My current build is 2.5 years old and it's time, time, time to consider replacing the motherboard and CPU. The CPU is a piddly AMD Athlon x4 and it's struggling with FFXIV ARR.
I've got a lot more money to play with than usual (budgeted at $600 for this!) so I want to do it right.
This combo looks sexy to me:
I don't know that much about the i7 series (I've been an AMD user for a decade) and while I've done some comparisons, I'm still not 100% sure the Haswell is the best bang for the buck. If I go for the 6 core Extreme i7s I spill over budget by way too much, however, but I'd rather go ahead and get the latest and greatest since I can actually afford it for once. I'd like to get another 3 years out of this build before I start over from scratch.
The remaining components in the box will be the same as before. That is, a Radeon HD 7770 video card, 16 GB of DDR, a 128 GB SSD and a secondary 1TB media drive, and an 800 watt PSU, running on Windows 8 Pro.
The existing motherboard and processor will be cannibalized and stuffed into my media center PC so I'll need a new midsize case for that too, but that's it's own project for later.