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#1 Apr 12 2011 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
So, I've been going back to some of the older raids when I got bored trying to see what I could solo, to get rep (MC, AQ), and achievements. I haven't tried everything out yet, but I was wondering what, if anything, you guys have managed to solo, and how you went about doing it. I also sometimes run with my gf on her Fury Warrior so I'd be interested in hearing about anything duoed as well :)

I have soloed all of MC except Ragnaros. I didn't know what I was doing at the time, but I plan on going back in sometime soon now that I have an idea of what to do :P

BWL: is any of it soloable? I believe that Razorgore is unsoloable, but maybe with 2 people?

Ruins of AQ: Kurinnaxx, General Rajaxx, Moam, and Ossirian the Unscarred down. Didn't try Ayamiss due to his air phase mostly. Also didn't try Buru yet: was getting late so I wanted to get the ones I knew I could without too much trouble.

Temple of AQ: mf gf and I have killed The Prophet Skeram (one of us fights him or the other gets MCd and owns ...), Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, bug trio, and got Viscidus down to 1% not knowing that we had to freeze him to kill him (looked it up after a minute or so :P) lol. Tried the Twin Emperors, but they were just all over the place, and we could do nothing but watch them heal. Is it possible to take them out with just us 2, and any ideas how? Also C'thun (if we get there) and Ouro: could we take them down?

Karazhan: I killed all but Prince and Netherspite on my own. Was getting late so I stopped before them and haven't gone back since. I'm pretty sure they'd be soloable; which beam should I block for Netherspite?

Magtheridon: Could have easily soloed him, but he kept resetting at around 70%, so I brought my gf along and we had no problems taking him out.

Grull's Lair: got seriously roflstomped fighting Maulgar and his council. Are they soloable? I think Grull would be, but since I couldn't get passed Maulgar, I couldn't give him a try.

Zul'Aman: gonna have my gf try this one out so maybe I can get Executioner for my Mage's enchanting before they turn it into a 5 man :P WOuld like to try it myself too if I get the chance.

For T5 and T6 I have only attempted Rage Winterchill in Hyjal Summit, but I DCd as he spawned and was dead by the time I could log back in. Any ideas which bosses I should be able to solo, or duo with a Fury Warrior? Also, how about any Wrath bosses? I've seen some vids pop up on MMO-Champ showing a DK solo some bosses, so I would like to try myself and see what I can do.

Thank you for anyone who can share some insights either from personal experience or what you've known others to do :)
#2 Apr 12 2011 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
The trick to stop magtheridon resetting is to stand right against the wall at the far side of his room. There is a ledge you can wedge yourself under so his Quake ability doesnt knock you around.
#3 Apr 12 2011 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Grull's Lair: got seriously roflstomped fighting Maulgar and his council. Are they soloable? I think Grull would be, but since I couldn't get passed Maulgar, I couldn't give him a try.

Zul'Aman: gonna have my gf try this one out so maybe I can get Executioner for my Mage's enchanting before they turn it into a 5 man :P WOuld like to try it myself too if I get the chance.

Friend of mine soloed ZA just last night. Prot spec, gear just about 346. Took him about an hour, would have been much quicker if he'd ever been there before and hadn't gotten lost between Eagle and Dragonhawk.

Maulgar might not be possible. You'll need to take out the healer first, which will take roughly 30 seconds (assuming 7k dps or so), assuming you interrupt so that he doesn't heal himself (and you don't eat either a fear or polymorph). That's about as long as the mage and lock will take to kill you (150k HP) by themselves, discounting resistance. Even if that's a bit of an overestimate, there's still two more of them, including the nominal boss... This is a great example of a fight design that only works on 25-man, since that gives them the flexibility to assume that you have a warlock (enslave) and a mage (spellsteal), and a druid who can at least offspec into moonkin to ranged tank. I can't imagine what a 10-man version would look like - it might be tuned to be just as challenging, but no way it could match the sheer chaos.
#4 Apr 13 2011 at 1:38 AM Rating: Good
BWL is Duoable. First two bosses are tricky:

Razorgore must NOT get agro on the player using the orb. Other than that, Razorgore must not die in the MC phase. As long as you can pull this off, you're fine. Since he cannot be taunted, just have one of your guys (preferably tank) hit the bajesus out of him for a bit before you do the first Mind Control, this should secure agro through the encounter.

The second boss is a total DPS race. It should definitely be doable, but one of you WILL die to his debuff, just need to make sure both of you do not. Rest of it is total cake with a team of 2, and a good portion of it is soloable. Just watch Chromagus's Mind Control.

Karazhan is completely soloable barring certain classes. The hardest thing for most is the Chess event. I personally cannot do it solo (as well as most of my friends), but I have one friend that took the time to learn it. Just requires certain tricks and frankly it takes far too long every fail to redo for my patience. Netherspite requires solid DPS, simply stand in the green and stay in it. If you are unable to kill him by his first Portal phase you'll probably need a few tricks to survive it. Back in the green and DPS your heart out.

