Processor type/speed: AMD Athlon XP 2800+ with qSpeed
Total Hard drive space/Free hard drive space: 76.3GB/54.4GB
Amount of Ram: 512 DDR
Video card type: Ati Radeon 9700 Pro 128mb
Operating system: Windows Professional
Virtual Memory: 1000
ISP Connection: High Speed Cable
I am having very bad lag issues in star wars galaxies when it comes to loading alot of buildings or places that have alot of people I freeze some times for up to 1-2mins and lag after that for a few I've tried cutting my graphics options down and even turning my graphic card settings down also still nothing it is my ram? also this lag has stops all my chances of doing PvP
Ment Kaolian not Kaolin =\
Edited, Tue Feb 17 01:14:12 2004 by RyKon