The only topics I found for us Shadow Priests were really old and Cata-related so I figured I might as well start a new one.
Who still plays a Shadow Priest in 5.1? PvE or PvP oriented? How are your experiences so far?
Myself, I mostly do PvE. My guild went 10/16 nHC last night when we sneaked into Terrace with the help of a friend from another guild that downed Empress recently. The first two bosses of Terrace were rather easy. We even killed the first one doing the Elite sequence.
Shadows (imo) do extremely well on some fights (Elegon, Will of the Emporer, Protectors) and rather poorly on some other encounters (Zor'lok, Ta'vak). I don't know if the QQ that Shadows scaling with gear and with Heroism being bad is warranted. On fights with much movement I always have a hard time keeping up, damagewise, but that might in part be a problem with my choice of talents. When I just have to move occassionally and have much time to stand still and pewpew I never have the impression that we lack competitive DPS.
But I also outgear most of my guildies by 2-5 ilevels so my impression might be wrong.
If anyone knowledgeable wants to take a look at my gear/talents I'd appreciate any kind of input. As of now, while I'm writing this, I have the t14 LFR helm (483) in my bags and just need to reforge and gem him to replace the 476 thing I'm currently wearing. Then I'll finally have the 2p bonus. But honestly, I think our setbonuses are pretty underwhelming in this raidtier.
Edit to add: My armory is in my sig. Just in case...
Edited, Jan 16th 2013 9:55am by TherealLogros