Gruul is soloable, but the King boss before him is not. Requires 3, actually, because him + warlock will literally keep 2 people chain feared. Other than that, total cake. Just get rid of the Warlock first.

Mag should be soloable but I haven't even tried (he doesn't have any cool loot for me).

ZA is soloable by tanks. Better do it soon before 4.1.

Hyjal sucks because it takes so long, I have yet to get past the second boss out of pure boredom and the pain of wiping (it locks you out of the raid for a long time.) I have the feeling that Archimonde may be a huge pain the butt to solo because he'll keep targeting you for his toss up move.
#5 Apr 14 2011 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Thanks for the tips so far guys, appreciate it :) Hope to get some time this weekend to run around and have some fun! If I do, I'll stop by and let you guys know how I did :D
#6 Apr 14 2011 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
For AQ, the hardest boss by far to 2-man is Twin Emperors. It requires great coordination with you and the other person. Basically when they teleport and switch places, there seems to be a threat dump, however it's not a complete threat dump and things like Dots will continue to generate a ton of threat. You both need to frontload as much threat as possible as soon as the teleport happens in order to make sure that they don't start running to the other person. And they cant even start running a little bit, because once the caster is in range of his target, he will just sit there and start chain casting spells. If he's anywhere near the middle of the room when that happens, then they are going to just start healing each other.

However, there does seem to be a way that you can pull one boss without pulling the other, I'm not sure how you do that, and it most certainly is an exploit, but there was a rogue featured on mmo-champion that solo'd twin emps by doing just that.

The other bosses in AQ should be cake for 2 people. C'thun is incredibly difficult to solo and requires another exploit to beat solo. You have to pull another boss (Ouro) into the fight with him because when Cthun eats you, if you are solo it will automatically kill you after a few seconds. Having Ouro there will instantly teleport you out of the stomach, and with a bit of lag and being able to get to the tentacles in time, you can do some damage to the tentacles before being teleported out of the stomach. Duoing him however shouldn't be a problem because you don't have to worry about that problem unless one of you dies.
#7 Apr 20 2011 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
A little update:

Cleared ZA, was pretty fun :) Didn't have any major issues, but I forgot just how damn annoying the eagle phase of Zul'jin is, lol.

Finally took myself back to MC. Now that I know the proper place to stand, took down Rag without much trouble. Sadly, no bindings :(

Went back to Kara and killed Netherspite. You're right tjs, Chess event solo is a pain in the @$$. I couldn't do it, giving up after 4 attempts. Will probably bring someone with me soon so I can get passed it and go kill Prince. Netherspite was also a pain because I just couldn't do enough damage as Prot. What worked for me was to completely ignore doing damage to him during the first portal phase, staying out of green, then do as much damage as I could during phase 2 and hop into the green beam when he went back to phase 1.

Extended my lock of Ruins of AQ to kill Buru and Ayamiss. Both were very, very easy. I thought Ayamiss would be a bigger pain since he's in the air for the first, what, 30%? Just spammed Exorcism and Avenger's Shield, and when I got low on mana I used Judgement on the larva nearby. Didn't take too long at all :)

EDIT: after posting this update, decided to go to Serpentshrine. I found some videos of a Paladin soloing bosses there, so decided to try their tactics myself ;) Hydross down, Lurker down, and Leotheras down! Killed Leo with about 8k health left and everything on cooldown, lol. Got 3 of the Paly tier tokens for my efforts :P

Tried Fathom-Lord ... That did not go well, lol. Moved on to Tidewalker, and I'm sure I would have got him down, but at about 70% my shield broke >.> Didn't have a replacement, so I couldn't keep on top of the incoming damage. Next time though, he's mine :P

Edited, Apr 20th 2011 4:26am by Maulgak
#8 Apr 21 2011 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
Would you compare the solo abilities of your 85 Pally with your 85 Shaman? I also have both and it seems that while the Shaman is more fragile he has better DPS. Was going to try to do some of the same old content that you mention and was wondering if a Shaman could work.

#9 Apr 21 2011 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
An 85 Paladin tank is going to be able to solo more content just from the virtue of being a tank. The only time this wouldn't apply is if the fight doesnt involve much damage, but there is an enrage timer you have to beat. Your 85 shaman is a dps, so it's going to naturally do more dps than your paladin tank.

From what I can tell, most anything lvl 70 10-man and lower should be soloable for shamans barring a couple specific encounters. Anything above that is going to be tough.
#10 Apr 21 2011 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Athu, I haven't tried to do any soloing with my Shaman ... yet ;) I would like to try here soon though. Actually, I've started picking up another set of gear to reforge into tanking stats because I have encountered, on occasion, really BAD tanks while on my Shaman and have would up tanking through a Heroic while we waited for a replacement. I would like to take my Shaman through some older content to see how well he does, first with my DPS gear, and if I can't quite do it, throw on what "mail tanking gear" I have and see how that works.

