While currently only 336, a mix of 346 and 333 I am not seeing a lot of hit percent on the gear. I've reforged nearly every thing I can to increase it, and even by my calculation, with the combination of the rest of the 346 JP gear, the 3 reputaion epics and aquired 346 dungeon pieces, I will still be well under the 17% hit cap for raiding.
What is the best way to ensure I hit the cap? Will reforging be the key? Gems? Or am I so bad at math that I am not seeing properly the hit that my future gear will provide?
I'll link my mage here, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/moonglade/magil/advanced
I still have a couple of greens, and one blue at the same ilvl of 318. I am running DM with no success to grab cookies wand, Venessa's armband.. and emberstone just for a 346 staff upgrade.
I have a excel database for all available gear, so I know what I am after, I am just not seeing the hit represented properly in the upgrades.
Edited, Jan 10th 2011 3:05am by Magilicotti