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Ret dps so lowFollow

#1 Dec 21 2010 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
I first thought it was just me, maybe my rotation was off or something. But after reading some noticed alot of peeps having same issue. My dps is way low, running heroics, can only pull about 6k in a 5-man. Whats even worse I keep getting kicked from groups. Hopefully blizz works this out quickly. I dont' care how much dps I do, its the fact I can't even beat the tank. :(
#2 Dec 21 2010 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
I haven't really seen any Retadins doing more than 6500, either, but I also haven't see our Rets using Inquisition properly.

Proper use of Inquisition which should be up most of the time along side of Holy Wrath should send your DPS skyrocketing. Remember, though, that over the course of the game Retadin's utility has also grown to the point that it is now arguably the best support class in the game!

Just a lil ego boost for you:

  • Plate Wearer with Massive Armor and Taunt can OT for special scripts or for runaway agro
  • Permanent increase in group's DPS
  • The most consistent Replenish in the game
  • Taunt + repentance make you one of the most agile and effective anti-humainoid CC
  • Hands of Freedom, Salvation, and Protection can drastically alter the course of battle
  • Heals and especially cleanses can alleviate the healer's job and help them conserve mana

  • Obviously you're going to want to stay DPSing most of the time, but to be honest most classes don't have so many options when things go awry. Your DPS priorities have become complicated and long, but just consider that a challenge!

    #3 Dec 21 2010 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
    tzsjynx wrote:

    Warning - Attempting to patch together any coherent message from my posts may result in chronic headaches and/or intense vomitting.

    You spelled vomiting wrong. Just saying.
    #4 Dec 21 2010 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
    Ah yes, indeed!

    Wow that's been there since like 2002, too, in the age before Browser Spell Check!! Damn you technology!!!!!
    #5 Dec 21 2010 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
    1,609 posts
    I dinged quite recently and have been dpsing with a blue 333 level weapon, and a mix of greens and 333 blue gear and i'm very rarely below 10k dps in a boss fight even with lots of movement or interrupting required. The difference between good and bad rets is going to be how fast you can react to the various procs and how well you can keep Inquisition up 100% of the time. Exorcism is by far the hardest hitting ability so you need to hit it immediately when it procs and have Inq buffed. All the old stuff applies, try to time major cooldowns like bloodlust with Zealotry as the haste will let you do the otherwise impossible 1 crusader strike 1 TV repeating rotation. Seperate zealotry and avenging wrath as they cause a huge number of cooldowns to clash. Guardian of ancient kings just after inq so you don't have to worry about it and can fit in more damage abilities with the powerful strength buff.

    The best thing you can do is keybind exorcism and avenging wrath, and practice reacting to procs; for example: 2 HP but hand of light procced, so TV and watch to see if it procs a divine purpose HP so you know to hit CS or TV again before the global cooldown has finished etc etc. There are addons out there to help you track inquisition and cooldowns.

    Developers have said they will likely look at changing our mastery to something that contributes more dps so i feel buffs will come eventually.
    #6 Dec 22 2010 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
    Same as Art I am hitting 10K + in heroics, my average Ilevel is now 346 but I do tend to do a ton of support. As the rest of my 5 man team is gearing up that support roll is lessening and I can focus more on pure DPS even.

    But let me tell you LoH when you are sporting 120k HP in Ret gear is a pretty big game changer when you save it for a bad boss fight moment for the tank or healer.

    I also pop holy radiance and even toss around some WoGs when need be.

    I do feel like some classes are scaling faster than us even when we are played very clean. Inq Up. Zealotry used on cooldown. Good prioritizing of Exo etc. Popping wings and Gaurdian.

    All of that makes Ret way more interesting than its ever been. And like Artemis said I'm kinda happy its separating the facerollers from the good Ret players.

    In the end I think we will need some adjustment to mastery beyond a slight increase to our proc lottery. Becuase right now it's feast or famine sometimes by the will of RNG. But we are not in too bad a place if played with skill.

    Looking forward to hitting some raids over holiday break to see how things pan out now that my guild is getting mostly 5 man heroic geared. I may eat my words if we don't scale the way I hope. ;)
    #7 Dec 22 2010 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
    Well after doing much reading, and reworking on rotation, Inq was not up all the time. I also have a 333 weapon, about 320 average gear score, I have hit the 10k mark on boss fights, just wish the others in groups see what all we do, but getting kicked after trash saying im not pulling enough dps is just crap.

