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Alternate Death knight tankingFollow

#1 Oct 03 2012 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, I have been playing my dk as a tank for awhile as i realized later i wasn't blood i was frost and it made me wonder if there was ever an alternate dk tanking that isnt blood. Frost in Wotlk was the tanking spec. In cata and Mop, blood is tank. But what if we combined frost which is mostly damage which hits for alot (im lvl 88 ) and im hitting 158k hits with a obliberate. As I started to try this new idea of using tank gear and blood presence but use frost for the damage unit which was very effective because i tried two dungeons one doing the frost tank idea which had work amazingly and the second was blood and it didnt work well. So I have made an alternate for people. (Btw these dungeons were randoms). So if you can try my alternate solution out it might be useful.
#2 Oct 04 2012 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Were you tanking in a dungeon, heroic, or in a raid?

My rogue can tank dungeons. It's not optimal, but I can do it. My hunter's pet can easily tank dungeons and heroics most of the time (as long as the healer isn't a ******).

Unless you're talking about raids, this is kind of irrelevant. Raids are really the only thing that matter when it comes to tanking because dungeons and heroics are so easy.
#3 Oct 31 2012 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
Normal modes of dungeons are tuned way lower than even heroics. The heroics are much easier than they were in Cata and you might even be able to get away with this in a heroic 5 man. Having said that, I wouldn't do this to a random healer. I've been there and there is nothing I hate more than someone who expects me as a healer to work twice as hard to make something work so they can skip a queue faster or "have fun" at my expense.

If you want to see why this would be my opinion on this, take a good look through the blood builds. There is a lot of damage reduction and survival that comes only from being blood. If you had problems blood tanking, it was because it was new to you.

Edited, Oct 31st 2012 3:27pm by sifuedition
#4 Nov 03 2012 at 2:57 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
i would let you die if you tanked frost and kick you asap.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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