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New comp won't run ffxi..Follow

#1 Dec 27 2006 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, I've been having this ongoing problem ever since I had my new system built. Backstory: I've been playing FFXI on PC since NA launch, I guess a little over 3 years now. Recently, the motherboard on my computer died (ide controller went bad) and I wasn't able to replace it, due to it having been discontinued in favor of the newer Intel chipsets, so I decided to build a new system. The specs for the new system are as follows:

Mobo: Asus P5B-E
Video: GeForce 7600 GT (run through dual 19" Viewsonic CRTs)
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4GH
OS: XP Pro sp2
HDD: 2x 500gb Mirrored

...and FFXI won't run on my computer at all for some reason. Screen just goes black and the app hangs whenever the game goes from POL to fullscreen mode. I've installed like 3 sets of appropriate drivers (including the Forceware 91.47 drivers that SE told me to try using), I've uninstalled/reinstalled four times, I've defragged the HDDs. At first, it was thought to be a problem with the video card itself, so I replaced it and that was not the cause. I run a few high-end graphics programs such as 3ds MAX, Maya, Poser, etc, and everything else functions normally. The monitors are from my last system, which ran the game for 3 years just fine, so I know it's not a monitor problem. As I said, this is a brand-spanking new rig, so it isn't anything being caused by a virus either. I've run burn-in tests on my hardware, and everything seems to be running in perfect condition, I've run the video stability test that Nvidia told me to try using, and the card seems to be functioning at normal standards.

I can enter POL normally, like I said, and as soon as I hit the "Play" button and the game enters fullscreen mode, my main monitor goes black and that's it. No sound, no error, just a black screen. I have to close the program from the Windows Task Manager.

Also, when using the FFXI Config utility, if I click the button for "Configure Gamepad", it also hangs, but I'm not sure if the 2 problems are related. I use a ps2 controller running through a KiKy ps2 > usb adapter that has worked beautifully for years. I know it isn't malfunctioning because I can go to the Windows Game Controllers menu and it works perfectly and shows no errors. I also end up having to close the FFXIgamepad menu from the Task Manager in order to get back to the FFXI Config utility.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I read a few of the threads, but it doesn't seem like anyone is having this exact same problem with all of the "quick fixes" appearing to be normal. I've spoken w/ SE and Nvidia, and no one really has been able to offer me anything. I love my FFXI, having played it since the day it came out and devoted a lot of time to my character, so this problem is really starting to stress me out.

Please help...
#2 Dec 27 2006 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
Does your machine run Prime95 for at least 6 hours? I am thinking there is a hidden hardware issue which is royally ******** your computer up. Also start DR.Watson and then check your logs there and also any other error monitoring tools you have to at least get the problem down to a error code.

If you get an error code or even some debug information post it here and I can take a look at it. I am not the best programmer in the world but I might be able to figure something out for you, or at least point you in the right direction.
#3 Dec 27 2006 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
I don't have Prime95 or Dr.Watson yet, but I'll get right on getting them, because I have a suspicion that you're right and there's something seriously wrong going on that just hasn't surfaced yet. As of right now, the only tests I have are Burn-In which was run for 3 days consecutively with 0 errors, and FreeStoneGroup's Video Card Stability Test, which I ran for about 3 hours with 0 errors.

On a side note, I dug a little deeper into the forum and found a couple others who had the same problem as me, but no one ever replied to them, lol. So not much help there.

Edit: Actually, I found something called "Asus Smart Doctor" on my computer, so I tried running that and before the app would even open, I got a box saying "Error: Can not find graphics card information."


Edited, Dec 27th 2006 4:09am by Arcarot
#4 Dec 27 2006 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
DR.Watson is actually a built in feature in Windows XP, it's just an error logging program.

Yeah actually I have an issue I am about to post also, been a little issue nothing serious like yours however.
#5 Dec 27 2006 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, I located Dr.Watson also and as soon as I click on it, it just says "No Faults Detected" and shuts itself down.

The Asus Smart Doctor still isn't detecting a graphics card.

So wierd.
#6 Dec 27 2006 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
wait wait wait it's not detecting your graphics card at all? o.O;

Check the device manager and see if Windows is able to see it.

I have a really really bad feeling your motherboard has a short. Electrical shorts are a pain in the *** as they will let your system run normally but out of no where run itself into a brick wall for "fun".

Does your case by chance if you touch the metal while it's on feel like there is a electrical current going thru it?
#7 Dec 27 2006 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, it's strange, Windows can see it just fine (it's in device manager, display properties, dxdiag, etc).

