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funny little graphic problemsFollow

#1 Sep 23 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
I stopped playing ffxi for about a month or 2 and then started playing again. Ever since I started playing again I noticed a bunch of little problems with the graphics:

*when pressing numpad 5 to switch to 1st/3rd person view, my character has a lot of lines of transparency going through him as he is fading in/out.

*In the radar, NPC and PC dots show, but the red dots that show enemies do not.

*When NPCs/PCs/Enemies come close enough to enter my viewing radius, they flicker from invisible to visible for a while before becoming stable in my vision, instead of simply fading in as they used to.

*whenever I press numpad 5 when a special graphic effect is in view(spell effect, valkrum beach, home point, etc.) the effect appears over the whole screen in a checkered manner while my character is fading in/out.

*the Carbuncle graphic will sometimes not be visible on the screen, but only his background glowing effect.

I have a GeForce FX 5200....PCI...but my card did work perfectly fine with FFXI before and still works perfectly fine with other high graphic games on my I know it isnt that my card cant handle it. anyway if you have advice for me id appreciate it. thanks.
#3 Sep 27 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts

*when pressing numpad 5 to switch to 1st/3rd person view, my character has a lot of lines of transparency going through him as he is fading in/out.

*When NPCs/PCs/Enemies come close enough to enter my viewing radius, they flicker from invisible to visible for a while before becoming stable in my vision, instead of simply fading in as they used to.

*whenever I press numpad 5 when a special graphic effect is in view(spell effect, valkrum beach, home point, etc.) the effect appears over the whole screen in a checkered manner while my character is fading in/out.

I also have all 3 of these problems and through a bit of testing have found that they are caused by the current Nvidia drivers version 61.76 and 61.77. I tried a few slightly older versions of the drivers and these problems went away, however a few other problems surfaced, so I went back to the current version.


*In the radar, NPC and PC dots show, but the red dots that show enemies do not.

Only a few jobs are able to see the red dots on radar. Thief and Beastmaster are two that I know offhand.
#4 Oct 04 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ive been having the same issues and came to the same conclusion that its the Nvidia drivers that where released not to long ago. But if you roll the drivers back there are worse problems that surface so just hope Nvidia get a new driver package rolled out soon and deal with it.
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