Hi all,
I posted this originally in the general WoW forum, totally forgot this forum existed :-/
I've updated the post towards the end, problem affects FFXI in the same way.
Anyway, in case the other doesn't get moved I will repost here:
I'm having some WoW problems and they are starting to annoy me...
The non waffle version:
I am connected to the net through broadband (8MBit, BT ISP). The router is a BT Home Hub - which is wireless. My computer has a Belkin G+ MIMO USB Wireless Adapter to give it wireless networking support.
The computer connects to the net just fine, no problems... until I start WoW up, not tried FFXI with the wireless stuff yet so not sure if that has the same problem.
When I start WoW it will be fine for about 10-20 minutes, but suddenly the wireless adapter will disconnect itself from the router. Pulling and reconnecting the adapter fixes the problem.
I know the router is still connected to the web and functioning fine the whole time as I also have a laptop with built in wireless, they can both connect to the net at the same time, WoW will cause the desktop to go down but the laptop will be fine, totally unaffected.
The more detailed version:
Heres some background info on my setup.
I'm on BT Broadband 8MBit (England)
Using BT Home Hub (wireless router)
Have two computers - a desktop and a laptop that are online through the wireless hub/router.
The laptop is a Sony one with built in wireless support
The desktop is using a Belkin G+ MIMO USB Wireless Adapter to connect to the rub/router.
Now the problem:
Both computers connect to the net perfectly and can do so at the same time without any problems at full speed. Norton Internet Security is configured to allow WoW as per the guide on the official WoW site.
When I play WoW on the desktop the Belkin wireless adapter will loose it's connection to the hub/router. The laptop will remain connected and work fine. If I disconnect the adapter and plug it back in the connection will come back up.
WoW doesn't cut the connection right away though. It will play for about 10-20 minutes with low latency before cutting out.
One strange thing I have noticed though is that if I have WoW minimized (if I tab out) I will remain connected.
I know it's not the router cutting out as the laptop will still be connected and running fine, it's the wireless adapter on the desktop that's cutting out I think (loosing it's connection to the router).
Anyone got any ideas whats wrong and how to fix it?
Getting a bit desperate now :(
Just started FFXI up, laptop turned off, connection was fine for about 5 minutes and then the adapter dropped its connection to the hub, pulled the adapter and put it back in and the connection started up fine, so two MMO's are crashing my adapter I think.
*** note, I was using wired broadband with an ADSL modem, the modem died so I upgraded getting new wireless kit, so this is a new installation and a problem that came with it, not something that worked but now doesn't.
Edited, Oct 20th 2006 at 3:11pm PDT by RGSerge