After a lifetime of squishies I decided to make a tank, partly as a change from healing, partly to see things from the other side, and partly to get VIP treatment in the dungeon queue.
Now I know I'm not the best tank ever, in fact I really have little idea what I'm doing, so I could use some tips.on basic tanking. As I understand it, the main job is to choose what to agro and then hold that agro while everyone else blows holes in the mob, so that's basically what I do.
One of the things I don't understand is why everyone else seems so keen on doing my job for me. I mean if the pally had wanted to be the tank, why didn't he queue as one? If the warlock wants to run ahead of me and pull stuff, why did he opt for a class that dies so fast? I do begin to understand why there's such a tank shortage, and why so many of them are terrible. If everyone else runs into the mobs, pulls adds into the boss fight, you get the blame.
Just yesterday I got kicked from a group that had managed to wipe a dungeon I had done plenty of times before with no trouble. They just would not let me do the pulling, and then they blamed me when they were killed by mobs I hadn't pulled while I was in another part of the room fighting something else. That really irritated me for the five seconds I waited in the queue to get another dungeon, I can tell you.