DirectX is latest version AFAIK, however with all the deleting he did I suppose it wouldn't hurt to reinstall. You can't really uninstall DirectX in order to do a fresh install, can you? Just installing over the current copy safe or do I need to do some fancy footwork here?
Darkflame, I seriously doubt the video card being too powerful for the PS is the problem ... we run an older GeForce and it's worked fine since we bought the machine a year or so ago. It may be a temperature problem, but honestly I have no idea how to check CPU or system temps other than the highly technical "lay your hand on the side of the case" method. By that measure it doesn't seem to be running any hotter than my others.
The power supply may well be the problem; our power in this area sucks balls and we get frequent brownouts and other various power drops. We've fried a record 7 power supplies in the past 2 years and not one was due to a surge. In true spirit of procrastination we've neglected getting a UPS.
EDIT: Yikes, I'm starting to tpye like Smsah ....
Edited, Tue May 4 20:04:43 2004 by ValkyrieBuffinstuff