madoracl3 wrote:
I have leveled Sub from 1 - 77 (where I currently sit). Doing PVP and PVE. None the less thanks for this thread as I was ******** up and doing:
(Premed) -> Shadowstep -> Ambush -> Kidney Shot -> Hemo*5 -> Evis
I will try dropping KS/Hemo and opening with Evis out of stealth when I get home. Maybe after a Hemo or two.
Regardless: Level with what you enjoy most. Personally I enjoy Sub, and PVP, so it made sense for me to level Sub. I tried Combat and have an off-spec Assassination, but I generally roll with Sub all the time.
I just hit 70 last night and I don't even bother with Premeditation much anymore. I currently have Initiative and Honor Among Thieves so just doing Ambush often gives me 4CP.
Whether it does or not I usually do Ambush -> Hemo (maybe x2) -> Evisc. dead.
But keep in mind I'm a few levels above my zone.
When I fight an Elite mob for group quests I usually go
Premed -> Shadowstep -> Ambush (though I'm starting to think I should do Garrote) -> Recup -> Evasion -> Hemo (till 5CP) -> SnD -> Healing Trinket -> Hemo (till 5 CP) -> Rupture
and cycle.
Edited, Apr 5th 2011 1:13pm by Konuvis