I will be interested to know if you try to do any soloing, and how that works out for you. I will also post back here if I get the chance to try any soloing myself :)
#11 Apr 22 2011 at 3:28 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Update: ventured into Tempest Keep: The Eye today. Downed Al'ar without too much issue. Gave a few attempts on Void Reaver, but I couldn't do enough damage to beat his berserk timer :( Even put on most of my DPS gear, but the silence he does is really hard to work around, and it wasn't enough to get him. Might go back again when I get some more raid epics to see if I can beat the berserk and down him. Also tried Solarian, but I couldn't take care of the healer adds in between being launched up into the air, and it was so annoying that I decided not to do more than one attempt today. Will most likely go back and try putting on my DPS gear, maybe go DPS spec too, and heal through the damage so that I can take out those adds as quick as possible.
#12 Apr 22 2011 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
Thanks Maulgak. I am starting with the 5 man dungeons and plan to move on to Kara before trying the raid stuff. So far, all the Old World 5 man's are trivial. But fun. It will be some time before I catch up with you, if ever!
#13 Apr 22 2011 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
lol, I wish you luck in your quest :) I find going back to all these places to be a lot of fun, but maybe I'm just masochistic like that :P

Side note: anybody know of a free video capture program that isn't total garbage? I would like to record my adventures, maybe put them to music, but nothing too fancy, and it's not something I would do enough to warrant paying for it really =/
#14 May 04 2011 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
Netherspite is actually VERY easy to solo. Wait until he is at the far back of the room, straight back from the door. Pull him with your back to the door. You will be in ALL THREE beams at once. Your mana will be higher and fully restored every tick (if you're a class with mana), same with health, and your damage output will increase with every stack from the blue beam. Netherspite will be dead LONG before any of the negative effects from the beams can hurt you. Took me 34s to kill him, and by the end, I was crit executing him for 200k.
#15 Jun 10 2011 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Hope no one minds me necroing my own thread :P Haven't played as much in the last month because of school, but now that the term is over, I have more time to play again :)

So, I took another crack at Tempest Keep: The Eye. Fought Void Reaver with Prot spec, but in my DPS gear + sword/board. Managed to be the enrage timer this time, woot! Also went back to Solarian and fought her in my DPS spec/gear. Didn't have too much trouble there at all. Was easy enough to heal through using DS spam during her add phase, and was actually kinda fun :)

Was feeling daring so I cleared the trash up to Kael'thas and put in a couple of attempts on him. First attempt I just fought everyone in Kael's room. Got through each of his advisers ok (that caster chick is a !@#$% though), but I didn't get all the weapons down before Kael revived everyone, and they tore me up.

Second try I used a strategy that I saw a DK do on a video. He ran to the entrance of the instance and killed the first 2 advisers there, then staggered the other 2 back toward Kael's room, and finally the weapons right at the doorway to Kael's room. It worked ok, but I still couldn't kill the weapons fast enough and wound up with a couple of them up plus the caster chick and the engineer.

First time I'd ever seen this fight outside of watching a video, hehe, and all things considered I didn't do too bad. Did a lot better than I thought I was going to, that's for sure. If anyone has any ideas for things I could try, I would love to hear about it :) Might not get back in this week, but I'm going to look around for any tips and give it another go soon.

(Edit: never mentioned it, but I took down Ragnaros too :) Easy now taht I know where to stand, hehe)

Edited, Jun 10th 2011 4:58am by Maulgak
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#16 Sep 15 2011 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Do you still need to have a second person and form a raid group?

If so,

Can I find a second person, enter the raid instance, then have that person quit/leave/etc - and continue to solo the instance? *I don't want to have to make some guildy sit around doing effectively nothing (You can't quest while in a raid) - while I'm off messing around.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#17 Sep 16 2011 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
28 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Do you still need to have a second person and form a raid group?

If so,

Can I find a second person, enter the raid instance, then have that person quit/leave/etc - and continue to solo the instance? *I don't want to have to make some guildy sit around doing effectively nothing (You can't quest while in a raid) - while I'm off messing around.

Yes, you still need a second person to enter a raid.
And yes, you can just ask someone to join, convert to raid, and enter. However if they leave and you die, you won't be able to enter the raid again.

What you can do though, is to ask some guildie to join your group with an alt and after raid is formed, he will disconnect without leaving the raid.
Even if they reconnect with another character, the logged off alt will stay in group and the raid will not disband.

(This trick is often used by people who want to use several characters on a raid: for ex. they want to fight boss 1 with the main and boss 2 with an alt for loot reasons).

Edited, Sep 16th 2011 12:04pm by lostraniero
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