Sorry if I should be posting this under the PvP subforum, and the mod can move it there if s/he so chooses, but to my thinking it relates more to lock spec than to PvP.
I've got a brand new lock who's currently 6 and about to hit 7. She's farming copper for the AH and cloth for her own gear through tailoring. At 10, I plan to have her go Affliction (yes, Affliction) and rotate BGs, one WG and then one AB, until she has farmed enough honor for the clothie honor shoulders and the Grand Staff of Jordan. With her AH sales she'll finance purchases of gear, rumsey's, scrolls and potions, that sort of stuff, from the AH so that she can be as close to BoA in her gear as her gold level permits. Then she retires to being a farming and AH toon and I roll a brand new spriest or dpriest to have both looms and some gold right from level 1, xp 0.
What I wanna ask about is my choice to try Affliction in lowb BGs. My thought is to stay at least 40 yards away from the action and cast DOTs on everything in sight. If trouble gets within 30 yards, I move 100 yards away and just run like an absolute ****** every time meelee or a hunter comes within 30 yards. I figure, that way, an Affliction lock can do very well for herself in lowb BGs. What do you think?