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System Performance GuideFollow

#1 May 17 2008 at 10:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,086 posts
Welcome to Allakhazam's System Performance Guide! We will be updating this guide on a weekly basis (Sundays) to include hardware deals, recommended hardware and software purchases, and ways to tweak your system for optimal gameplay experiences.

Whether you are building a new system, upgrading an existing system, or curious on how you may be able to tweak it a little bit better to lower lag in the latest games, this is the guide for you. This guide is not MMOG exclusive, although we will focus on performance settings that are often found in online games. Consider our suggestions as valid to any PC games you may be playing. We will note when MMOGs are payed special attention to a specific component or category.

Please reply to this thread for any comments and suggestions you might have for the guide, including submitting weekly component deals! If you have your own separate PC related concerns that do not involve the hardware and software mentioned in the guide, we ask that you please post a new thread or reply to an appropriate existing thread in this forum.

Thanks, and welcome to the weekly guide!:

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 10:18pm by Berek
#2 May 18 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
In the weekly deals section, you could have a part for UK/European deals. I live in the UK and Newegg won't deliver outside the US so it's kinda useless to me =P
#3 May 18 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,086 posts
Excellent suggestion. We weren't sure how to do international purchase decisions just yet, so we would be glad to add it since there is interest. Do you have any suggestions for specific sites that we might look at?
#4 May 19 2008 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
TigerDirect allows people to use Google checkout which is international.
#5 Jun 09 2008 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Your tip of the week this week is a bit incorrect.

When selecting a computer case there are three primary things to consider:

1) How large and heavy do you want it to be? Select a full-tower for space, but select aluminum material if you don't want it to be too heavy!
2) Don't need a power supply? Some cases automatically come with them!
3) Enjoy peace and quiet? Purchase a case with as many 120mm fans as possible.

1. Weight shouldnt be a factor in a case decision. You should really be looking at the size and compatibility of your devices to fit in the case. Also airflow.

2. Once again this should not be a deciding factor on a case inless you are budgeted.

3. Just because 120mm fans can pump more air quiter doesnt mean they are the best.

I looked over the guide and it really seems more of a buy this part type of thing. It doesnt give the how to spec out a computer or upgrade your machine vibe.
#6 Jun 10 2008 at 4:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,086 posts
Greetings Alobont!

The reason we recommend purchases is to spec out a new computer or for upgraded components. Without understanding in more detail the specifics of an existing system for upgrading purposes, we cannot account for any further specifics on upgrades without bloating the guide to massive proportions. If users have questions on their existing systems they can of course respond as you have. The guide is designed to be simple without too much specifics on those details. Most users won't care beyond what we recommend, and in most situations that will be sufficient.

The case recommendations are enough for what we recommend to users. Case weight can often be a consideration more than what you put in it. A 500GB hard drive vs. a 750GB hard drive for example doesn't change in weight. Everyone also needs a hard drive and will likely only have one or two, of which any case size itself is sufficient. This goes for more of the other components in a system. 120mm fans are generally recommended because they push more air and at a given rate are quieter. We simply advise users to take care when purchasing a new case in case they already have a power supply and don't want two by accident, as noted.

What we may do for next week is expand on the case recommendations to make it a little more clear their choices given a few situations they may be in. Case is indeed one of those components that can affect the rest of your system build, but only to an extent and most often in more extreme situations (such as have 1 HD vs. 6... 1 vs. 2 is not so much a needed consideration).

Thanks for the suggestions! If you have any more please let us know. What you are free to do also is add a bit within each of the component sections on your recommendations for specific components. We will be updating this as the weeks progress as well. These are the locations you will likely see the details you are talking about.


Edited, Aug 6th 2008 3:29pm by Berek
#7 Jul 18 2008 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
Would it be possible to have multiple links for reviews? I understand this isnt possible for certain items but having only one review is a bit biased.

Also would it be possible to have separate builds. What I mean is that possibly one week show parts for a low class build, say around 500 bucks. The next week open it up to 1000 bucks. The week after unlimited, or something like that. As it stands now the guide seems to be shooting for middle to low end machines.

Also, would it be possible to maybe have a post dedicated to each weeks guide so users can discuss the parts on it and what not.
#8 Jul 27 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,086 posts
Hello Alobont!

To answer your last question first, we do have the links for each component that are free for you to enter in any information you wish to. If you have video card ideas or configurations of your own, you can start building out the template on the Video Card wiki page.

Just this week we added another build option. Two configurations is really enough for 95% of users, so I doubt we'll be adding any more options beyond the two. MMO games are not that demanding, even the newer ones. The "Performance" bracket isn't suggesting ultra high-end hardware because it doesn't need to. That bracket will play any game released up to this point just fine, and for the near future. For example, I own a Radeon 4850, which is a relatively cheap card priced in the mid-range market for ATI. It runs every game I throw at it with excellent visual settings. There are of course extreme exceptions, but this is the minority.

We can certainly add multiple links, although we will likely limit it to two. We're trying to keep the "clutter" down to a minimum, but we don't want to appear biased or too limiting, so we'll be sure to add more for next week's release!

Thanks for the suggestions!
#9 Aug 17 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent

On se demandait ici, a Allakhazam, s’il y’aurait de l’intérêt pour une version françaises des articles de support technique et des rubriques d’information technologique?

Merci de nous le faire savoir! :)

#10 Aug 25 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Great writeup.

I will use this when i go to build my next PC

Might want to include Mouse/keyboards too?
#11 Sep 08 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,086 posts
I thought about a mouse/keyboard selection, but there are so many choices that are "preferences" more than actual important differences, that I thought it best to let you the user decide what you want :).
#12 Oct 26 2008 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,086 posts
I've just completed the System Component Guide in case anyone would like to understand better the pieces that go into your PC.

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 10:55am by Berek
#13 Feb 17 2009 at 1:52 AM Rating: Default
How i can increase the performance of our system.
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