This happens quite a bit after playing EQ for a bit the video freezes on my comp while playing then the graphics unfreeze and are all garbled. Tried re-logging into EQ but they are still garbled until i reboot my comp. I am running windows xp sp2, 512 mb ram, amd athalon xp processor 2.1 ghz, nVidia GeForce4 FX 5600 AGP video card 256 MB DDR. tried updating to newest drivers and rolling back to older video drivers. defragged, ran dirx diag no issues there. Happens pretty frequently while playing, kinda sucks when raiding i gotta reboot every time just so i can see. Thinking i might need new video card. If so any recommendations? Price not an issue :). This only happens while playing EQ not any other games such as diablo, diablo 2 etc ..... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also i know the game itself doesnt freeze. I 2-box on a second computer and my character is still fighting. Thanks in advance.
P.S. also happened before i upgraded to SP2 on xp
Edited, Fri Nov 5 04:05:08 2004 by souldelver
Edited, Fri Nov 5 04:08:22 2004 by souldelver