free" to hang out with other people there.

So, I don't know. That is the reality of things. It's like that game on the internet where you push the red button. You CAN go out and socialize, but only with people you really would rather not. I am not going to push that button. It is not an improvement over my current situation as much as you would like to believe. It is a cop out. It is my ****** sack of carrots that are for me when all I want is ******* Trix cereal.

I didn't know what you were talking about at first when you went on about some flaw in society, but I can definitely see it now. If I were not a.) married or b.) a man, then everything would be fine. Or would they? I have no way of knowing. Society's standards for things like marriage and gender, to me, are retarded. They exist because people are cowardly and closed minded, and I don't accept them. I could not even if I wanted to.

I would never be happy socializing with people who are like me, because I fucking can't stand me. I hate every aspect about myself, especially the ones I know can never change. It makes sense now. I can only be happy when someone I don't hate... I don't even know how to finish that sentence. It makes a lot of sense, though. The only person who has given me that is Red-- and that is only because she was so young and had not yet been indoctrinated with all the fear and negativity that every person is beaten over the head with out of the womb, until she was.

Society is not going to change, and I can't change how I feel about myself or other people. So that's it then. That's all folks. I don't even know why I'm writing this or doing anything. It's all a waste of time. I don't know what to do with myself. I am waste, and the world is a world of shit.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#134 Dec 07 2016 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Meh, no one has the right to socialize with whoever they choose. That you personally only choose to socialize with magic soul-women is on you, not society.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#135 Dec 07 2016 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,159 posts
I woke up today on a mattress of beautiful women.

Actually it was quite uncomfortable one of them kept elbowing me in the ribs and waking me up she wuld share with me these terrible jokes of hers and I said that's very funny Maria but I am trying to sleep she said yeah trying I said ***** what and she said don't take that tone with me well you imagine how things went we wrestled for hours until finally collapsing once more into a sweaty esconcsement of limbs and then I snuck off for a bit of a kip in the bath there was a mountain lion in there and I was mauled quite badly but it soon took fright and I slept off the worst of the bleeding.

Don't know why I felt the need to post that here I just felt it was right for the feng shui of the thread.
Timelordwho wrote:
I'm not quite sure that scheming is an emotion.
#136 Dec 07 2016 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Meh, no one has the right to socialize with whoever they choose. That you personally only choose to socialize with magic soul-women is on you, not society.

Either way, I can't just decide to start eating shit and like it. Being chronically unable to form meaningful relationships with other people is only one problem of many. The idea of having someone like that in my life was the one big redeeming quality that could have made everything else so small and insignificant by comparison. --and now I can safely conclude that it is not an option. I need to think of a real exit plan, even though (and especially while) I feel more or less content with everything. I can only keep myself distracted with the same old shit for so long before the loneliness and frustration and the nagging in my thoughts start to get to me. It's not nearly as intense when there are so many days between now and the last time I talked to anyone like that, but it's always there, and it has never been quite this bad or quite this consistent.

I was at the grocery store with my wife a while ago, and all I could think about was how crowded it was and how I didn't want to be there at all, or anywhere. I don't want to exist. I didn't ask for this. It's like being trapped. I need to turn it all off somehow. I need to become neutral and inanimate.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#137 Dec 07 2016 at 3:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kuwoobie wrote:
Either way, I can't just decide to start eating shit and like it.

Nah, it's pretty much the opposite.

If you're not introduced to a type of food as a baby/toddler, you will usually be adverse to it if introduced later. However, after about 7-15 attempts, your tastes towards it often start to change. Which is part of why tastes change as an adult and people have the whole "I hated mushrooms as a kid, but now..." stories. Part of it is physiological but mainly it's just a matter of acclimation.

You're not deciding to eat shit and like it. Rather, you've been eating nothing but shit for decades and now you refuse to eat some vegetables because they don't taste like the shit you're used to. And you'd rather pout and refuse and continue to poison yourself than take yourself over the hump with a healthy choice because its temporarily unpleasant.

Edited, Dec 7th 2016 3:20pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#138 Dec 08 2016 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
1,159 posts
I was at a Pizza - or bisa as we say here - place last night with this beautiful woman, just sharing food and, you know, getting really emotionally connected. All the feelings we shared, I mean, damn, I feel like I know her better than Timelord knows the back of my own hand. We talked for twelve hours, while the pizza place closed around us and e-opened we didn't even notice so deep was the emotional connection between us she changed my life like a koopa trooper might change Mario's were he to step carelessly and indeed without a care did we talk we ate bisa one day and ate it the next without moving our behinds made an indelible mark in that deli's seats I sweated like a stuck pig in july but it was worth it because well you know she jacked me off not my ***** I mean but my emotional ***** that is to say my emotions and feelings and things like that really scratched that itch you know I have never felt more appreciated and uh connected to someone else in my life I had some crippling emotional problems but she plastered right over them before I had no energy to fix them but now I think well I have the energy that I sucked from her like a vampire but well why bother fixing them now I am already complete you know she completes me like the seventh tile in scrabble falling onto a triple word score

