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Tank healing..Follow

#1 Jan 10 2011 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
Guys is it possible to tank heal wit ha resto shaman?

If so what's the priority stats i need to look at the most or you can point me to a good website to look up...

I looked all over elitest jerks website but can't seem to find the answer i was looking for.
Blizzard banned me from there forums so no point of asking there as well..

Is there anyone out there thats got good tips to get me started??

Edited, Jan 10th 2011 5:15pm by jacquette23
#2 Jan 11 2011 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
I had this discussion with our shaman class lead about a week ago. It seems to work well for me and he has had no probLems at all healing anything so far

Stats: Haste. > Crit. > Spirit > Mastery. (of course int as well but that comes with pretty much any of the others)
water shield and earth living

Rotation: remember shamans are basically reactionary healers but this is a good way to go.

Earth Sheild first
(start of pull)
Earth shock the main target to slow the attacks and make riptide basically free
Unleash elements
Healing wave/greater healing wave. (I'm still out on that one. I prefer to use HW as my normal heal but he says GHW is the better coice and it works for him. 60k heal crits)
Use healing surge as the go to for quick top ups
Natures swiftness and GHW macro or uses together for the oh sh*t moments

Basically when earth shock is up and riptide s getting low start at the beginning.

Don't forget about the mana regen you get from casting lightning bolt and helping out the dps a little too. I know it seems like you won't have time but with RT, ES, and earth shock on the target there is plenty of time

Hope this heps. If anyone else has some ideas I'd like to see them too. I'm always looking for different ways to heal


Edited, Jan 11th 2011 2:18am by FinalMeat
#3 Jan 13 2011 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
FinalMeat wrote:
I had this discussion with our shaman class lead about a week ago. It seems to work well for me and he has had no probLems at all healing anything so far

Stats: Haste. > Crit. > Spirit > Mastery. (of course int as well but that comes with pretty much any of the others)
water shield and earth living

Rotation: remember shamans are basically reactionary healers but this is a good way to go.

Earth Sheild first
(start of pull)
Earth shock the main target to slow the attacks and make riptide basically free
Unleash elements
Healing wave/greater healing wave. (I'm still out on that one. I prefer to use HW as my normal heal but he says GHW is the better coice and it works for him. 60k heal crits)
Use healing surge as the go to for quick top ups
Natures swiftness and GHW macro or uses together for the oh sh*t moments

Basically when earth shock is up and riptide s getting low start at the beginning.

Don't forget about the mana regen you get from casting lightning bolt and helping out the dps a little too. I know it seems like you won't have time but with RT, ES, and earth shock on the target there is plenty of time

Hope this heps. If anyone else has some ideas I'd like to see them too. I'm always looking for different ways to heal


Edited, Jan 11th 2011 2:18am by FinalMeat

All tanks have the 20% attack speed and 10% physical damage debuff, so Earth Shock is a good way to waste 4k mana and a GCD every 8 seconds. Even with 3/3 Focused Insight, you're spending 1k mana and a GCD to buff your next heal by 30%. You get the same effect from Unleash Elements, with an extra direct heal, by putting 2 pts in Elemental Weapons.

Crit is generally a better throughput stat than Haste after you hit 916 haste rating (extra Riptide tick) due to AH and AA procs, plus mana regen from IWS procs. Your Mana Tide is based off spirit, so put it at a low priority at your own peril. I have around 1850 spirit right now and a few different trinkets in case I need more.

60k GHW crits? Let's assume I'm getting at least 15% from Deep Healing (+6% healing out, +15% healing recieved), use Unleash Elements and a Shock (30% and 30%), and have Earth Shield up on the target (15%). 1 x 1.06 x 1.15 x 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.15 x 1.53 (crit w/ healing crit meta) = ~3.6x modifier. That will get you there in pre-raid gear, but only once every 15 sec, and it takes 2 GCDs, a ~1.7 sec cast (assuming Tidal Waves), and hoping you actually hit with your shock to pull it off. In other words, it's way to unreliable for regular tank healing.

GHW is not more efficient than HW for regular amounts of damage (pending changes to GHW in 4.0.6), and HS beats out GHW under Tidal Waves due to the extra 30% crit. GHW does benefit the most from Unleash Life and provides the biggest snap heal with NS.

As for the OP, are you talking about tank-healing in a raid, or just healing the tank in a 5-man? Basic rules of thumb for resto shaman healing: keep Earth Shield on the tank, keep Riptide on the tank, UE+GHW and NS+GHW are good for high tank damage, so is recasting Riptide + HSx2. The latter has a good chance to get AH back up on the tank. TC is good for mana regen, especially if the boss has a burn phase (like Magmaw), but it takes 16% hit to not miss in raids, 6% for heroics. Miss too much and you could lose more mana than you get back.
#4 Jan 17 2011 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Also, according to, using Unleash Elements with Riptide is inadvisable as it only affects the direct heal portion. They recommend that you only use it with a big heal (Greater Healing Wave).

Their reasoning is that using it with Healing Wave is pointless, because if you're using Healing Wave then the tank isn't taking enough damage to warrant a cooldown, and if you have to use Healing Surge then the tank is taking damage too fast for you to spend GCDs on anything else.

In other words, you use Unleash Elements with a Greater Healing Wave whenever you know, or assume, that the tank is about to take a lot of damage.

