I have reciently decided to come back to EQ. As such I installed the game/expansions and became to run the update.
It goes well until it begins to download tutorial.mp3
When it does that I get this error
File input Error
File download my be corrupt
Please notify
I tried to contact the e-mail as suggested in the patcher. The e-mail address does not exsist (I got my e-mail back)
I then tried to use the EQ message boards, where when I log in, it just puts me back as anyonomus. (I can however log in to station, look at my account, post on EQII forums)
I tried accepting all cookies and still I could not post on their tech Forums.
I looked through there knowledge base and found nothing on why this file is corrupt, or what I can do to continue the update.
If anyone can help, it would be most appreciated.
Thank you in Advance,