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WoW freezingFollow

#1 Nov 22 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
As the subject says, when I'm playing Wow, the game (the whole computer actually)freezes up on me occasionally. There is no apparent reason and it happens quite randomly.
It only seems to do it with WoW, and after hard booting it back up, it will sometimes freeze up again after Windows (Xp w/SP2) loads, or very soon after logging back into WoW. This process is sometimes repeated 4 or 5 times, making it frustrating to the say the least.
I can be playing for hours on end with no issues, and then one day ii will freeze a lot.

My system is about 4 years old, and AMD Athlon XP2500, 1.83 Ghz with 1 Meg of Ram, and a ATi Radeon AGP 9250 video card (128 mb).

I have been perusing the forums lately as I have been contemplating a new system, but am loathe to buck up just to feed my damn addiction.
After reading some of the posts, my 18-31 frame rate I thought was great seems pretty **** poor. I have just defrag'd my miniscule hard drive (16gb free space), and will shut off my virus scanner while playing to see if this helps, and I have installed spyware nerfing stuff as well.

I'm a CAD guy by trade, and tend to break more things that I fix when attempting computer repairs, but any insight would be appreciated.
#2 Nov 24 2007 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Do you get any error messages when it locks on you? Also, can you alt+tab out or ctrl+alt+del to bring up your task manager? If it only happens in WoW, I am more inclined to think it's related to your video/DirectX/OpenGL than a system issue without more details. You may want to also run Dxdiag and check the video tests on that.

To run dxdiag, click start - run and type in dxdiag and click ok.
Let it fully load up then click the DirectX tab. Look there for any errors.
Next, click the Display tab and under the DirectX features, run the tests there.

Offhand, I would recommend a fresh install of DirectX and a check for an updated driver for the Radeon first off to eliminate a driver issue. The version I just put on one of my machines is 6.11 I think. Here is a link to their drivers section:

For the game, I would suggest trashing your WTF and any add-ons and try running the game "vanilla" to see if this continues.
#3 Nov 28 2007 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
807 posts
The comp would completely lock up and have to be reset/rebooted. There was no error messages at all, would just be happily playing along and then it was like Simon said FREEZE.

I have bought a new 512mb radeon card, and that seems to have solved, or at least hidden the problem anyways.
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