You can try going into your router configuration and making the following changes:
1. On your router. If you have the option to add "Applications & Gaming" ports. Enter POLBOOT.EXE with port range of 50000 - 65535 protocols are “BOTH†(tcp/udp) and then what ever IP address of your machine is.
2. On your router, again. If you have the option to add "Applications & Gaming" ports. Enter POL.EXE with port range of 50000 - 65535 protocols are “BOTH†(tcp/udp) and then what ever IP address of your machine is.
3. On your firewall you must add the above two applications you set in your router, now on your firewall. You should be able to add polboot.exe and pol.exe to a list of programs your Firewall permits and denies. For these two programs you want to "Permit All" for their "Internet Access".
That or you can also try unplugging power to the modem and the router, let them stay off for 30 seconds, then plug the cable modem in and plug the router back in.