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Holy PallysFollow

#1 Dec 18 2010 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
hi i have a lvl 85 holy pally and is more than able to do Heroics according to my gear. but i cant seem to get my heals to hit for mor than 12k non crit using HL and 14k-16k crits using HL . all my healing spells are very weak and am wondering if im doing somthing wrong. if anyone can hlp me out that would be awsome.
#2 Jul 19 2011 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
make sure you're getting your enchants and gemming right. always use int or int+stat gems. also dont forget your Cooldowns while you're gearing up. Avenging wrath with Holy radiance will feel like you just dropped Tranquility(Druid's large AoE heal). As far as Glyphing make sure you're maximizing you're Word of Glory heals. what'll feel like a good quick rotation of heals will be Holy Shock, Flash your Beacon (Given that you're using the Tower of Radiance talent), then Word of Glory a target; Holy Light a target if you're waiting for holy shock on cooldown, then rinse repeat all whilst using Judgement.

Getting the right gear is key too.

You're gonna want to get the Core of Ripeness from the Justice Point Trinkets. Do your Tol Barad dailies to get Mandala of Stirring Patterns. If you can get a Darkmoon Card: Tsunami use that instead of the Mandala. Try to find a Blasksmith to get you started on some higher gear. once you can get to the Zandalarai Dungeons things'll speed up. My gear blew until i could get into those. From there you're gonna want to get the head and chest given that they'll be your best pieces for those slots until you can get replacements from raids.

I hope all this helps you.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#3 Aug 02 2011 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
int + stam is unfortunately NOT the way to go. I know this post is half a year old, but this is really things you need to focus on.

Crit <--- sacrificial lamb

you'll want to reforge crit off everything unless you can't. Don't sacrifice spirit that's just extra mana you gain back. You can sometimes shave off some Mastery, but it's not recommended it is just if it's an insignificant number or your haste and spirit aren't up to what you want. Gem wise Int + haste is what you want to focus on. Socket bonuses can be skipped unless they apply to the gems you need. Make sure you keep plate gear, don't go for mail even if stats are better you'll lose the 5% bonus.
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