So as you all know, I've got toons up the wahoo. I've been playing my mage a bit on the side lately and am so confused on fire rotation and dps. I haven't found a good site yet on whether or not anyone has done some theorycrafting (if there is, please post).
Let me just put it out there, I haven't played fire since the good ol' Kara days. I LOVED it then. Sometime over the course of the next expansion or so, I decided to give Arcane a go since at the time, it was the top dps out of the three specs. I've always felt that Arcane was meh. Not so much dps wise, but I just didn't really enjoy it. Well now with the talent changes and whatnot, I figured I'd give fire a go again and have failed miserably. I'm certain it's my rotation as I have no clue how things work yet and if I should be using certain spells. Just recently tried Temple of the Jade Serpent. Started off fire, pulled a measly 9k dps on the first boss and immediately switched back to arcane for the rest of the dungeon.
(Just to give an idea, I throw a fireball, scorch, that one blast spell thingy... I can't remember the name lol, and if I get lucky with the proc, pyro... not necessarily in this order. I sort of just push whatever is free because I'm lame. Oh and if Living Bomb is available, I toss that in somewhere too).
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm going to continue to try to find a site that gives a good idea on rotation and whatnot, but I figured I'd ask all of your lovely faces for help. Thank you so much!