Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Yeah, that looks pretty similar to what Calculated does in his video. It's what I tried to do when I attempted Cho'gall in a PuG Saturday night after the official raid. The last two weeks we've stopped at Cho'gall, our RL wanted us to just focus on the bosses we already had on farm and try to increase our performances. Now that people have been cut, we're going to start working on him again.
This is the logs from the first wipe with the PuG, there was a second one on there too. Apparently they had been wiping on him for two hours when I came in, so after two more wipes they decided to call it. The other fights listed on that report are from my raid group.
Do notice 2 things. If you get worship during the add phase, your dps will suck. I got it 2 times as the video shows and had 13k dps while the hunter had 19k. That happens because of the cluncky mushrooms. I placed them and when I was about to trigger, got worship. Would have to place again and trigger again, but the hunter had already killed them all. And that actually happened twice. Add all the movement this fight has, and you get sucky dps.
Some things that might help:
- When you are killing the big add, stop casting when you get to Solar Eclipse. It's more important to kill the small adds and you will deal more damage that way.
- When the big add is about to come, cast dots on Chogall too, just like you would do with Valiona/Theralion. Keep casting moonfire/sunfire on big add while the tank is moving him and while you are moving around.
- The second and third big add come really quick between one and the other. It may be interesting to save Solar Eclipse between one and the other while hitting Chogall. Not sure, though. Will try this today and come back to you on this.
- Starfall will be avaiable to cast everytime the small adds come. Save it for that, it helps.
- Have your raid in the middle of the room when the big add goes down. It makes the litlle adds walk in a straight line, wich helps you to place your mushrooms. Dont do like I did in the video and actually move back.
I will give a look on your report later today.
Edited, May 24th 2011 6:17pm by Brisin