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Is this right for Shadow?Follow

#1 Dec 27 2010 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
Hey guys,

Just a few questions about new numbers for Shadow spec, I went over to the EJ site for a look and omg unless your a math professor it doesnt make much sense.

So I'am looking for some answers in English if possible.

Firtly stats, they quote this for order of need:
Current priority should be hit/spirit to cap > int > haste > crit/mastery > hit/spirit beyond cap.
They also quote 446 or 17% as the magic number for Hit, can anyone verify this and is this the correct stat order to concentrate on?
My current Hit Chance is 14.36% but my Hit Rating is 1471 so I'am not sure where the 446 comes into it.

I'am not doubting them but with all the math they throw in it seems to change from post to post there.

Secondly rotation, is this what I should now be doing to maximise my dps:
1) Vampiric Touch
2) Shadow Word: Pain
3) Devouring Plague
4) Mind Flay
5) Mind Flay
6) Mind Blast -- (Mind Flay again if I don't have an orb)

-- At this point I have all of my buffs up --
7) Rerfresh VT
8) Refresh DP
9) Archangel
10) Mindflay/Mindblast as necessary

Where would MindSpike fit into this rotation?
If you use if before SWP and cast it 3 times your MB will crit a lot more but there are no DoTs up yet and its time consuming.
I'd keep my DoTs up all the time so if I use MS it would wipe them so I'd need to cast it earlier.
Is this worth using?

All DoTs:
Cast after Mind Blast so you have Shadow Orb mastery buff.
Cast after Mind Flay so you have Evangelism buff.

Mind Blast:
Cast after Vampiric Touch so you provide Replenishment.
Cast after Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Flay so you have shadow orbs for the mastery buff.

Mind Flay:
Cast after Shadow Word: Pain for damage bonus.
Cast after Shadowfiend for cooldown reduction.

Mind Spike:
Cast before DoTs are up or have just worn off to mitigate dot removal effect.

From there on, I just use a priority system of keeping dots / buffs up and SW when I'm running low on mana.
Note: Make sure you have Archangel up for Heroism, it makes a huge difference.

I havent played shadow in over 6 monthes so to be honest I dont remember my old rotation so for now this is what I'am going to use unless its dated and you guys have a better idea.

Thats pretty much it, just need confirmation all this isnt dated and its what people are now doing/using.

I actually spec'd as Disc to get level 85 and Shadow has always been my off spec but for a change this time in instances and raids I'am going to kill stuff and try out Shadow as a main spec.

Thanks for any help/advice given, all the best for the New Year.

Edited, Dec 28th 2010 3:37am by RodStorm
#2 Dec 27 2010 at 9:43 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Hit: Highest level boss you'll see currently is 87 so while leveling, something more like 7%-12% at 85 will do the trick. That will need to be higher later but I believe that the 17% number is for level 88 bosses. There is some theorycrafting that shows that you can gain some DPS by running under hit cap. It's weird and very controversial and people who've grown used to never missing will hate it. Your mileage may vary. The reasoning is all about how most of our damage comes from Mind Flay so when you miss with MF you only miss for 1 tick. This reduces the value of hit.

Stat priority: With hit out of the way Int > Spellpower > Haste > Crit > Mastery > Spirit/Hit

Rotation: Over a long fight how you start out doesn't really matter much. Your rotation looks OK although you never mentioned Shadowfiend. If you send the little bugger out delay doing so for a bit so that you get the mana return. No sense in sending him when your mana is topped off. Mind Blast with 1 orb, don't wait for 3. If Empowered Shadow is up and you have an orb, you don't want it to drop off. SW:D is good for mana return...think of it as an spriest Life Tap. Some people are saying to use it on cooldown. I've found it to be good to use it as your mana approaches 75% or so.

Mind Spike: Doesn't need to be in your normal rotation. Shouldn't be actually. However, in the burn phase of a fight where the boss doesn't have long to live, a couple of SW:D followed by Mind Spikes and Mind Blast are really good for burst damage. Your dots will be ending up anyway and it might not be useful to reapply them. Situational as always.