It's just the ASUS Smart Doctor program, when I click on it to make it run, I get that error: can not find graphics card information.
#8 Dec 27 2006 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
What version Drivers are you running on that machine?

What version ASUS Doc are you running?

Maybe ASUS is not compatible with the 7900+ cards in that version you have. I ran into this issue with a few of my hardware loggers when I setup my 7950's.

I would try to change your drivers on your video card, either upgrade or downgrade as I know some of the Nvidia cards have issues with FFXI, namely 7900 and also 6600 from what I have read.
#9 Dec 27 2006 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
I'm actually using a 7600 GT, and before I replaced it, it was actually an ASUS made Nvidia card, so I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible.

For my vid card, I'm currently running Nvidia beta drivers (.9381), I've also tried the .9147 drivers and another set as well (can't remember exactly which off the top of my head).

How do I check the ASUS doc version?
#10 Dec 27 2006 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
Download the 93.71 Drivers from Nvidia. I know those things are stable with FFXI because they are the ones I am currently running. I have seen them work on my 7950's both in SLI and single mode along with an 8800 and 6600GT.

for ASUS doc checking the version should be in the about menu, somewhere. . . to be honest I think I used it once if that. I usually for Graphics don't rely on other tools as they seem to cause more issues then they fix.

Yeah sorry I just saw you said 7600 >< my bad, I am at work and semi tired after a 16 hour shift.

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 1:40pm by xXBijiontXx
#11 Dec 27 2006 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
I just checked out which drivers I've tried, and they are:
91.47 (SE recommended)
92.91 (original drivers)
93.81 (current driver, beta)

None of those made any difference in running FFXI. On a sidenote, I have also tried benchmarking the system via the latest version of FFXI Benchmarker on POL main site. Ran it in hi-res mode and benchmarked way over the "acceptable" rate, no problems w/ any of the onscreen graphics during the benchmark program.

Just downloaded some program called Probe II from ASUS tech support, hoping maybe it will help me pinpoint *some* kind of error, because at the moment, every test I've run has basically said "Your computer is working perfectly in every way" whereas FFXI is saying "There's something horribly, horribly wrong", lol.

Thank you so much for your help, I really don't have any idea where to look.
#12 Dec 27 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah, I also meant to mention that I think the Asus Smart Doctor program is set up to run with the old card (the Asus-made card that originally came w/ the system), I checked out what it was on their site and it just says it's there to monitor the card and make sure everything's still "safe" after overclocking it.

So that's most likely why it can't detect the card's info, I installed a retail-bought Nvidia card (exact same card, only difference was that the ASUS one had dual DVI outputs whereas this one has 1 VGA and 1 DVI out)
#13 Dec 27 2006 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
OK well let's take a summary to see what we missed~

-video drivers are fine
-no error's seen by dr.watson
-machine hangs with no error codes

Have you checked your volt's yet? I highly doubt this is the cause as sags and spikes in power do hardware damage not software damage.

Have you ran a virus application? such as to see if there is something your installed virus program isn't catching. This again is a far reach. . .

Ok ethics aside have you tried using/not using windower? I know there were some issues with windower along the same lines when there was an update which there so happens to have been today.

umm got a big hammer handy? That is about what I would resort to >:D

I will be checking this thread for the next hour then I need to crash for some sleep. If it's not fixed when I get up I will try and post some more ideas once my brain has had some sleep.
#14 Dec 27 2006 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
Haha, I run Norton normally, but I did go so far as to see if there was something it missed and nada there..

The Probe II prog seems to be some kind of hardware monitor utility, and using that, I can say that my voltage is fine.

I was also able to see that my BIOS version is 0407 and was able to download an 0706 version, which I am assuming is an update. Do you think upgrading the BIOS might help? The tiny problem with that is there is no floppy drive on this machine, only a cd/dvd writer combo (lol, yes I sorta overlooked this when having the system built.. I kinda assumed that a floppy drive would be a given..)

I'm pretty sure that in order to update the BIOS version, I need to load it onto a floppy and boot that from DOS. I'm not sure what else to expect, it's not going to try to do something sadistic like reformat my hdds or anything like that, will it?

Edit: Ethics aside, I've tried both with and without Windower (3 versions, too!), the only difference is that w/out Windower it goes to black screen and with Windower, the app and cursor disappear leaving only the tab on the taskbar. The cursor reappears once I manually close Windower (ie: FFXI) from the Task Manager.

