It's been about 3 years since I built this rig, and I am starting to feel like it could use an upgrade.
Pretty sure I have a 750 watt corsair power supply
XFX ATI Radeon HD 5850 1 GB Video Card
A gigabyte 333 motherboard (pretty sure there is more info needed than that but don't know it offhand)
Currently chugging away with just 2GB of Ram since the other 2GB fried (ripjaw something or other)
AMD Phenom II X4 955 processor
Running windows 7 64 bit (pretty sure I have no clue where the disc/reg code is so if I had to reinstall I'd have to re-buy, though I could look for it, I don't really throw discs out)
Some ****** hardrive that is under 1 TB (and a back up external harddrive to help protect my media)
CD rom drive, peripherals etc
I think I could scrape together 500 bucks or so in the next couple months. Would I be able to buy anything with that to make this noticeably better other than the obvious RAM? I mainly use it for surfing and FFXI and some more current games like Civ5 etc - before the RAM kicked the bucket most everything ran pretty fine, but I'm wondering if 500 or so would make a difference. I also wouldn't mind getting a new case and/or liquid cooling because this thing sounds like an airplane sometimes.