Hello everyone. I'm pretty computer stupid, and I think I might have something wrong. I was playing FFXI today, and I got a red-dot of disconnect. I was irritated at first, but I figured I would just log back in and continue on my way. Well then the problems started. I couldn't get connected to the internet at all. The wireless I connect to still had a strong signal, so I should have been able to connect just fine. Like I said, I'm computer dumb, so I did the only thing I knew to do - I rebooted! When I did, I opened firefox to see if I could connect, and it told me thank you for installing the google search bar. I hadn't installed anything, I hadn't downloaded anything, I was just playing my game and got disconnected. I didn't think much of it until my computer froze, so i had to hard reset it. After logging back on, the problem got worse. Now I couldn't connect on Firefox at all. If I logged in with internet explorer, I could browse pages, but it was just really really slow. Then if I would open Firefox at all, I could no longer do anything on the internet. That scared me because I thought I might have a virus or something, so I ran my spybot - Search and Destroy, and a few things came up, I removed them. The issue continued, so I uninstalled firefox.
After that, I was able to use internet explorer a little bit, but it still wasn't very fast. Since I was able to connect though, I ran an update for search and destroy, and now i'm getting a lot more things to remove. I also redownloaded and reinstalled Firefox, but so far I'm still not able to connect to any pages using it.
Can anyone suggest anything? Also if I shouldn't be using Search & Destroy, what should I use. Please bear in mind I am internet stupid, so if you have a direct link, I'd be very appreciative. I have the next 2 days off, and I can't spend them sitting at home unable to play, or I might go crazy!
Thanks in advance, and sorry for wall-o-text,