AOE: Mind Sear is terrible unless you have many, many adds. For just a few adds (less than 5 maybe) you're better off to Holy Nova if you're glyphed for it. Sad, but true. If there's just a couple of adds, this is what Mind Spike was designed for.

SW:D does extra damage when target health is under 25%. For all intents and purposes, you'll have two rotations. One for normal boss fighting and one for Boss <= 25% health that will feature SW:D prominently (although not so prominently that you kill yourself).

There's a wiki here that's been started for spriests. Look it up and there's some good info there.

Stickies have been slow in coming for shadow priests since we have to deal with a lot of situational spells (Mind Spike, different flavors of SW:D depending on target health, cc expectations for MC/Silence) and RNG for getting orbs. So the good old min/max your DPS style of sticky is much more difficult to write for us than it used to be. That's my theory anyway.

Edited, Dec 27th 2010 11:00pm by Moanique

Edited, Dec 27th 2010 11:06pm by Moanique
#3 Dec 28 2010 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thank you so much for taking the time to get back to me.
I do use Shadowfiend, sometimes at the start of a long fight to help with damage and when I know his cd will pop up again towards the end so I can use him again to help finish off.

Other times I've used Shadowfiend when everything is not going to plan and I need a get out of jail card, the little bugger helps out then as well.

What I did notice today doing the dailies in Tol Badan was mana usage, you mentioned spirit as a last stat.
When I levelled as Disc. I reforged a lot to include spirit and my mana regen was quite good up to level 85.
Now as Shadow it just seemed to burn a hole in my pocket and I still virtually have a good spirit pool.
I'am drinking after every fight to replenish my mana.
Sure I can use Dispersion but if I aggro again after a fight my mana does run really low until it pops again.

So I thought spirit would be a good thing to have to help with the regen, am I thinking to much like a Disc. priest here?

But mana regen is a concern.

Also I dont really understand the spirit/hit thing and how it works,from what I have read spirit and hit work together as hit so if I have a lot of spirit it works as hit as well as good for mana regen if I chose to heal again.
But if I dont want to heal then should I just reforge all spirit to hit that I can to get the cap?
Does it only go spirit=hit or can it also go hit=spirit?
More hit = more spirit?

I'am only roughly 2% away from 17% hit cap so I'll focus on that first then int. and spellpower although to be honest I havent seen anything yet that has spellpower on it as a stat except maybe for the odd staff.

Heres my armoury link anyway, any comments/advice is greatly appreciated as all this is a new learning curve again but to be honest its really fun so I'am enjoying something different.

Thank you again for the help :)

Edited, Dec 28th 2010 8:44am by RodStorm

Edited, Dec 28th 2010 8:51am by RodStorm
#4 Dec 28 2010 at 3:42 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Spirit doesn't do enough to affect mana regen for specs with out Meditation for it to be an effect method of mana regeneration.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Dec 28 2010 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
So look at hit over spirit then and dont worry about spirit at all.
I ran the instance in Ramokhen 3 times tonight, love the random dungeon finder, and pretty much was left on mana fumes after each fight.
Dispersion and Shadowfiend helped but geez it was close, this is normal and not heroic either.
So no stat will help with mana regen during a fight or straight after now seeing how I dont have the use of Meditation anymore?
#6 Dec 28 2010 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
SW:D returns mana when you use it as long as you have machoism. Make sure you use that.

Keep archangel on Cooldown.

Fiend early on boss fights (i.e. before your first Mind Flay) so that it can be up again that fight (if not twice).

I try to was dispersion for when I either can not DPS the boss or for when I am about to take loads of damage, I prefer to avoid using it s a mana regen tool.

