Looking to upgrade my router but as usual so many options and prices and not sure what I need and don't need. Basically my network will be Two pc's with basic wireless - n network cards. I plan to move my router and modem into my living room (about 20 foot away from the pc's) so range shouldn't be a real issue. I also plan to plug in my Xbox 360 with a wired connection and my tv with a wired connect. Most I would ever plan to run on it at once would prob be using my tv to browse netflix/youtube and both pc's playing a MMORPG (WOW, STO, EQ2, whatever). At the moment I have a cheap Linksys 2.4ghz wireless-G router. It works fine if there is just basic internet browsing on the two PC's but it really lags out alot when trying to play online games right now.
I have seen Linksys Wireless N routers ranging from $50 up well past $150 but I don't know what the extra features are and if I really need them. I know one of the features the more expensive ones advertise is greater range. I don't think Range is a problem like I said 20foot max is about all it has to do, even the most basic should go well past that? After reading reviews on the Linksys wireless n routers I see a lot of bad reviews claiming it drops connections and needs reset often. That is one thing about my current router I haven't ever had to reset the connect on it and don't want to get into something that is going to require me to start.
I don't care to spend closer to $100 on a newer one if it is going to be a good one but I just don't' want to pay extra for something that isn't going to do me any good.
So anybody have some suggestions? Fairly easy to use would be a plus. Iam not stupid when it comes to setting up a router but I am far from an advanced user.