This thread is entirely pointless, but I figure I'd post it just in case anyone was curious as to what goes into a higher end Watercooled Gaming PC. Pictures will likely occur at some point. This is an upgrade of my existing Primary PC, but with an entire new water cooling core to accomodate the socket 2011 I7 processor, so not all of these parts are brand new. Anyways, thats waht this thread is.
Parts list:
1 Cooler Master ACTS 840 case Modified with noise reduction mat on all available surfaces and an additional 230MM fan on the side panel.
2. Koolance RP-1200 reservoir and pump conrol unit
3. 1 3x 120mm and 1 1x 120mm radiator.
4. Koolance CPU-370 CPU block
5. 2x Koolance 580 GTX waterblock
6. Koolance MB-ASR4E water block for Rampage IV Extreme motherboard voltage regulator and northbridge
7. 1 as yet to be determined additional capacity reservoir
8. Miscelanious water cooling fittings, tubing, and tube spring to prevent collapse in bend radius segments.
9. 1 Socket 2011 core i7 processor (to be determined yet, but probably the 3930k
10. One Asus Rampage IV Extreme motherboard
11. 32GB ram (24 existing, plus another 2 sticks of 4GB each), Corsair DDR3
12. 1 Crucial 256GB SSD (existing)
13. 2x Western Digital 2TB drives in Raid 1 for Data storage. (existing)
14. 2x EVGA 580 GTX 3GB video cards (Existing)
15. 1 Soundblaster X-fi Titanium (Existing)
16 1 Enermax 1,000 watt PSU (existing)
17 1 blue ray burner (they are down to $70 these days, why not?)
18. 5 1/4" floppy disk drive just to irritate people.
19. Windows 7 Ultimate (exiting)
Build log:
4-18-2012: Case and most of the water cooling components are here. Have begun assembly of water loop, however radiators are presently backoredered. Will be placing a single 3x 120MM radiator on top with the existing 230mm fans, which end up covering it quite well with the included adaptor hardware. The back fan will also get a120mm radiator. At a rough estimate of 500 watts heat dissipation per 120mm segment of radiator, I should be able to dissipate roughly 2,000 watts of electrical heat. the additional coolant reservoir will also help conpensate for any dust issues throughout the life of the case. I plan to mount the secondary reservoir on the removable motherboard tray to keep the 5/14" bays clear. New for this build I am going to use quick disconnect fittings for almost everything. The Koolance generation III ones seem to have matured to the point where they are quite safe and effective. I do need to figure out the loop cooling arrangement. as it sits now, the top radiator will be higher than the theoretical fill point of the pump unit. Which makes unscrewing the pump fill port extremely inadvisable, and will also make water level checks somewhat problematic.Given normal water evaporation rates in a closed loop system that should not be an issue provided I service the loop yearly, as I currently do anyways.
I've decided to runa single loop. The 580 GTX's don't actually generate that much heat compared to say a 280 GTX, so I think I won't have any problems. I can always put the CPU and Motherboard on its own loop later if I detect a problem.
Motherboard should be the next major component to arive. The CPU's are still being somewhat difficult to locate. I lucked out in that I was able to find a second 580 GTX with 3GB onboard video ram for a veeeery good price, so I will have 6GB of video ram available via SLI.
Will post some pictures once i have the interesting bits in the chassis