TL;DR - Trying to recover files from wife's internal hard drive, I have 3.5" external -usb hard drive enclosure, intend on clean install of win 7 after files recovered
OK, so full story. About 3 days ago the wife was playing Diablo 3 and she complained of the game freezing/locking for up to 4-5 minutes, then eventually unlocking but still stuttering/lagging. She rebooted PC etc while I was at work to try to clear it up, but no luck. I get home and network connection is gone but her PC is at the desktop. I copy files across to her computer and begin running scans and trying to clear it up. Below is what was done to the hard drive up to the point where I could no longer get it to boot up in safe mode or normal mode.
Cleared Firefox history
Cleared IE history
Tried to run ipconfig /flushdns - received (Could not flush the DNS Resolve Cache: Funciton failed during execution)
Ran GooredFix ( )
Ran TDDSKiller (no threats found)
Ran MBRCheck
Disabled any proxy settings in Firefox/IE
Installed CCLeaner/ran it
Disabled UAC then rebooted computer - computer no longer booted up at this point
After messing with the computer settings for awhile trying to get it to boot up in any mode, safe or otherwise, I eventually just took the hard drive out and connected it the sata6 port on my motherboard just to try to get files off then install win 7. I already had a second HD on my computer and it was working, so all I did was unplug the sata cable from my current 2nd hd and plug in her HD to same port. At this point my computer would not boot.. I received windows XP splash screen, then screen would stay black awhile (20min?), and it would eventually go into the windows repair , would look like it's doing things, but it would freeze on the screen indefinitely. At that point I got my extrnal HD enclosure and connected it...the computer picks up the HD (you can see the installation and recognition of hard drive in bottom right along with audible USB plug in sound), then says device ready to use. I open up My Computer and all I see is a new drive next to my C:\ drive labeled "System Reserved F:\" It says that is around 100mb in size.. if I open it up it's empty. I find this odd so I close the Explorer process and open it back up, at this point My Computer still shows the F:\ drive, but now also shows G:\ drive with no label. I cannot open this drive, the processes freezes and I have not yet been able to get a file recovery program to run on that drive without freezing when I specify the G:\ drive as the place to recover files from.
Any thoughts or advice? I'm not against clearing the drive completely, I just want to get the files off first.