A couple of days ago I decided to return to playing FFXI for a little bit, when I ran into some troubles. I have not been able to connect to POL for the third day straight now, and I do not know why. I constantly get the POL-0011 error message.
I have; no firewall, no router, completed a full virus and spyware scan, called my ISP to unblock all necessary ports, and finally, taken the Connection Test from the POL Config tool. On this test I scored 0% packet loss to the POL server, with no abnormal statistics. (good pings, etc.)
I have no idea what I should do, and I was wondering if anyone that knows much about networking could lend me a helping hand here. Free cookie to anyone that solves my problem for me!
-Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: I realize that POL has been having issues lately, but everyone else has been able to connect for at least a little bit before they get booted from FFXI. I simply can't connect at all, over 3 days now.
Edited, Sat Oct 1 00:43:05 2005 by MaelstromX