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FFXI Problem: Nvidia Video CardFollow

#1 Feb 13 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
I've been having problem with my Gainward Geforce 4 Ti4200 video card.

I have tried the following video drivers and have had problems with both.

With V42.30(Final) I experienced terrible slow down out of nowhere in Kazham, or when the party is casting spells.

With 53.03 I experienced something a little worse, complete and total lock up of my computer. The graphics would distort and the program would crash.

Dec. 20th, A friend and I build a new computer, and I carried my video card over from my old one. I've never had these problems with my old computer, and unfortunately I'm not positive of what version drivers I was using. In fact, I wasn't haven't problems with my new computer until the 10th of Jan. It was a infrequent problem at first, but now it seems to happen after 10 minutes or so of play.

Someone suggested turning off hyperthreading but I have no idea how to do that, and not sure if that would even do anything.

Here's what I got.

=============================== System =================================

CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz
CPU Speed = 2675 MHz
No. of CPUs = 2
OS = Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 Ver 5.01.2600
Version of DirectX = DirectX 9.0
Main Memory = Capacity: 510MB : Free Space: 376MB
Drive [C:\] = Local Disk Free Space: 46.04 GB (Capacity: 76.32 GB )
Drive [D:\] = Local Disk Free Space: 9.92 GB (Capacity: 37.26 GB )
PlayOnline Viewer Install Path = C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\PlayOnlineViewer\
Tetra Master Install Path = C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\TetraMaster\
FINAL FANTASY XI Install Path = C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI\
Graphics Card = NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
Type of Chip = GeForce4 Ti 4200
Video Driver = nv4_disp.dll
Version =
Updated = 03/09/2002 10:53 AM
VendorId = 0x10DE
DeviceId = 0x0253
SubSysId = 0x160310B0
Revision = 162
WHQLLevel = Not signed
AvailableVidMem = 122.4MB
AvailableTextureMem = 180.0MB
Sound Card = SB Audigy Audio [EF80]
Sound Driver = ctaud2k.sys
Version =
Updated = 10/08/2003 10:06 AM
Network Card = 3Com 3C920B-EMB-WNM Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller
Network Driver = el90Xbc5.SYS
Version = 5.00
Updated = 07/30/2003 01:15 AM
Network Card = Instant Wireless USB Network Adapter ver.2.5
Network Driver = LSWLUSB.sys
Version =
Updated = 09/28/2001 07:47 AM
Motherboard = P4R800-VM
Manufacturer = ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Version = 1.02
Serial Number = MB-1234567890
#2 Feb 13 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
Er, pardon me for such an early bump, I forgot to mention this.

Right now I'm using my ATI 9100 integrated video card, and experience no real problems other than a line appearing on the screen every now and then. I've heard that's a common problem after asking about it.
#3 Feb 13 2004 at 6:10 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Will look into this. Are you running directx 9.0a or 9.0b?

Also, is your agp aperature set up correctly for your video card? assuming you have the 128mb card, you want it at agp 8x with 128mb throughput.

If you have the rare 64 mb geforce 4TI 4200, there is a problem with that card that causes it to experiance early heat failure. It looks like you ahve the 128mb card though, so that should be alright.
#4 Feb 14 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
Will look into this. Are you running directx 9.0a or 9.0b?


Also, is your agp aperature set up correctly for your video card? assuming you have the 128mb card, you want it at agp 8x with 128mb throughput.

This is not something I do not know how to check. Would you mind explaining to me what agp aperature is?
#5 Feb 14 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
I looked in BIOS and under Chipset.

Under North Bride I found this

DRAM Cas Select Slow

As for making it x8, that's something you'll have to tell me. X_X
#6 Feb 14 2004 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
I set AGP to 128mb, and put in my Nvidia card and it lasted all of 2-3 minutes.

I'm thinking because the problem getting progressively worse that it may in fact have something to do with the hardward burning out. I ran everything fine on this machine until it started to give me problems, and at that point nothing I did fixed it.
#7 Feb 14 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Alright. It could be hardware failure, or it could be something software related, possibly a virus or a corrupted directx file.

To start with, try running the free online virus scan from

Next, I would try turning hyperthreading off. It should be listed under bios as enable/disable hyperthreading under one of the settings trees.

Do you know anyone else with a nvidia card that you could borrow long enough to see if the problem is the video card, or the agp socket?

Since it is failing after only 10 minutes, I'm guessing heat buildup isn't the issue here, but if you take the side of the case off and position a big fan blowing towards the card, does the lockup problem go away?

You may also want to check and see if the video card is sharing an IRQ with the sound card under start:settings:control panel: system: device manager: then properties for each card

#8 Feb 14 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
Still curious, what's agp 8x? I can set it to 128mb, but it had no selection of what x it is.
#9 Feb 14 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
How can I check for corrupted directx files?

I did the virus scan, I've taken care of what I've found (TROJ_WINSHOW.A).

For hyperthreading, I couldn't find anything in bios.

I'll see about borrowing another Nividia video card before trying the last two.
#10 Feb 14 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
If you found a virus, that may have been the whole problem. Try getting back in game before you try anything else

Your motherboard may autoselect 4x or 8x. If you didn't see an option for it, I wouldn't worry about it.

Checking for corrupted directx files is a pain. Basically, if you remove directx and then re-install it and your game works, your directx files were corrupted. if you remove them and reinstall them and it still doesn't work, your directx files were probably fine and you just wasted a bunch of time...
#11 Feb 14 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
The thing about the virus is I don't see how it would interact with the video card, it's sole purpose was forcing IE to set my homepage to some other address.

How do you remove DirectX?
#12 Feb 14 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
It wouldn't interact with the video card, but it could have been trying to use the same memory register settings as FFXI. Since the computer didn't "Know" it was there, it tried to use the same ones, then poof! instant lockup. The fact that you heared a sound and graphics distortion means that it was a full system crash, those are usually brought on my bad ram, bad video cards, bad files, or viruses.

If I remember right, you can now remove directx 9.0b from the "add/remove programs" menu. if not, you willl need to do a full windows reinstal.
#13 Feb 15 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
The thing I'm concerned about is I can run FFXI find with my Radeon 9100 integrated video card just fine, the only problems crom frim the Nvidia card.

There was no sound disortion, just the video turning to random pixels as the sound continued as normal.

I'd have to reformat to reinstall direct x...and i'd rather not at this point. I can get FFXI to run, it's just I can't get it to run with my 'better' card.
#14 Feb 15 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Wait a m inute, you have nvidia drivers and ati drivers on the same machine? that could be the problem. Will post a full driver nuke proceedure in a bit to try.
#15 Feb 15 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
This problem happened before I installed ATI drivers on my machine, I changed to my ATI card because of this problem.
#16 Feb 15 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
I think I pinpointed the problem to the card.

I borrowed a friend's Nvidia card, as you suggested and run it under conditions that would typically cause card to crash (after it started locking up) and it ran just fine.

One of the constants is my card would crash with weather effects on in Rolanberry field when it was raining, where s my card would go out within a minute or so after you turn the weather effects on.

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