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Fun Mind Control targetsFollow

#1 Dec 20 2010 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
With CC being the name of the game and most things in Cata not being undead and able to be shackled, time to pull out the other CC we have! You know, the one that makes us new friends! (For a little while)

Mind control MAY have only had one use is Wrath, but there LOTS of uses for it in Cata. With the exception of Grim Batol, most all humanoids in Dungeon and raids are able to be MC'ed. With that said, I'd like to list a few of my favorites:

1.)Defias Enforcers: These guys hit like a TRUCK. Seriously, I do a basline of 10k DPS with them, and I've hit 36K standing in 2 overlapping Blood Fields. Carnage (ability) is a fun one too.

2.)Defias Pirates: They can only charge, but boy, do they make up for it in Damage.

3.)Any Healers: Stop them from healing the people I want dead and heal the peopel I don't want dead. Make the healer's life easier

So, anyone else got some favorites?
#2 Dec 22 2010 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
This expansion I decided to play my priest first instead of my warrior, and I'm not disappointed at all. A lot of that has to do with the ability to use MC. I do find a lot of groups that are afraid to use it though, but once they see how powerful it can be they shine up to it.

Anyway, my favorite MC target so far is the tempest witch in Throne of the Tides. I've done almost 40k dps with their chain lightning attack. They are found in the two pulls before the first boss, and spawn during the boss fight (note that MC during the boss fight in heroic can be dangerous because of the vortexes that spawn).

Since you brought up Grim Batol, I was wondering if any of you priest experts know if there's a way to tell beforehand if a mob is able to be mind controlled or is it all trial and error?


-Tankiam Orc Warrior - Ravenholdt
-Kaaysa - Blood Elf Priest - Ravenholdt
-Namamai - Undead Rogue - Ravenholdt
-Pyschoward - Night Elf Warrior - Greymane
#3 Dec 22 2010 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
606 posts
Tankiam wrote:
This expansion I decided to play my priest first instead of my warrior, and I'm not disappointed at all. A lot of that has to do with the ability to use MC. I do find a lot of groups that are afraid to use it though, but once they see how powerful it can be they shine up to it.

Anyway, my favorite MC target so far is the tempest witch in Throne of the Tides. I've done almost 40k dps with their chain lightning attack. They are found in the two pulls before the first boss, and spawn during the boss fight (note that MC during the boss fight in heroic can be dangerous because of the vortexes that spawn).

Since you brought up Grim Batol, I was wondering if any of you priest experts know if there's a way to tell beforehand if a mob is able to be mind controlled or is it all trial and error?


So far I haven't found a way beyond trial and error.

And let me just say, Grim Batol REALLY disappointed me. >.<

Also, we seem to have a shortage of shadow priests... Come try it! We're awesome right now!
#4 Dec 23 2010 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You mean you guys have actually been able to MC mobs in 5-mans without half the party dying on you?
#5 Dec 23 2010 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
You mean you guys have actually been able to MC mobs in 5-mans without half the party dying on you?

This is pretty much shadow-exclusive at the moment. Healers can't really do it and have the party survive.
#6 Dec 23 2010 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
Mozared wrote:
You mean you guys have actually been able to MC mobs in 5-mans without half the party dying on you?

This is pretty much shadow-exclusive at the moment. Healers can't really do it and have the party survive.

Awww, that sucks.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Jan 03 2011 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
I have to admit I'am not willing to try MC' ing an 85 elite just yet in a 5 man party, I'am Shadow and usually sit on second on the dps chart in the group so I'am more valuable hitting stuff than trying to aggro another mob.
Maybe later on there might be a need for it apart from just for fun but for now I'am just happy to kill stuff.
#8 Jan 03 2011 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
606 posts
My DPS goes up on trash when I MC a mob.

I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say I can average 20k on a Defias enforcer with mind control. 36k is my top DPS with one (stood him in the +50% damage field). With 1 MC, all 3 other mobs died. I also start pulls where I take initial agro with MC, so all the mobs beat on my MC target until it dies, or at least 2 other mobs are close to dead. And then I pick a target with full health and go to town.

