Hey hey everyone. Well, here I am, think I'm finally ready to start getting pieces to build a new desktop together.
As for gaming wise, what I am looking for is something that would work with XIV. I totally understand it's a horrible game, everyone hates it, etc etc, but since it's free I would like to try it out. lol Doesn't have to be high-end, or super special but long as I could run XIV comfortably that works.
I do figure if I can run XIV, I can run just about any other game I'd like to play, which is Aion at the moment. Something I played before, and thinking about getting back too since it was a fun game.
Now for what I'm looking for spec wise~
I'd like to limit myself to about $1000.. though I would like to spend less if possible.
What I'm asking for is pretty simple;
As for as Mobo/CPU/Graphics card I'm sure ya'll can do really well with that. AMD/Intel is ya'lls decision, I've never personally been dissapointed by either. and I have Windows 7 Home edition to install.
Only things I'm interested in is
600~1TB HDD
6-8GB Ram (but I've heard that in a lot of cases 8GB becomes semi useless)
Will need a wireless card, and at least 2 USB slots, and I guess a DVD R/W Drive so I can install Windows and Aion.. otherwise I most likely won't use it.. lol
and my biggest thing is, I want a spiffy case that glows and does weird things with lights.. lol
Examples of cases: #1 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147145&cm_re=gaming_case-_-11-147-145-_-Product
#2 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811208034&cm_re=gaming_case-_-11-208-034-_-Product
Doesn't have to be those specifically, but I don't want to really pay over $100 for just a case. I do think I like the red LED lights more.. but either way.
Really hope to find what I'm looking for here. Thanks to all responses. I really do hope to start working on this soon.