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 5:18am by Arcarot
#15 Dec 27 2006 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
Hammer time. . . and no not the song XD

Strange. . . so should I say VooDoo

Yes usually to do a BIOS update you will need a floppy unless you have an ASUS board in which case they have a BIOS loader for their boards.

*Injects caffeine in his arm*

Have you ran Windows update yet? I am curious to see if it picks up any hardware updates and such.

When it loads, on the bottom on the taskbar does one or two tabs open? I remember there being a huge problem with Playonline loading an extra FFXI instant or something to that effect and it just hangs the system for the most part.

Sorry I wish I was more help, but I am running out of ideas. . . and I do computer/server troubleshooting for a living in RL. . .

Worst Case Senario do a Image of your currect setup then blow away your computer's OS and start from scratch. Then once you install just drivers the first thing you install is FFXI and see if it works.

Wish I had more suggestion at this time for you.
#16 Dec 27 2006 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
Oh, you've been a lot of help! Hell, you've certainly provided me with a lot more clues than anyone on all of SE, Nvidia, and Asus's support staff combined in just this thread, lol.

I'm going to see if I can get the floppy drive out of my old system and pop that into this one (it is an Asus board, but I think I'm just more comfortable working from a boot disk as I have no idea how this BIOS loader works).

As for the tab in taskbar, it was only one tab, the normal Azaril one that I'm used to, didn't seem like any problems w/ it (well, except the whole "no game where there should be one" thing.. but that's hardly the windower's fault).

Yeah, I'm pretty stumped myself, I'm no guru when it comes to hardware (I'm a computer artist, software's more my thing, lol), but I know a few things from years of having upgraded and played w/ "high-end" machines, and I've never come across anything like this, really.

All systems say go. FF says no.

Ah well, I'll upgrade the BIOS asap and see if that helps the problem any.
#17 Dec 27 2006 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
I'm going to see if I can get the floppy drive out of my old system and pop that into this one (it is an Asus board, but I think I'm just more comfortable working from a boot disk as I have no idea how this BIOS loader works).

If you can't get a Floppy transplant the BIOS loader is pretty easy. Just download it from the ASUS website and also the BIOS firmware .bin file from the site and hit upgrade. It would remind you a lot like updating a router if you have ever done that.

If you need some help with the loader I can post instructions if needed. The hardest part is trying to navigate ASUS's website to find the stupid firmware and loader. (poorly designed website if you ask me)

**Also if you post what kinda Motherboard you have I can send you a dl link I have goten use to ASUS website over time as ASUS boards are just so nice**

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 2:56pm by xXBijiontXx
#18 Dec 27 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm using an Asus P5B-E motherboard, I believe it's a socket 7..

And yes, their site could be a bit more user friendly
#19 Dec 27 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
I don't see that board on the list of socket 7's.

This link should get you to the socket 7 location
#20 Dec 27 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
Is it possible that there is an onboard video card somewhere that needs disabling?
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#21 Dec 27 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
While I suppose it's possible, it doesn't look as though the motherboard comes with any kind of onboard graphics, and no attempt to search for another card has unearthed anything but my Geforce 7600 GT.

And sorry, the motherboard is actually a Socket 775. I downloaded the Asus Update 7.05.02 and it said there was a newer version, but it couldn't find the file for it on the site. I looked for it manually and, sure enough, when I tried to download the 7.09.02, the file seems to be missing, lol. Go figure. There was some sorta notation that said to use the 7.09.02 version when updating the BIOS for my board, and I'm wondering if I use the older Asus Update version will have some sorta negative effect.
#22 Dec 27 2006 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
You went to the wrong thing I have a feeling.

Here are the direct links to what you need.

Update application~

BIOS (Latest)~

Those are direct links and should let you download them unless ASUS's website is having some issues.
#23 Dec 27 2006 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I updated the BIOS and still having same problem w/ FFXI..

lol, so I guess it's hammer time, huh?
#24 Dec 27 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
Something so stupid fixed my problem I had after talking to a Playonline rep. Take your Playonline Config and make it so the Playonline Viewer runs in fullscreen instead of the default windowed mode.

Give that a try.

Hammer is still an option as always.
#25 Dec 27 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
I tried that just now, and the app still hung.. In the taskbar, though, there were 2 tabs.. One for PlayOnlineMaskUS and another one that said something like "rprvvtg" or something.. Strange.
#26 Dec 28 2006 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,719 posts
Have you ran a program called memtest on it by chance? The POl Viewer loads into memory much like everything else. If for some reason it hangs you might have a memory issue.

Sorry for the late reply I am sitting here at work literally writing out all the processes the POL viewer does to launch FFXI.
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