Not ure why I posted this here but I felt that the dao or tao for you older people here demanded it of me well you know this post is a little derivative of the last one but frankly I feel the important message of the last one wasn't taken to heart I don't know what it was but it wasn't taken to heart I'd know if it was
Timelordwho wrote:
I'm not quite sure that scheming is an emotion.
#139 Dec 08 2016 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
I think the moral of the story is never change and sometimes problems just solve themselves.
Just as Planned.
#140 Dec 08 2016 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kave KKK makes some salient points.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#141 Dec 08 2016 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Did that pizza place happen to be Comet Ping Pong? Smiley: tinfoilhat
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#142 Dec 09 2016 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
The idea of having someone like that in my life was the one big redeeming quality that could have made everything else so small and insignificant by comparison.

This is your problem, in a nutshell. To expand on what Joph said, you've been living in a pile of shit so long that you have come to identify yourself as "the guy who lives in a pile of shit". You wallow in it. You almost seem to take pride in just how shitty your life is while looking out at all the other people, not living in a pile of shit and enjoying themselves. The correct solution is to find a way out of that pile. Improve your own life, so it's not so shitty and then you'll actually enjoy it as well. But what you're doing instead is trying to latch onto other people, not to have them help pull you out, but to pull them in, so as to make your own personal shit pile a bit better.

You can't be shocked when people don't want to do that. Relationships are a two way street. You have to be able to give to someone else in equal amounts to what you get from them. You are spending far too much time trying to think about how other people can make you feel a bit better about yourself than in doing something to improve your own self, independent of others. And I get that this may seem like an easier fix. But it's not really going to work. You really do need to focus on how to get your own life going in the right direction first, and once you do you honestly wont feel the need to fill it up with other people as you seem to be doing. You'll be satisfied, maybe even happy, with your own self.

Ironically, once you do that is when others will start showing up in your life to join you. Because they're not being used to fill a void, but joining with someone else that adds value to their own life as well (whole is greater than the sum kind of thing). You kinda can't skip that first step though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#143 Dec 09 2016 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
You have to be able to give to someone else in equal amounts to what you get from them. You are spending far too much time trying to think about how other people can make you feel a bit better about yourself than in doing something to improve your own self, independent of others. And I get that this may seem like an easier fix. But it's not really going to work. You really do need to focus on how to get your own life going in the right direction first, and once you do you honestly wont feel the need to fill it up with other people as you seem to be doing. You'll be satisfied, maybe even happy, with your own self.

Ironically, once you do that is when others will start showing up in your life to join you. Because they're not being used to fill a void, but joining with someone else that adds value to their own life as well (whole is greater than the sum kind of thing). You kinda can't skip that first step though.

I actually think about that a lot, but it seems like a bit of a paradox. --that I need to somehow get myself into a state where I no longer have any need for anyone else, and only then will there be anyone available-- but by then it won't even matter because I have no need for them.

I kind of felt like I was already at that point, really. I was doing fine until I met someone I had such interest in, and everything just started slowly falling apart the more I became attached to that person. It's like a cycle. Nearly every place I have ever gone to school or worked at has had a person that had that kind of effect. This just happened to be the first one who ever invited me anywhere or ever expressed any interest in talking to me at all before deciding I was not up to her standards, which made it particularly devastating, because I thought maybe this one would be different.

The more time I spend not associated with said person, the less it seems to matter. As of today, I have more or less fallen back into my regular routine, only different-- because if I had never met Acid Wolf and none of that ever happened, I would never have felt the need to go back to school or pursue any kind job beyond being a male housewife for the rest of my life.

The way it's set up, I only take one class at a time in increments of 4 weeks. The next class begins January 9th. Odds seem fairly high I will eventually meet yet another person I become emotionally invested in who wants nothing to do with me. I will then spend weeks, months or years hoping senpai will notice me and tormenting myself over it all over again. I don't know how to prepare for that, or how to stop it from happening again and again.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#144 Dec 10 2016 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Good news! Apparently magic mushrooms cure depression. If you have cancer.

I'm not sure I'd recommend getting cancer as step one to cure depression, though.
#145 Dec 12 2016 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
Wants you as a new recruit!
17,417 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
hoping senpai will notice me .


Edited, Dec 12th 2016 10:00am by Sogoro
Bringing derailâ„¢ back.
Smiley: canada
Qui s'estime petit deviendra grand.
#146 Dec 12 2016 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
I actually think about that a lot, but it seems like a bit of a paradox. --that I need to somehow get myself into a state where I no longer have any need for anyone else, and only then will there be anyone available-- but by then it won't even matter because I have no need for them.

There's a difference between need and want. There's a range between the two terms that typically measures the degree to which one thing is seen as a bonus to your life (want) versus harm to your life if absent (need). You need food. You need shelter. You want the latest cool game. You want to date a supermodel. It's normal and natural to want to interact with other people and gain enjoyment from that interaction. It's not so normal to need specific interactions with specific people to such a degree that you feel like your entire life is meaningless and/or worthless unless you get that interaction.