On a related note, can anyone recommend an Earth Shield monitor add-on?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Jan 17 2011 at 6:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Totem Timers is great for a lot of things. I haven't played with it a lot, but it has a nice indicator for your shields and weapon imbues, and you can click the ES indicator (where it saves the name of the last person you cast ES on) and it will recast on that target. There's also a nice warning when one of your totems, shields, or imbues runs out.
Spell   	Mastery / Unleash / Shock / Earth Shield 
Riptide Direct 	   X 	     X 	      X 	X 
Riptide HoT 	   o 	     X        o 	X* 
Chain Heal 	   X 	     X 	      X 	X** 
Healing Rain 	   X***      o 	      o 	o 
Earthliving HoT    o 	     o 	      o 	o 
Earth Shield 	   o 	     o 	      o 	o 

* = Check occurs at the time RT is cast (not per tick)
** = Only the bounce that hits shielded target gets the buff
*** = Mastery bonus is re-calculated every tick.

That chart is buried at the bottom of the second page on EJ, and holds true from my own experience. If you're strictly raid healing, you could use UE with Riptide, but if your chain heal is consistently hitting 3-4 targets it will benefit more from the UE buff.
#6 Jan 17 2011 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
So UE affects the HoT portion of RT? Not sure if I understand that chart correctly.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Jan 17 2011 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Yeah, UE buffs both parts of Riptide, but it doesn't work with Healing Rains. Mastery affects Riptide's direct heal but not the HoT, Chain Heal, and Healing Rain (and it re-checks your mastery level and the health of the target for every tick). Shocks with Focused Insight buff Riptide's direct heal and Chain Heal, but not the riptide HoT.
#8 Jan 18 2011 at 3:36 AM Rating: Good
436 posts
ShieldsUp is a nice, low profile shield monitoring addon...shows the charges on your water shield (or lightning shield for other specs) and earth shield, as well as who your earth shield target is. It will also change color if another resto shaman overwrites your earth shield.
#9 Jan 18 2011 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
Nice thanks for the info everyone. The way that I have been going seems to be working for me lately, but definitely had me wondering about a few things. I think because I'm not in heroics or even the beginning raids is a big factor for that. The method I mentioned seems to be working well for the class lead in my guild. I've gotten off the track that he has set though as well, kind of going my own way and seeing what works for me.

Lots of information to take in and sort through, I've been through the EJ stuff repeatedly and some has helped where some hasn't, but again I'm not running with BIS or even almost-BIS, where the math at EJ is based on.

I'm still using UE with RT at the start of the fight, the CD is just long enough that I drop a few heals and it's up again anyway, usually right when I need it for a GHW. This will more than likely change as I get better gear and move to heroics.

Mazra wrote:
On a related note, can anyone recommend an Earth Shield monitor add-on?

I use VuhDoo and it has a buff's frame that I have set up with my Water Shield and the Earth Shield on it. Click on either and it refreshes as well as displays the amount of charges left with color codes. Very easy and well VuhDo is great for healing, I only have a couple of healing spells on my bars anymore because everything is bound to VuhDo with clicks and modifiers.
#10 Jan 18 2011 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
I haven't had as much time as I would like to set up VuhDo, but so far I really like it. This may be beyond what Blizzard will allow or whatis possible with addons, but I'd like to see something were I can tell if there are people in range of my target for chain heal jumps. Sometimes I can't see if one ranged DPS has run off by himself, and there's no way to tell if I'm wasting the mana for a CH when I could use HS, HW, or GHW instead.
#11 Jan 18 2011 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Will check out the addons, thanks.

Not a fan of click-healing, since I'm used to right-click and left-click selection and menu. I prefer the good ol' mouseover macros. My UI just didn't include an ES monitor, so my number one problem was keeping ES up while busy healing stuff.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#12 Jan 18 2011 at 3:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Maz, have you noticed over half the recent Shaman posts have been from us? Druid invasion! :P
#13 Jan 18 2011 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Hell yeah, I'm inching my way into the Hunter, Paladin and Warrior forums as well.

Kinda difficult when they don't have "Bored <class>" threads, though.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Jan 19 2011 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Start a "Bored Druids with <class> Alts" thread?
#15 Jan 19 2011 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Smiley: lol

That would be awesome, but I'm not sure the admins would allow it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Jan 20 2011 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
436 posts
Heck, I think one might even work on this forum...we have "some" people that look at it, I just think we're all shy :P
#17 Jan 21 2011 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
It would be sort of nice if we could get some conversation going. I just can't figure out what to talk about that hasn't been talked to death already.
#18 Jan 21 2011 at 7:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
This thread has been going on for 2 years come March.
#19 Jan 25 2011 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
161 posts

You could try out Full Moon

Full Moon Description wrote:
Three vertical bars keep track of Stormstrike, Earth Shock, and Lava Lash for Enhancement; Chain Lightning, Flame Shock, and Lava Burst for Elemental; Riptide, Wind Shock, and Earth Shield target/charges for Restoration. A main bar beneath keeps track of Maelstrom Weapon procs for Enhancement, Flame Shock duration for Elemental, and Tidal Waves for Restoration. Bars beneath these keep track of longer cooldowns and uptimes of Feral Spirit and Shamanistic Rage for Enhancement, Elemental Mastery for Elemental, and Nature's Swiftness and Tidal Force for Restoration


Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for as it's for grid. ChainHealTarget

ChainHealTarget description wrote:
This addon is an attempt to make Chain Heal worth casting again, by marking the target that will generate the most Chain Heal jumps and has the most health deficit, to minimize overhealing and maximize effectiveness.

I'm redoing my UI so I'm coming across some interesting addons. Those haven't been updated lately, not sure if they will work or not, but at least they are out there.


**Edit for a better ChainHeal Addon that works with Cata.

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 11:22am by FinalMeat
#20 Jan 29 2011 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Yea, the Shaman forums are even more dead than before. They died for the first time and now they're just lingering.

Damn druids.
#21 Jan 29 2011 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
436 posts
Reincarnation go?

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