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#1 May 10 2011 at 11:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Symbiosis (Mastery) has been removed and replaced with Harmony. Harmony increases direct healing by an additional 10%, and casting direct healing spells grants an additional 10% bonus to periodic healing for 10 seconds. Each point of mastery increases each bonus by an additional 1.25%. Healing Touch, Nourish, Swiftmend, and the initial heal from Regrowth are considered direct healing spells for the purposes of this Mastery. All other healing from druid spells is considered periodic.

So your direct heals get a boost, which then boosts your HoTs. So we Heal then HoT, not HoT then heal, when the next patch comes at least.

Got it?


I feel all harmonious and stuff now; well at least I will once I think more about how this changes stuff like pre-hotting while running into the fight and what not. Any thoughts?

Edit: Oh ya, and the rest of you have more changes on tap too:

Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)

Ferocious Bite damage has been increased by 15%. In addition, its base cost has been reduced to 25 energy and it can use up to 25 energy, for up to a 100% damage increase.
Mangle (Cat) damage at level 80 and above has been increased to 530% weapon damage, up from 460%.
Omen of Clarity clearcasting buff from now lasts 15 seconds, up from 8 seconds.
Ravage damage at level 80 and above has been increased to 975% weapon damage, up from 850%.
Shred damage at level 80 and above has been increased to 520% weapon damage, up from 450%.
Swipe (Cat) now deals 600% weapon damage at level 80 or higher, down from 670%.


Insect Swarm now generates 8 Lunar Energy for Balance druids.
Moonfire now generates 8 Solar Power for Balance druids.
Sunfire now generates 8 Lunar Energy for Balance druids.

Earth and Moon's duration has been increased to 15 seconds, up from 12.
Fungal Growth spell visual effect has been updated to be less visually intrusive and more aesthetic.
Lunar Shower has been redesigned. When casting Moonfire, the druid gains Lunar Shower. Lunar Shower increases the direct damage done by Moonfire by 15/30/45%, and reduces the mana cost by 10/20/30%. This effect stacks up to 3 times and lasts 3 seconds. While under the effects of Lunar Shower, Moonfire generates 8 Solar Energy, and Sunfire generates 8 Lunar Energy. The amount of Lunar/Solar Energy gained does not change based on the number of points spent in the talent, or stacks of Lunar Shower. Those druids who wish to delay transition in or out of an Eclipse state should now cast the one of their two basic attacks which will not move the Eclipse bar (either Starfire or Wrath).
Solar Beam has a new spell effect.
Wild Mushroom: Detonate can now also trigger Earth and Moon, in addition to Starfire and Wrath.

Enjoy! Smiley: grin

Edited, May 10th 2011 10:23pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2 May 11 2011 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I'm guessing the eclipse juice part of LS is baseline now and the talent just increases DD and reduces mana cost.

Cat Swipe was overbuffed the nerf was expected.

The FB change pushes the energy cost close to a Shred but Shred got buffed as well so not sure how the math will shake out. The other cat are straight damage boosts with the Ravage one also pushing people into using Ravage from FC talent, which will boost damage more for players with better skills.

Resto changes should be a healing boost and push folks away from HoT spamming.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 May 11 2011 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The Mastery change makes sense. We'll no longer get raped in the face if we're forced to spam direct heals, but after so many years, having to apply direct heals BEFORE periodic heals is going to feel odd.

I'm so used to applying three stacks of Lifebloom before doing anything else.

Edit: Other changes seem fine. Swipe (Cat) was lols, doing more damage than Mangle (Cat) did, almost as much as Shred. Smiley: lol

Guess we'll leave the 50k AOE DPS to Mages and whatnot again.

Edit2: Holy crap, they buffed Shred and Ravage damage as well? I already pull aggro with my Charge > Ravage > Mangle > Rake > Shred combo.

Edited, May 11th 2011 6:18pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#4 May 16 2011 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Moonkin changes really pisses me of. They are pretty much overcomplicating what was already overcomplicated.
It will pretty much make any Moonkin cast Starfire + Wild Mushroom during AoE while you are at Solar Eclipse.
Wich is really dumb. And Bllizard pretty much made Lunar Shower a potential dps loss.
And I'm not even getting in the math of how many Wrath/Starfire/Moonfire/Sunfier/InsectSwarm you need to cast to actually make this change not a nerf.
Anyway, I'm pissed. They are making my Moonkin a pain in the *** to play well, while most ranged dps classes can just press 2 or 3 buttons (Shadow Priest, anyone?)

Resto, it will make us a bit better into tank healing. And it may actually work out with the T12 bonus to let LB bloom. It wont be worthwhile, probably, to stack LBx3 anymore. At least, not directly. If you recast a second LB, it will probably overwrite the bonus the later LB got from a direct heal.
It will probably be quite a nerf for our overall AoE healing, though, taking in consideration that WG + Rejuv wont receive any bonus.
One thing that isnt clear to me is this: do you need to cast a direct heal in the person you will be putting the hot? Or you just need to cast a random direct heal and then all WG will be buffed? If its the first, its a nerf. If the latest, it might be quite a buff. At least, it will grant that every Efflorescence will get the bonus, since Swiftmend is a direct heal. Or is it?

