Back when I got my new 580, I decided to monitor the temperatures a bit more, keep an eye on how things are going. My two 8800s burned up previously.
I notice when I start playing games that the temperature will increase, up to about 60-65C but the default automatic fan control will only increase very slightly. I rarely see it above 55%. If I turn on manual control and increase it up to 70-75%, the noise level is not that different, but the temps drop to about 45-50C. Everything I've read about the cards say 60-70C range is not going to hurt it. But I'm just curious if there was a way to modify how fast it ramps up? I remember before I swapped the graphics cards, when ever I did any graphics intensive games the fans would wind up to nearly 100% and my case sounded like a jet engine. Now it just barely increases if I'm playing games.
Currently using Nvidia Control Panel for the fan stuff and GPU-Z to monitor temperatures.