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Windows XP Service Pack 2 and FFXIFollow

#1 Aug 25 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
157 posts
I don't know for certain if the service pack is to blame for my problem, but it seems like an unusual coincidence that the problems began immediately after my husband installed the service pack on his machine.

Any advice would be appreciated, or it would at least be nice to know if anyone else is experiencing similar problems and whether or not they have installed the service pack too.

Ever since my husband installed it on his machine, the both of us have been disconnecting (R-->0) every 2-5 minutes in the game. We are having no problems with our internet connection and I don't see any other complaints from other players so it doesn't appear to be a widespread problem with the FFXI servers.

He said when he started up Playonline and a dialog box came up he chose the "Unblock" option.

We use a Linksys Router with recent firmware and we have cable internet. We have had our two computers with FFXI (and XP) hooked up to the router since October and never had any problems. We had the right ports open and I think we had to put the my husband's machine in the DMZ to get it to work for both of us. After he installed the service pack he had to disable the firewall and re-open the ports.

The problem affected both me and my husband although I did not install the service pack. It is currently not compatible with my video card so I did not install it. But even when we hooked up my computer directly to our modem I still had connection problems.

We also tried various other configurations such as trying to connect with my machine and the router with my husband's machine turned off. We tried with each of our computer's in the DMZ.

So I don't know what to conclude, because my machine still disconnected even when it bypassed the router and did not have the service pack installed.

Any ideas?
#3 Aug 26 2004 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
/huh Didnt seem to understand that reply, anywho im having the same problem. Ill get into FF, less than 3-4 mins later, error message. Im pretty sure its that damn service pack, Nothing like this ever happend up until after the install. (help me out!)
#4 Aug 26 2004 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
Nvm! I just uninstalled it. This service pack sucks, by all means DONT download it if you play FF. It'll give ya nothin but trouble.
#5 Aug 27 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
460 posts
Something is fishy with XP-SP2. In my office, our IT guys did a test of XP-SP2 for all the software that we use to make sure it wont mess anything up. Most of our network based software starting crapping out after SP2 and even rendered some Dell laptops unbootable.

So our official memo issued to us by our IT dept is that do not install XP-SP2 until they determine if that is in fact the cause of the network features to crap out.

If SP-2 can ***** up mission critical software, then chances are it could also mess up an entertainment based software such as FFXI.
#6 Aug 28 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
how do you uninstall it? do you use the rollback or the Windows Set back thingy @_@

edit: the only problem i've been having is with Windows Media Player, for some reason it wont maximize, all i can see is this shotty little screen in the bottomright that is always filled with green and red lines... this Service Pack sucks... and people said it would be good...

btw: the reason the popup came up and asked if you wanted to unblock it is because POL automaticly connects to the internet and webpages( to get updates/patches...

Windows Is R Sux0rs... they should release FFXI on mac =/

Edited, Sat Aug 28 18:03:29 2004 by Azngard
#7 Sep 01 2004 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I have SP2 play FF and EQ and surf net reg I have yet to have any problems. Open the Control Panel and add/remove programs it at bottom of list it archives old Win patchs will just roll it back.

Edited, Wed Sep 1 05:24:08 2004 by Buffeer
#8 Sep 01 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
No problems yet either, but a suggestion is to check to see if windows is using its built in firewall by mistake... this could be causing the disconnection problems.
#9 Sep 05 2004 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
I'm using the same router as you are I think and have been getting kicked off the game every 5 or 10 minutes, this is even with all the right UDP and TCP ports open that FF uses. Hooked my cable straight into my PC and it ran fine. Hooked router back up and boom got disconnected again. Went into router settings and turned off the firewall, for now Smiley: cry. I still have Zone Alarm Pro, logged back in game and presto, I know now it has something to do with the firewall in my router...

The model im using is BEFSX41 with firmware up to date

I have not downloaded SP2 yet, kind of iffy about new things till I hear more reviews about it.

I know that turning your firewall off in your router might not be an option but maybe this will help.

Edited, Sun Sep 5 03:52:43 2004 by Poesghost
#10 Sep 08 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
I'm using the same router as mentioned in the first post. I downloaded SP2 last night, played FFXI for 3 hours, and had no problems at all. I even uploaded some files to a friend while playing without any problems.

Perhaps you should state your computer specifications here so that we can help you further.

Edited, Wed Sep 8 12:05:49 2004 by Chiila
#11 Sep 27 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
I don't know many details, but I have a friend who uses a Linksys router and has these same problems. He will get disconnected from FFXI, yet still have all other functionality (web browsing, etc). He is able to play without any problem if he connects the cable modem directly into the computer. Another workaround that he discovered (other than powering the router off and on) is to go into the router admin page and simply save the settings without making any changes. This immediately solves the issue as well.
#12 Oct 19 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I'm having the same problem others have listed here. I'm running Windows XP with a Linksys DSL wireless router. It all started when I installed SP2 - after that I got the same problems others have reported. Things start fine, but within a few minutes my Send and Receive counts drop to zero and then I get a 4001 error and disconnect.

* Create exception for PlayOnline Viewer and FFXI in Windows Firewall - no help.
* Turn off Windows Firewall - no help.
* Uninstall SP2 - no help.
* Turn off SPI firewall on my router - no help.
* Power cycle router - no help.
* Reset router to defaults - no help.

This leaves me the following things to try:

* Remove router altogether and connect DSL modem directly to computer.
* Forward the FFXI ports to my desktop computer's IP.
* Place my desktop computer in the router's DMZ.

Taking out the router might help isolate the problem but it isn't a long term solution. I've searched through the forums and found many people reporting similar problems - can others who have encountered this report back what they did that was able to cure the problem?

Update: It is not, in fact, the router. Connecting my PC directly to the DSL modem gives me the same problem: I get disconnected due to timeout within 5 minutes of logging in.

At this point I'm stumped. I can't think of what SP2 might have done to my system that wasn't undone when I removed the damn thing. All I can think of to do from here is to completely uninstall and then reinstall FFXI, Zilart, and Promathia.

Suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Edited, Wed Oct 20 09:50:41 2004 by Dannick
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