I d/l the Auto Profile Updater and open the software, I open EQ patcher, log onto my character, minimize EQ, click on the profile tab of the APU program, and there my character is with all of his gear, I click upload, but then...
"You've chosen to upload a profile, but a session cookie for allakhazam.com was not found. Do you want to log in now?"
I'm already logged into Allah, I've got it up and running in Netscape...I'm guessing that somehow the APU software is set to retrieve this needed cookie from an IExplorer directory, but the problem is my IExplorer doesn't work (long long story, many hours on the telephone with people who are probably in India trying to fix it, bottom line it doesn't work, everything else is fine, I like Netscape better, and I'm not rewriting my drive)
So... Is there a way for me to use Auto Profile Updater?