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nvidia 9800 GTX with FFXI?Follow

#1 Sep 05 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
Just got a new machine, kept XP on it and have had no problems with any games, wow, crysis, etc. Installed FFXI and I can't even get the Playonline launcher to show up. When I doubleclick the POL icon, it starts the app, I can hear the super fast paced music, but can't see anything, it looks like I'm just sitting at my desktop.

I did a BUNCH of digging, found the 175.16 forceware driver, where someone else said ffxi was playing fine for them here:;mid=121463837730888430

Any ideas? Doesn't make any sense at all to me why a newer graphics card with older drivers can't play a 5 year old game ( actually, the 8 bit loading screen even )...
#2 Sep 08 2008 at 9:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,086 posts
Greeting Aergis!

FFXI isn't the happiest game when it comes to computer hardware in general. This is for several reasons, but one of those definitely involves driver support. I would recommend to update drivers for everything and anything in your system. While the problem may be a graphics issue, it could stem from motherboard drivers being out of date.

May I ask where you got the machine from? One of the problems with purchasing pre-built systems is all the extra programs the sellers will add to them. You don't need half of the programs, which are a good possibility for causing the problems you are experiencing. If you can, reinstall the system fresh with just the operating system and software YOU want, not what the manufacturer wants you to see ;).

Also, check if FFXI has any sort of file for keeping graphics settings. Usually these are found in *.ini files There may be a resolution conflict. Set the resolution and graphics settings to a low level before attempting to access the game.

#3 Sep 09 2008 at 5:57 AM Rating: Good
If you still haven't gotten it working yet, I would remove POL completely, and do a fresh install of it. (Note: Try only removing and reinstalling POL viewer for now) Also as suggested above, update your forceware to the latest version from the nVidia website. Though that should have nothing to do with running POL and more so FFXI. But its worth a shot.

Also if this is a "home built" PC, check to make sure your memory voltages are set properly in the BIOS to what the memory manufacturer states them. That auto detect BS doesn't always work, and although your OS may run stable, it will give random crashes and glitches with other programs.
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