I really do think that most of this is just about how you're framing these things in your own mind. There's always value in those relationships, but you can't put them ahead of things that you actually "need". They are bonuses to your life. They are not required for you to have a life though. And I do think that once you find that balance within your own life, you'll find that it's a lot easier to engage in relationships, specifically because you are no longer projecting a "needy" aspect at the other person. Most people can sense that and will pull away from it (and the ones who don't are probably not people you want to be in any kind of close relationship with).

That's the theory anyway. Life is not super predictable.

The way it's set up, I only take one class at a time in increments of 4 weeks. The next class begins January 9th. Odds seem fairly high I will eventually meet yet another person I become emotionally invested in who wants nothing to do with me. I will then spend weeks, months or years hoping senpai will notice me and tormenting myself over it all over again. I don't know how to prepare for that, or how to stop it from happening again and again.

Well, they do say that the first step is to know yourself. So you've got that covered at least! Smiley: grin
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#147 Dec 12 2016 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
gbaji wrote:
Most people can sense that and will pull away from it (and the ones who don't are probably not people you want to be in any kind of close relationship with).

I think the latter is the kind of person Red is. I don't think she belongs in the same category as the others I was talking about, and not just because of her age. She was the only person who ever actually called herself my friend and seemed to genuinely want to talk to me all the time. She would always tell me that she was a sadist and a sociopath, and it wasn't until then that I really thought about what either of those things mean. After reading up on it I realized she was probably right, but that wasn't necessarily a reason to not talk to her. I talked about this a lot in the original thread about her-- about how cruel she was towards me and my stepdaughter (and everyone), although some time after writing that thread she seemed to have toned it down a lot and seemed to become somewhat normal, although think she was actually just becoming more subtle.

I think about it a great deal, and I get the feeling a lot of the time she spent showering me with affection and giving me so much attention was so she could torment me with it later-- saying things like "I never meant any of that." "It was all a lie," etc. She would try to convince me to kill myself the day after saying she would always love me. I'm probably overthinking it. I don't know. I always thought it depended on how she was feeling that particular day, and maybe it was. I didn't take her "meanness" seriously, especially when it was directed towards me. It's funny. She always knew just what to say or do to make me incredibly angry, or happy, or miserable. I think that was one of the things I admired about her-- because she knew me so well. No matter what her intentions were, it was a kind of bond I have never had with anyone before.

I think about all the time I spent talking to her on Skype or in an online game, and I'm reasonably sure that amount of time exceeds that of all the time I have ever spent talking to everyone I have ever spoken to, combined.

I think maybe that is the kind of person I am looking for, though. --sort of a vampire of emotions. Or maybe I just like being bombarded with all the attention whether it was good or bad. It seemed pretty balanced. Maybe she was just bipolar or something. She had a problem with absent seizures that might have something to do with it. It may have just been incredibly poor diet given how picky she was and how her mom would let her eat whatever she wanted no matter what time it was. I worry about her a lot. I think tomorrow I will call her landline and see how she is doing.

Edited, Dec 13th 2016 5:32am by Kuwoobie
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#148 Dec 13 2016 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
1,159 posts
Sogoro wrote:

空气太污了, 你说日本語 所以加剧. 多祝贺 虚假日本狗!

rate me down ne.

ETA: fu ck me I forgot about the de su filter.

Edited, Dec 13th 2016 5:10am by Kavekkk
Timelordwho wrote:
I'm not quite sure that scheming is an emotion.
#149 Dec 13 2016 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Sogoro wrote:
Kuwoobie wrote:
hoping senpai will notice me .

Here's a riddle for you.

Why did the weeb siege Antioch?

He thought Pope Urban II said
#150 Dec 13 2016 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
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17,417 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Sogoro wrote:
Kuwoobie wrote:
hoping senpai will notice me .

Here's a riddle for you.

Why did the weeb siege Antioch?

He thought Pope Urban II said

Like...I get the wordplay...anyhow...

Thinking anime tropes apply to one's life is a bit of a delusion. Almost like acting out in a certain way, projecting, in order for the trope to be felt in one's life. This ain't healthy.
Bringing derailâ„¢ back.
Smiley: canada
Qui s'estime petit deviendra grand.
#151 Dec 13 2016 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
Wants you as a new recruit!
17,417 posts
Kavekkk wrote:
Sogoro wrote:

空气太污了, 你说日本語 所以加剧. 多祝贺 虚假日本狗!

rate me down ne.

ETA: fu ck me I forgot about the de su filter.

Edited, Dec 13th 2016 5:10am by Kavekkk

Is your head alright? Was there a reason for bashing your head into your keyboard while using google translate?
Bringing derailâ„¢ back.
Smiley: canada
Qui s'estime petit deviendra grand.
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