Let's assume that a direct heal in anyone will buff a hot you put in anyone else. And let's assume that the direct heal will buff just the next hot you cast, be it WG, Rejuv or whatever. With that in mind, you need to remember that, if you refresh LB and you didnt cast a direct heal before you refresh it, the new LB wont get the buff. So, to make 3LB get bonus, you need to cast 3 direct heals. Something like RG, LB, RG, LB, RG, LB.
Now, if you let it bloom to get the T12 bonus, you would cast RG, LB and let it go away. The bonus on the hot might be enough to compensate not stacking, though I'm not quite sure about that.

In the end, this is just blizzard taking a dump on what they said before about not overcomplicating things. Through these changes to Moonkin and Resto, we pretty much got to the same John F* Madden page of feral dps.

edit: Oh, wait, maybe RG wasnt a good example. It might make the hot part of RG stronger, not the LB. So, yeah, you will probably need to cast HT or Nourish to get a bonus to your next hot. Hmm...this will make RG really strong and I might consider it more in my healing rotation. Letting LB bloom might compensate the fact that you will be casting more RG and if the hot part on RG is buffed by the direct heal on RG...hmmm...I need to do some math with T12 bonus to actually speculate. I'm not in the mood rigth now, but it's something to think about.

Edited, May 16th 2011 5:05pm by Brisin
#5 May 16 2011 at 2:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
My understanding is Harmony is akin to replenishment; when you trigger it you get a passive buff for the duration. So in this case we'd basically need to do a casted heal once every 10 seconds to keep the buff rolling. So if you're rolling your LB stack with a casted heal you may not end up changing anything at all. Also our 4-pc bonus has been changed (in case some here didn't know):

# Restoration 2-Piece Bonus: Your periodic healing from Lifebloom has a 40% chance to restore 1% of your base mana each time it heals a target.
# Restoration 4-Piece Bonus: Your Swiftmend also heals an injured target within 8 yards for the same amount.

Less interesting, but probably a lot easier to balance. All that LB blooming was probably going to give some dev. a headache. Smiley: lol

Edit: TBH I get the feeling Harmony is partially meant to keep us from becoming the 5x1 blanket HoT machines we were in WotLK as the expansion progresses and mana pools grow.

Edited, May 16th 2011 1:36pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#6 May 16 2011 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
My understanding is Harmony is akin to replenishment; when you trigger it you get a passive buff for the duration. So in this case we'd basically need to do a casted heal once every 10 seconds to keep the buff rolling. So if you're rolling your LB stack with a casted heal you may not end up changing anything at all. Also our 4-pc bonus has been changed (in case some here didn't know):

# Restoration 2-Piece Bonus: Your periodic healing from Lifebloom has a 40% chance to restore 1% of your base mana each time it heals a target.
# Restoration 4-Piece Bonus: Your Swiftmend also heals an injured target within 8 yards for the same amount.

Less interesting, but probably a lot easier to balance. All that LB blooming was probably going to give some dev. a headache. Smiley: lol

Oh, ok, so that might actually get rid of the overcomplicate. Seens quite simple now. I think I didnt read the duration part. Oh well. So, scratch what I said before.
This will make RG stronger, will still make us capable of spam hots all around (10 seconds its quite a while) and capable of applying LB before the fight.
I want to see how mastery will fare now against haste. It might not be worth anymore to stack as much haste as we were doing for the Efflorescence aditional tick, since this will make pretty much every hot buffed by mastery. Not sure, but maybe.

The 4 pieces bonus seems attractive. Oh sh*t button for 2 melees/ranged seems nice.

edit: I quite disagree with you on your edit, protein. A direct heal every 10 seconds is nothing. You will probably cast a OC'd RG every once in a while and that will make you even more proficient in HoT blanketing.
Even more since Swiftmend counts as a direct heal. I already cast it everytime its off CD, wich is 20 seconds, so I only need to cast another direct heal every 20 seconds and all my hots get buffed by mastery.

Btw, this will make tree even stronger. If it goes this way, you cast a instant RG while in Tree Form and all your LBs will be buffed. Take the T12 bonus and you will have a chance to get 1% mana(around 1200 right now, probably a bit more with T12) in every LB tick. This a freacking huge buff, both for burst healing and for mana regeneration. Druid will, probably, have infinite mana if you take this buff to regeneration while in tree (and remember you probably wont be casting nothing besides LB and OC'd RG) + Innervate + all the spirit we will have.

Edited, May 16th 2011 5:50pm by Brisin
#7 May 16 2011 at 3:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Still blanket HoTing but not 5x1; I suppose the distinction I'm making isn't so critical. On one hand you're not only pushing 2 buttons, but on the other it's not like your healing style is very different from that. Wild Growth on CD + 1 RG/SM every 10 seconds and fill with RJ is hardly complicated.