So I can honestly say that MC makes me FAR more valuable than straight up DPS. I can tank for a little bit, reducing the healing needed, make 1 fewer mob beat on the tank, further reducing healing, and the do MORE damage with my CC that can't be broken by party damage.

Or I can take a healer and do a bit less DPS than normal, but all the other mobs will die faster without their healer and I can still spot-heal when needed.

Give it a shot, you might be surprised at the results ^_^
#9 Jan 04 2011 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I find it immensely fun in pre-Cataclysm dungeons, both as Shadow and Disc. Nothing like mind controlling a healer mob with a spammable Tranquility spell.

The hard part, so far, has been to get the tank to taunt the mob off me afterwards. Apparently 9 out of 10 tanks don't have taunt on their actionbar. Which makes me die a little on the inside.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Jan 04 2011 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
We had just pulled a pack of dryad and tentacles in front of Ammunae in the heroic Halls of Origination when one of my party accidentally body pulled the second. I immediately mindcontrolled the dryad and triggered her tranquility, dropped her and hit fade, then mindcontrolled the second dryad and hit HER tranquility. Huge heals, costing little of my mana, plus the mobs were sidelined. A bad pull became a ridiculously easy fight.
#11 Jan 04 2011 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Well I guess you guys have the confidence to try this, I dont.
The only CC I've seen so far is traps and sheeping with the occasional sap, never been asked to CC anything so until I have to I wont and so far I havent come across the need to.
That may change in heroics but in normals everything seems to be going fine.
#12 Jan 04 2011 at 10:29 PM Rating: Good
606 posts
RodStorm wrote:
Well I guess you guys have the confidence to try this, I dont.
The only CC I've seen so far is traps and sheeping with the occasional sap, never been asked to CC anything so until I have to I wont and so far I havent come across the need to.
That may change in heroics but in normals everything seems to be going fine.

Ahh, yes in regs CC is less important than in heroics. That is where MC is really shining right now.

Also, I have the confidence to MC right now because I had to MC for the razuvious fight in Naxx. I was TERRIFIED when I learned that I would have to do that and dreaded it. Then, after I did it successfully 3 times (with numerous failures), it became a much simpler exercise. I credit having done that fight for why I feel so confident doing MC's now.
#13 Jan 05 2011 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Aside from the fact that healers need to just get on with the healing, the problem for healers mind-controlling was the absence of hit meaning that it was likely to break early, assume that's still the case?

I got the old trick of being mind controlled and walked off the edge in eots the other day. It made me laugh. MC is fun, I ought to use it more in PvP.
#14 Jan 05 2011 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
Since it seems like people are afraid to do mind control (both fellow priests and group leaders), I figured I'd share more of my experience with it.

First off, every shadow priest will at some point be asked to do it in a heroic. CC is just too important at the moment. I'm not sure how good healers are at MC right now without hit rating. I know back in Naxx days it didn't work well.

Some tips:
1) The most important one is use Mind Soothe. MC instantly became more reliable and less risky the moment I remembered about that ability.
2) The chance of MC breaking early seems to depend on the distance the mob is away from you. Also there is a certain point where if the mob gets too far away it breaks 100%. So be mindful of where you are with respect to the mob.
3) MC causes a TON of threat on the mob. Someone earlier mentioned tanks not having taunt on their bars. I don't know you're tank, but I've run with some good ones and sometimes the taunt (and even a fade + a tank taunt) isn't enough to keep the mob from coming after me for a bit. Make sure as soon as you release your target for the last time you taunt, and stop doing any threat till the tank picks up rock solid threat.

4) There are 2 types of MC pulls.