Using that strategy, I can keep enough mana to DPS without any impairment and toss out some shields as need be.
#7 Dec 28 2010 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Just a minor note to say that GC's recent blog post strongly indicates that there will be a buff to Mind Sear. So don't bury the spell somewhere where you'll be likely to forget about it. Spriests are doing OK on single target damage; dots are strong and while our nukes are a little weak, the primary class weakness now is in AE damage. So that's welcome.

If you haven't read GC's post, it's worth a read as it presages a major balancing pass for all classes.
#8 Dec 29 2010 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys,

I noticed in some instances like the Pyramid one in Ramokhen that mana wasnt as issue as there was plenty of times between fights to mana up with Dispersion so the drain recovery wasnt as bad as say The Lost City where there are groups of mobs attacking at once so you have multiple targets constantly.

One thing I think I might not have totally right is my talent tree.
I've read a few builds on the site and this one sounds close to the money:

My only change would be to remove the point in Physic Horror and grab Silence instead.
But I would still need one more point from somewhere else to do this and I'am not sure where from so thats a problem.
Is Silence worth having?
Currently I dont have many points in Disc. at all so I dont have Archangel or Evangelism and this is where I think I'am missing out.

My tree/armoury is posted in one of the posts above if you need to have a look but I like the one I mentioned here as it gives me more damage and mana replenishment.

Any advice is always welcome so please let me know if I'am on the right track here or there is something better again that I'am missing.


Edited, Dec 29th 2010 3:53pm by RodStorm
#9 Dec 29 2010 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Your build looks OK.

You'll need to find two points to move around, one to finish up Improved Psychic Scream and another to actually get to Silence.

Candidates for point removal in your build would be improved Mind Blast or Shadowy Apparitions.

Since Mind Blast today (today is an important point) is nowhere near our best damage spell adding a half-second to its cooldown may be no big deal. If Mind Blast moves to being something to cast always on cooldown instead of 1 orb then you might want to rethink.

If you don't find yourself proccing a lot of Shadowy Apparitions then proccing even fewer of them may not make a lot of difference to you. This, however, is a direct reduction to your potential damage. On the other hand, SA's don't make up a huge part of our damage in any case.

Removing damage enhancement points to get some additional CC is a valid way to play now but the exact way to do it will depend a lot on your play style, what you're comfortable with and what your role in a group is.

Edited, Dec 29th 2010 12:20pm by Moanique
#10 Dec 29 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks for the reply, I havent had to use CC at all as yet in any instances but then again I havent ran many different ones as yet either.
My main group role so far is pure dps with no CC.

I was told CC is now used a lot more than previously so I thought Silence would be worth having but I do know if I'd want to reduce my damage output to justify it.
To me my current dps is a little low as is.

I'am more a static player who should I guess move around more so SA is something I dont see come up to often so maybe if I changed my play style a little I would benefit more from using it or I could drop a point there to help get Silence.

I only use Mind Blast on an orb and hardly never as a standalone spell so taking a point from there would do the trick as you mentioned.

The point you made is valid, lose some damage for CC, at this point though I'd like to maintain what damage output I have but I do realise you cant have your cake and eat it to.

Thanks for the help.
#11 Dec 29 2010 at 8:50 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
You'll have to ask Teacake about having your cake/cookies and eating it too.

I think she may have figured that out.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
#12 Dec 30 2010 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
RodStorm wrote:
Thanks for the reply, I havent had to use CC at all as yet in any instances but then again I havent ran many different ones as yet either.
My main group role so far is pure dps with no CC.

I was told CC is now used a lot more than previously so I thought Silence would be worth having but I do know if I'd want to reduce my damage output to justify it.
To me my current dps is a little low as is.

I'am more a static player who should I guess move around more so SA is something I dont see come up to often so maybe if I changed my play style a little I would benefit more from using it or I could drop a point there to help get Silence.

I only use Mind Blast on an orb and hardly never as a standalone spell so taking a point from there would do the trick as you mentioned.

The point you made is valid, lose some damage for CC, at this point though I'd like to maintain what damage output I have but I do realise you cant have your cake and eat it to.

Thanks for the help.