    Gotta love the LoH at a good moment, had one crit for 187k, sweet.
    #8 Dec 22 2010 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
    1,609 posts
    I just do my normal single target rotation on the highest hp mob in range on trash pulls. Divine storm, and our aoe damage in general is abysmal. Consecration is stupidly expensive for the amount of damage it does. Holy wrath....i just don't understand what it's for, outside of glyphing it to stun stuff.

    Absolutely loving the utility we have though, like the healing power that'sd already been mentioned. I'm also the appointed "interrupter of stuff" on our guild runs cause in SFK i was catching every cursed bullet cast with rebuke. Almost every boss has stuff you can rebuke to make the fight easier.

    Somewhat off topic, spent an hour today spamming troll digsites, no zinrokh. I'm not giving up though!

    Edited, Dec 22nd 2010 9:30pm by ArtemisEnteri
    #9 Dec 23 2010 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
    27,272 posts
    The only classes/specs that can AoE dps right now seem to be tanks and mages. Every other class mostly just seems to be ****** as far as AoE goes.
    #10 Dec 23 2010 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
    Glyphed holy wrath is amazing. Not for damage but as a AOE stunning interrupt. So many things are dragonkin or elemental now.

    I think focus fire is better than AoE now in most heroic situations anyway. Its hard on the healer to have every mob slowly die but still stay up doing damage. Much much better to CC 1-2 kill the most dangerous one first, next one next. Dead mobs are not hitting the tank.

    Take the shooting stars pull in Vortex pinnacle for example. If you run in there and just start spamming AOE your group is going to eat the full potential damage of all stars for much longer. We mark at least 3 to focus fire. That way those 3 drop really fast and the damage from the remaining stars becomes very manageable as you clean them up.

    Anyway OP your pug that kicked you were just ****** Pugs like the real world are full of stupid people who are overly aggressive all the time as a defense mechanism to try and make up for lack of ability.

    I saw some log parses yesterday of some of the new 25 raid fights at MMO champ from a ret pally. RNG played most likely to big a roll in how high the Ret was but he was doing very well all the same. 16-18k sustained. He was number 2-5 on melee freindly fights that allowed focused boss time and dropped down to 8-10th on movement and target switch fights. Pretty typical for Ret from my experience.

    I do think they will make some adjustments to mastery and tweak some things so our baseline DPS is slightly more stable before procs once all the dust from cata settles and they start seeing more solid info on raid performance.

    Edited, Dec 23rd 2010 8:56am by Shojindo
    #11 Dec 23 2010 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
    Shojindo, Hero of Orgrimmar wrote:
    Glyphed holy wrath is amazing. Not for damage but as a AOE stunning interrupt. So many things are dragonkin or elemental now.

    Hehe did a GB yesterday with 3 Pallies all with Glyphed Holy Wrath. It was awesome... Awesome.
    #12 Dec 29 2010 at 1:32 AM Rating: Good
    713 posts
    Tanked VP with 2 Rets with glyphed HW. No CC needed like a Wrath heroic til the healer bailed.
    #13 Dec 29 2010 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
    As mentioned, Retribution has a lot of support tools which can really make or break a specific fight. Obviously if things are going smoothly, you don't have to use them unless the reason it's going smoothly is because you are supporting, such as interrupting. If you aren't supporting and just dpsing you need to watch your rotations, make sure inquisition is always up, and dont forget about Zealotry, Avenging Wrath, and Guardian. All 3 should be on CD for any boss fight. Remember, don't use Zealotry and Avenging Wrath at the same time, since they fight with each other on your rotation.

    A couple more support hints if things go south:
    1. A well-timed LoH when the tank is low and the healer is OOM can really save a fight. It takes no time from you, and you can continue DPSing like normal.

    2. If the boss is almost dead, and the tank is getting low again, and your LoH is on CD, but Zealotry is up, Zealotry + Spam WoG can keep the tank alive long enough for the other 3 members to burn him down. You can use your extra cooldown to hit a hammer of wrath or exorcism on the boss(unless you are haste soft-capped, which is doubtful and unadvisable at this point). But sacrificing your TV damage for WoG heals on the tank can definitely save the day under those conditions.
    #14 Dec 29 2010 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
    Yeah its a whole new paradigm right now. Support is actually extremely useful. I am at a cusp right now trying to decide this week what to make my main. I was playing my SV hunter last night in H SFk and the tank got really low due to a bad surprise stair pull add. I wanted to reach for my LoH really bad lol.

