So here I am, the problem is (now I re-checked and I know the REAL problem now) that I can navigate just perfect, and every single thing I do online is great.
BUT, every single game that has to do with online gaming (DAoC, WoW, Steam) is INCREDIBLY slow, up to the point where they are LITERALLY unplayable.
Whenever I connect to WoW, I enter, and I have a 5000+ ms ping, and after 40 secs (in wich time I cant do anything except move around, with no models appearing) I get DC'd.
In DAoC it takes a LONG time to do all the stuff, and when I finnaly click "Play" It gets stuck in the loading screen, and it doesnt move.
On steam, the updating progress takes up to 6 hours, in wich time I have to re-launch it over and over because it gets stuck and goes back to 0%, and loads about 10% more each time. Only had the patience to download it all once, and when I did, EVERY SINGLE GAME had a 700+ ms ping. TF2, CS:S, GMod10, but I was able to play HL2 (not online, just the single player) perfectly.
I do speedtests online and my download and upload seem perfect, just about 200kb below my max (wich is absolutely normal).
I dont know if theres something in my Registry, or something that I could have changed accidentally.
I need severe help.
Im begging you Alla, save me from the boringness.
Edit: deleted all the now useless info.
Edited, Apr 2nd 2008 5:18am by GigglesThePig