In most cases, when I MC a heavy-hitting Melee, it's a DPS gain (for trash at least). My strategy comes down to picking the nastiest mob I can and going to town on everything else.

Defias Enforcers are my favorite ^_^ (32k DPS was my max, and 26k is more 'normal.' 1 MC is all it takes to wreck 2-3 of the other mobs.

#13 Dec 30 2010 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
MC is something I havent had a lot to do with as yet so I'am going to practice on some lower targets first until I get the hang of it.
The only CC'ing I've ever done really was sheeping on my Mage back in the BC days and that was quite awhile ago.
Once I know what I'am doing I'll aim for the bigger boys, thanks for the advice.
#14 Dec 31 2010 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I've been doing heroics with a guild shadow priest and using MC often.

Much lulz ensue. It is always fun to MC stuff. Both when it works, fails and breaks early. Never a dull moment.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Jan 02 2011 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys,

Kind of stuck on a couple of things that I'am confused with.

I was working towards getting the Hyjal belt, Cord of the Raven Queen, but now have the chance to buy the Belt of Depths for 9.5k gold.

The first attraction is one is free with a bit of work and one is expensive.

Thats not the issue though its the stats.
Using Rawr from the EJ site it tells me as dps the Belt of Depths is a higher ranked belt being the second best in the game so far.

It has less spirit than the Hyjal one which means less hit but I'am capped there so not really an issue its just the haste I'am not so sure about.

I can reforge the mastery from the Hyjal belt into haste, it wont be as much, but I'll still have some there and for the sake of 9.5k gold I dont think I want to pay that much for the added bonus of a few more haste.
Having said all that a lot of Shadowpriests on my server have the Belt of Depths so is there something I'am not seeing that makes it a better buy than the Hyjal one?

The main thing again isnt so much the cost but the word haste.

On the EJ site they have int. gems in everything for bonus spellpower disregarding the socket bonus most of the time, sure np there, but they also mention reforging spirit into crit. on some items.

I've always reforged everything to either hit to get the cap when I needed to but now reforge to haste whenever I can.

At what point do I concentrate on haste moreso than int?

Do I try and get as much int. as I can and only look at haste when I cant add anything else?
I cant remember if I can reforge to int. but if I can maybe I should remove the haste I've reforged to and go to int?

Sure the more mana and spellpower is what we all want so is haste really that important and should I ignore crit altogether and always reforge it?
I just thought it strange how Rawr said to reforge for it and not using it.

I know mastery isnt so good for Shadow so I always reforge that but now I'am not so sure what stat I should be reforging to.
Then again is mastery something I should look at after being hitcapped?
Theres a spreadsheet on of gear that has mastery in a lot of gear that is ranked high.

Thanks for the help, just trying to work out what is the best option.
I dont know any other Shadowpriests so I cant look up thier armoury to see what they have done so it makes it a bit harder.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2011 2:03am by RodStorm
#16 Jan 03 2011 at 1:55 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
For looking at armories, what I do is go to the main WoW forums for priests and damage dealers, find priests that are posting about spriest issues, and click on their pictures. That will take you to the character stats, talents, etc. It can be useful although it's pretty hit and miss.

As much as possible, try NOT to read the actual threads. It's a cesspool of QQ and confusion :)

But if you want to find lots of level 85 spriests for comparison, that's one way. After a while, you'll know as much or more about what's wrong as what's right but that can be useful too.

#17 Jan 03 2011 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
I had a look over at and they actually have a link of current Shadowpriests so I must have missed it.

One thing I did notice that has me worried a bit is the legs enchant, I chose the stam/int one as I'am at 18% hit cap so I'am over the cap but just about everyone has the int/spirit enchant.

I'am guessing its only for hit for them to reach the cap easier as I cant see any other benefit for it unless they heal as off-spec as well.

But this is mainly on Breeches of Mended Nightmares so not a cheap pair of pants to be playing around with the right enchant nor is the enchant cheap itself.

I may have buggered this one up.
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