I guess the last outstanding wonder in my mind is whether or not people will get to the point they're dropping LB from the rotation. Since I'm seeing it with a lower HPET than RJ, but giving a sizeable amount of mana regen with Revitalize + MG (rolling LB seems to be worth about 1,000 mp5) and is a solid HPM healing spell.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#8 May 16 2011 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
I totally agree with you on the Moonkin changes Brisin. They **** me off too, and I am seriously considering switching my main to my shadow priest come 4.2. I would like to add though, that SP does have to press more than 2 or 3 buttons for our rotation. :-p We have three standard DoTs, plus Mindblast, Mindflay, and then periodically we need to activate our Shadowfiend and Dark Archangel. So that's 7 buttons SP use over the course of a boss fight. That doesn't include Mind Spike and Mindsear which I tend to use on adds or trash. Plus all three of our DoTs have different durations, so I can't just recast all of them at the same time like I do with my druid. Well, I suppose I could but it would be a dps loss.

I definitely agree that SP and a lot of other DPS have it easier than we do when it comes to complicated rotations though. I like a challenge, I really do. It's why I'm not playing my arcane mage anymore lol. But Boomkin dps is just getting ridiculous.
#9 May 16 2011 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
I totally agree with you on the Moonkin changes Brisin. They **** me off too, and I am seriously considering switching my main to my shadow priest come 4.2. I would like to add though, that SP does have to press more than 2 or 3 buttons for our rotation. :-p We have three standard DoTs, plus Mindblast, Mindflay, and then periodically we need to activate our Shadowfiend and Dark Archangel. So that's 7 buttons SP use over the course of a boss fight. That doesn't include Mind Spike and Mindsear which I tend to use on adds or trash. Plus all three of our DoTs have different durations, so I can't just recast all of them at the same time like I do with my druid. Well, I suppose I could but it would be a dps loss.

I definitely agree that SP and a lot of other DPS have it easier than we do when it comes to complicated rotations though. I like a challenge, I really do. It's why I'm not playing my arcane mage anymore lol. But Boomkin dps is just getting ridiculous.

Okay, I was overreacting about the 2/3 buttons to press. The problem is not in the rotation in itself. I dont mind at all to have to apply 2 dots, to switch between Wrath/Starfire, cast Starsurge, cast Starfall, cast Treants and cast WM. This isnt really complicated. A bit, but not that much.

It can get really, really complicated though, if you include some real game variables, for example movement phases, aoe phases, burst phases, etc.
Moonkin rotation is ok for you baddy/underachiever. But if you want to be a really good moonkin, you need to pay attention to a lot of things right now, more than most classes need, with a few exceptions (feral druids come to mind).
But with the changes they are doing, they are pretty much making the underachiever pretty much incapable of playing the class and do well and it will be nigh impossible to have any control at all for better moonkins.
I mean, right now, I know when burst phases are happening and what I need to do to actually be able to burst dps. With this change they are making quite impossible to have any real control over Eclipse, wich will make control over burst phase impossible.
And if you have a movement phase, forget it. You will have to know how much Eclipse power you have, how many Sunfire/Moonfire you can cast without going out of Eclipse power, how much time the movement phase takes...

It's doable? Yeah, sure. But it's also doable to sleep in a bed made only of nails. But why should I do that if I can sleep in a comfort bed?
#10 May 16 2011 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
Seriously. I consider myself to be better than average, and I'm struggling to push out good numbers even now. Some fights I do great, some not so much. Single target fights I tend to do really well on, and Omnitron as well. Valiona and Theralion, Council, and Cho'gall not so much. I'm not the only one in my raid struggling, but that doesn't really matter to me. I want to do the best I possibly can, and that's difficult as a Boomkin.

Because our group is having issues getting Cho'gall down, our raid leader is using the ranking info on World of logs to compare our performances with other people playing our spec. He wants us to be at 70% ranking or higher, and I do have that on a few fights. Namely Magmaw, Omnitron and Chimaeron. The rest I'm hovering somewhere between 55 and 65%. I checked the logs, and on a few of those fights, like Archaemedes I have really high DoT uptime, but my percentage is still kind of low. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and it's frustrating.
#11 May 16 2011 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I just bite **** until it dies.

Pushed 17k DPS average (28m damage done) in Zul'Aman earlier today. Reforging all my hit and expertise to mastery has really screwed up the consistency of my damage output, though. Sure, my bleeds do marginally more damage now, which I guess is a DPS increase on a longer single target fight, but 5-man heroics, especially the new ones, are ******* annoying.

Not only do they have more AOE packs than any Northrend dungeon except for Halls of Stone, they also feature mobs that do some kind of power-up and dispel all debuffs, including bleeds, Mangle and Faerie Fire. Having to ramp up damage twice every trash fight is kind of hurting my DPS, so usually I just spam Swipe and Tiger's Fury. Lol30kDPS.

Gonna go reforge some of my mastery back into hit and expertise. So what if my bleeds lose 2% damage, if my Swipe doesn't miss 80 times in a run, that's probably going to bump my DPS a bit more than the bleed damage would.

And missing is really annoying. Nothing like missing with Rip three times in a row and Tiger's Fury falling off in the meantime.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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