    This should help tons:

    Ghostcrawler wrote:
    For example, the Retribution mastery, Hand of Light, is fun, but it doesn’t contribute enough damage. To make it contribute enough damage, the proc would need a very high chance, which then can cause paladins to devalue other sources of Holy Power. Instead, we are redesigning Retribution mastery to add a percentage of the damage of Templar’s Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm as Holy damage (which also plays better with Inqusition). Because Hand of Light is fun, however, we are going to change Divine Purpose as a chance to proc Hand of Light instead of a chance for extra Holy Power (which will also remove a little of the randomness from the rotation)

    Inquisition affecting TV CS and DS? Count me in! Divine purpose giving a free 3 HoPo instead of 1 by procing HoL? Sweeet. Go go patch.
    #15 Dec 30 2010 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
    2,183 posts
    You know, I've been struggling to do competitive damage with my Paladin as Ret too. I've checked guides to make sure I was using the right abilities at the right times and all that, and even set up an addon to keep track of Inquisition which has been a huge help. Still, I tend to be the lowest damage in any run I do. I have been putting out upwards of 8.5-9k with my Enhancement Shaman and he's level 82, where my Paladin is more often 6.5-7k at level 85 ...

    I have taken a look at all the support I do though, and that makes me feel a little bit better about putting out such relatively low DPS: healing in a pinch, cleansing, being vigilant about interrupts, HoPing a healer, picking up any adds that the tank either missed or can't get to because of a stun. There've been a few times where the tank has gone down for whatever reason and I quickly equipped my sword/board and popped Righteous Fury to finish the fight.

    EDIT: and I too am very much looking forward to our Mastery changes. Go go patch indeed :D

    Edited, Dec 30th 2010 12:00am by Maulgak
    #16 Dec 30 2010 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
    970 posts
    Gear just on the cusp of moving to heroics (331 counting both my holy gear and alchemist's stone - gogogo mastery changes), and I'm sitting in the same 6-7k zone. I have a lot of experience as feral dps, including a lot of BGs, so a lot of the "innovations" - in particular Inquisition, weren't as much of a shock to my system. I'm sure I'd be higher if I was purely DPSing, but there are too many encounters where the utility of rebuke, cleansing, and instant heals (Holy Radiance, WoG, LoH), in this new world order, are much more powerful than 1k extra damage. In guild groups, at least, we realize that on most fights control is much more important than raw power, but I do fear the reaction of the PuG world, who only recognize one thing (I would say "only understand", but it's clear that they don't really understand it, either).

    That said, like for cats, I think the secret is controlling the flow of information. And that doesnt' mean just which of the FCFS abilities are up. Maintaining inquisition is going to be even more important when more Holy damage gets patched in, and, like Savage Roar, that means very visibly tracking the time left so you can plan on the fly. I know I need to find a place to watch for when Zealotry is available along with the other two long cooldowns.

    There's a lot to keep track of. I'm trying to work on my interface to get to the point where everything I need to see is front and center and nothing more. That's going to take some effort.
    #17 Jan 02 2011 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
    Ghost in the Machine
    36,443 posts
    I feel kinda sad when I'm on my Kitty Druid. While I'm also a hybrid and should be supporting a lot, doing so effectively ruins my DPS. Damn you melee attacks for being 20% of my DPS.

    Edited, Jan 2nd 2011 3:53pm by Mazra
    Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
    #18 Jan 02 2011 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
    27,272 posts
    Shojindo, Hero of Orgrimmar wrote:
    I was playing my SV hunter last night in H SFk and the tank got really low due to a bad surprise stair pull add. I wanted to reach for my LoH really bad lol.
    Freezing trap, wyvern, scatter, concussive. So many tools to CC mobs with, I can single handedly CC enough of just about any pull in any heroic so that any tank who doesn't break my CC can tank it without issues.
    #19 Jan 03 2011 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
    202 posts
    Maulgak wrote:
    You know, I've been struggling to do competitive damage with my Paladin as Ret too. I've checked guides to make sure I was using the right abilities at the right times and all that, and even set up an addon to keep track of Inquisition which has been a huge help. Still, I tend to be the lowest damage in any run I do. I have been putting out upwards of 8.5-9k with my Enhancement Shaman and he's level 82, where my Paladin is more often 6.5-7k at level 85 ...

