Ive had my Ps2 version of ffxi for months now and until recently really tried getting it to work. After continuous failers I seek help from playstation.com. Using the 4221 and 4222 I tried again. Connected a few mins then nothing.
Fast forward a week ago. Suddenly it starts working and I do the full update and play a bit. Then just a few days later the ps2 decides to give me trouble again. I could log on for 5-15 mins max b4 getting kicked off or wouldn't let me log on and give me an error POL - 0020.
Ok so I try reconfiging my setup and nothing. I go back to my old setup and its no longer letting me on and gives me POL - 0020 every time.
I use a Linksys Router and my Ps2 is connected via wirelss game adapter. ISP Time Warner Cable.
Now I get POL-0020 whether its wireless, connected to router or connected to Modem. SE and playstation guys weren't much help.
Has anyone got an idea what might be the problem wiht my connection. btw ive verified all my equipment is ligit hardware.
/em manaa falls to the ground. -_-