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Boss related Shadow tipsFollow

#1 May 25 2011 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
This Saturday I'm most likely going to be raiding on my priest with my raid group for the first time. Up until now, I've only done BWD through Atramedes once, and BoT through Council twice. I'm pretty familiar with all these fights, having done them several times with my Moonkin, and as both classes use DoT's there should be some similarities, specifically with Multi-dotting fights like Omnitron, and all of BoT. I'm curious though, if anyone has any tips beyond that for specific fights?

In particular, I'd be interested in tips on Cho'gall. I'm assuming that with the blood festers it'd be best to try and use Mind Sear right? Do you use Psychic Scream or Psychotic Horror to break Worship, or do you let the other classes handle it because of the longer length of the Worshiped person's inactivity?
#2 May 25 2011 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
Cho'gall is an interesting fight for us.

To answer your first question, yes, use Mind Sear on the festers. It used to be that we were completely useless on that phase, and would just stay on the boss while everyone else AoE's it down, but Mind Sear is (*gasp*) actually useful now! In fact, an undocumented change (or possibly a bug) now causes it to damage the target as well, if its hostile.

For breaking fear, I usually will Scream if the person is close to me, otherwise I'll let someone else get it. By my logic, in the time it takes me to run all the way over to the person and Scream, someone else is likely to have already broken it (assuming your raid knows what it's doing. For progression, you should always break someone out if you see nobody else is getting it. Less dps on the boss is always preferable to him getting a full worship stack). I am not, however, specced into Horror or Silence. So that might be different if it's just a quick cast. In that event, I would recommend going ahead and breaking it. If your healers are good, they should dispel the fear effect, and in fact might just be thinking they're dispelling Corruption: Accelerated.

For the burn phase, multi-dot here. Abuse the hell out of that mechanic. Combine that with our execute, and you should begin to soar in the dps meters here. I seriously love this phase, from the epic intro speech to the giant numbers I can pump out there. I would keep DoTs up on everything, but use Blast and Flay (and probably DP) on the Creations. This means they get burned down one at a time, while still maintaining dps on the boss and other Creations around them.

It's a fun fight when everything goes right, but there's little room for error. Best of luck! Let us know how it goes.

Edited, May 26th 2011 1:34am by IDrownFish
#3 May 26 2011 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
When specifically is the burn phase? Is that during phase 2? So far I've only seen the very start of phase 2 before my group wipes.

I'm not specced into either of the fears either, so I guess that's something I'll have to talk to the healers about and coordinate over vent.
#4 May 26 2011 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, the burn phase is just Phase 2. The big adds stop spawning, the MC stops, black gunk comes out of the floor, and the **** hits the fan. It's pretty epic.

It's not a big deal if you're not specced into Horror or Imp Scream. I certainly wouldn't respec for this fight unless your group simply can not break the MCs, and you think it would help.

Scream really should be a last resort kinda thing. If you know you can break it sooner than anyone else (which is pretty much just if the person is right next to you), use it. Otherwise, someone else with a better interrupt/cc is likely to get it for you.
#5 May 27 2011 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Interesting. As a healer I do just auto-dispel everything without thought on Cho'gall. Next time I may just ask the raid if I should :/ Certainly with my UI - and I should think for most healers, it's easy to see when someone has the 25% corruption.

Ye phase 2, things turn a bit purple and it's kill Cho'gall before he kills you all. Not a problem when everyone has figured out how to avoid corruption - but getting to that point may take a bit of practice. Good luck!

#6 May 27 2011 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Callu wrote:
Interesting. As a healer I do just auto-dispel everything without thought on Cho'gall. Next time I may just ask the raid if I should :/ Certainly with my UI - and I should think for most healers, it's easy to see when someone has the 25% corruption.

Ye phase 2, things turn a bit purple and it's kill Cho'gall before he kills you all. Not a problem when everyone has figured out how to avoid corruption - but getting to that point may take a bit of practice. Good luck!

No, you should just auto dispel. Once the MC-channel action is interrupted the MC is done. If your DPS is Feared they can't DPS and all that good stuff.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 May 28 2011 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
Overall the raid went pretty good. WoL link

Didn't get Cho'gall down this week, but we made progress. We also had our main tank and one of our best DPS absent, so I think that had a lot to do with it. Especially considering our frost DK had to tank. =x One of our dps brought in his hunter for the slow, but we just need more ranged. We're pretty melee heavy right now after some of the cuts that got made to our roster last week. For regulars it's just me and a lock. Tonight we had a mage as well, and he might be joining us permanently, I'm not sure.

Out of the 8 bosses we downed, I had right at 70% ranking or higher on 5, which is pretty good. On Maloriak I even got 87% ranking, and I did almost 22k on Magmaw! Best dps I did on Willow on that fight was a little under 20k. Overall I'm pretty satisfied. My performances on Omnitron, V&T and Council were not that great, but I'm still trying to get the hang of Multi-dotting.

Edited, May 28th 2011 10:59pm by PigtailsOfDoom
#8 May 28 2011 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
Good to hear everything went great! Isn't Shadow fun?
#9 May 29 2011 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah I really enjoy it! I really like the challenge of the multi-dot priority system and the orbs. Makes you pay attention, but it's not quite as screwy and reliant on timing as the blasted Eclipse mechanic for boomkins lol.
#10 Jun 03 2011 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Shadow's hella fun. I like that I can still do DECENT and miss a mind blast CD or two, or I can do AWESOME and have 100% uptime. On my game or not, the spec is fun and powerful.
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