I was wondering if any one here could help me with this problem.
As of last night, our modem decided to stop sending info to the router. We can still get internet plugging directly into the modem. We've also been having sporadic disconnects by the modem a lot in the past week or so, this is why I think it's the modem dying and not the router. Also because we've tried 2 routers and neither are working.
We have a dlink604E and a Blitzz BWA721, and our modem is a Motorola SB5102.
I've logged onto the dlink and checked to see if there was firmware to update, I've ran cable checks, updates and whatnot, and as far as I can tell, the router is working fine. Also various stages of plugged and unplugged o_O...
I'm basically looking for a conformation that it's my modem and not the routers. If anyone could help me with this I'd be extremely grateful.