First, you pick a target and MC it while the rest of the group sits back. This usually allows you to eliminate one mob and sometimes do significant damage to one or more others. This type of pull is very risky though, if the mob resists or breaks early and the tank and other cc'ers aren't ready for it there can be a wipe. Also if you kill a mob in this way it doesn't yield rep or loot. If you are going to pull this way try to MC back targets. What I mean is if there is a group of mobs pick the one in the back, so that the other mobs turn away from you. There have been a few times where I will get hit with aoe damage and lose the MC. I'm learning the situations that this can be done safely on, but it takes a lot of trial and error.

The second way, is to simply MC after the tank pulls. This is usually the way I prefer to do it. It allows you to re-mc if the first one fails. I suggest making a macro to spam if the mob is immune to MC so that you can warn the tank. I'm always ready to hit it anytime I'm mc'ing a new mob for me.

5) Making people jump of bridges in PVP has always, and will always be incredible fun :)

Hope this is helpful.

-Tankiam - Orc Warrior - Ravenholdt
-Kaaysa - Blood Elf Priest - Ravenholdt
-Namamai - Undead Rogue - Ravenholdt
-Pyschoward - Night Elf Warrior - Greymane
#15 Jan 05 2011 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
Mind control no longer breaks on ticks. If the initial cast is successful, it will last until the spell expires or the channel is disrupted. It doesn’t break with distance, either--you can walk somebody far out of cast range, around corners and off cliffs. Be aware you can end up with an evading mob this way. I once MC’d a mage with slowfall and rocket boots off the AB cliff, and the channel lasted until he splashed down in the lake south of the stables. After that I hotkeyed a cast cancel so I can break the spell without clicking around.

A priest does need hit to make sure that the initial cast lands. This is not a problem if you have the talent Twisted Faith. In my Holy build I put six points in Shadow, giving me 3% extra haste, a shorter cooldown on shadowfiend, and one point in Twisted Faith, which means half my spirit counts as hit. That’s more than enough to hit heroic trash, and it also helps my shadowfiend hit bosses. It’s also useful on the handful of fights where you can shackle undead. I took it so my Chastise and Psychic Scream would always hit in PVP, but I’m pleased with its utility in PVE. On the other hand, I’m missing out on 6% mana reduction on instant casts.

When mind control breaks, the mob will head straight for you. You can Fade so the tank can pick it up easily if it’s that mob’s turn to die, or if you plan to renew the mind control you can use Chastise (as Holy) or Psychic Horror (as Shadow) to stop it long enough to cast the spell again.

As long as we’re talking about PVE crowd control for priests, I’ve noticed that in most heroics, trash packs are spread out enough that even unglyphed, Psychic Scream can be used safely. It comes in really handy in heroic Halls of Origination, especially on the Setesh fight--you can scatter the Void Sentinel adds chasing your tank, greatly reducing incoming damage.
#16 Jan 05 2011 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
1) The most important one is use Mind Soothe. MC instantly became more reliable and less risky the moment I remembered about that ability.

Wait, what? No! Mind Soothe is horrible in any high end content. While the idea of the spell is good, you use Mind Soothe when you absolutely do NOT want to aggro a mob. The chance to get a resist (and thus pull the mob) as a healing priest is just waaaay to high to take that risk.

I did some MC-CCing in an instance yesterday, and it's rather amazing how not able to deal with it people are. When I MC someone, the whole idea literally is that NOBODY DOES ANYTHING until my MC'd mob gets killed by it's allies, and voila. We wiped on 3-4 trash packs because every ******* time some moron decided to sheep one of the mobs or buff me, causing all the enemy mobs to charge into the group instead of killing my MC, causing my MC to break and my target to kick my ***, which in turn ensured all hell broke lose.
#17 Jan 05 2011 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks for the advice guys, I've tried a bit of MC since on lower level targets and it seems straight forward enough but on a few higher targets its broken and can be interesting :)
I wasnt Shadow in Naxx I was Disc. back then so didnt have to worry to much about it but now Shadow is my main spec I know I have to be able to do it because at some point I'll be expected to do it.

So thanks for the tips appreciate it.

Edited, Jan 6th 2011 5:50am by RodStorm
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