    I have taken a look at all the support I do though, and that makes me feel a little bit better about putting out such relatively low DPS: healing in a pinch, cleansing, being vigilant about interrupts, HoPing a healer, picking up any adds that the tank either missed or can't get to because of a stun. There've been a few times where the tank has gone down for whatever reason and I quickly equipped my sword/board and popped Righteous Fury to finish the fight.

    EDIT: and I too am very much looking forward to our Mastery changes. Go go patch indeed :D

    Edited, Dec 30th 2010 12:00am by Maulgak

    Which Addon to you use to keep track of time left on Inquisition?
    #20 Jan 03 2011 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
    Well I did 13.5-14k DPS on our 10 man Pit Lord Argaloth (TB Boss) kill last night. Which was higher than anyone else in my casual guild raid. That felt purty good. I was 21.6% of total damage with the next closest down a warrior at like 17%.

    Now this is a perfect Ret fight. Mostly tank and spank with lots of time on the boss except for a short run away to spread fell fire away from the boss so you can continue to DPS until the re-cluster phase.

    I figured out partially why Ret does not look as shiny on overall damage in 5 mans as well. Ever since the DPS I run with started getting better geared we are all killing any trash add in heroics before it even gets 5 stacks of seal for censure. We are more bosskillers now than trash man super stars, which is fine. And I already knew that from WoTLK but sometimes its hard to accept after being such a top dog in both aspects. Smiley: nod
    #21 Jan 03 2011 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
    27,272 posts
    Pit Lord is the measuring stick right now as far as dps goes as it's 96% stand and shoot dps.
    And 13.5-14k dps isn't bad, what kind of gear do you have?
    #22 Jan 03 2011 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
    Link in my sig is my ret set. My Prot set is actually higher just becuase there happen to be more epic rep rewards. But I am all in i346 JP or Heroic. With one epic rep belt and an epic rep neck later tonight after work when I can finish my Rama rep. I may look into some BS crafted pieces sometime soon as well once I have gotten all the available rep pieces.

    My guild just started raiding a bit last week. Though I was not there for most due to the holidays.
    #23 Jan 04 2011 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
    2,183 posts
    Wiretwister wrote:
    Which Addon to you use to keep track of time left on Inquisition?

    I am using PowerAuras thanks to a tip from tzsjynx. Recently set it up to show Zealotry as well as I was getting into the nasty habit of not realizing when Zealotry ran out thus using a Templar's Verdict with less than 3 Holy Power, lol.
    #24 Jan 04 2011 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
    27,272 posts
    Ah ok, I was at 15k dps with equal gear on my SV hunter so guessing that the classes/specs dps potential is pretty similar on bosses
    #25 Jan 06 2011 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
    This is the best quote I've found as to why Ret Dps is so... quirky.

    DPS isn’t the issue for most people, it’s all the damned RNG. Building up 3 holy power so we can hit our big signature move…oh wait, art of war procced, better hit Exorcism first because it hits harder. Alright SWEET I can now hit my signature wait, Inquisition is about to fall off, better hit that. Oh awesome, a hand of light proc, I can FINALLY hit templar’s verdict again…oh damn, the boss just went under 20% so i better hit hammer of wrath first because it hits harder. Oh, now I can hit Templar’s Verdict…but wait, Zeoltry is off cooldown! This will be awesome! Crusader Strike…Templa….no wait, art of war proc, gotta hit that first…oh another art of war proc…oh hammer of wrath is off cooldown…HAND OF LIGHT PROC…wow I can hit templar’s verdict twice in a row…crusader strike…Oops, better refresh my inquisition lololol.
    It’s just frustrating to play. There’s just no rythem to it. It is by far the most convoluted dps “rotation” in the game currently.

    All of these "decisions" forced on us also just make us lose DPS in the long run, cause ultimately you are going to make a mistake. And it's not a mistake because you are bad, it's a mistake cause your finger was already pushing on crusader strike when HoL procs, then a split second before pushing TV your AoW procs.

    Also the ramp-up for our seal is just annoying on trash, since you very rarely hit 5 stacks on trash. And even if you do they die before you get any real benefit of it. You can use Seal of Righteousness on trash though.

    I also wish Zealotry and AW didnt conflict with each other, especially since the +Holy Power from AW can really help you crank out extra damage when you need to burn something down quickly.

    Edited, Jan 6th 2011 12:47pm by CapJack
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