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Getting raid ready for Tier11Follow

#1 Dec 14 2010 at 7:39 AM Rating: Excellent
While I could go through the whole run-around of finding various guides and copy/pasting them into here, I will do you all (and myself) a favor and link to important posts to give you ideas on what you can do with your specs/gearing to begin raiding. As always if you have any questions after reading the guides/links below feel free to ask here, we can be a bit more forgiving of a simpler question than those at EJ.

Pretty much everything you need to know for Fire at 85 is here: Fire Mage Compendium at Elitist Jerks
-- It includes stat weighting, basic reforging advice, proper specs/glyphs, and how you should work in your priorities/scorch weaving rotation.

Ditto for frost Frost Mage Discussion at EJ
-- Not quite as elaborate as the fire one, but it includes all of the basics to get you off the ground (stat weights, specs, and casting priorites)

Arcane in Cataclysm at EJ
-- This thread covers pretty much all you need to know about the basics of raiding/instancing as arcane for at least the first tier of content. The stat weights, and the 3-phases of casting [burn/regen/conserve] are all covered.

Gearing Tips

Get your butt into some normal and heroic 5mans, you won't be stepping into a heroic 5man in leveling gear (you need a gear level average of 329 [visible on your character sheet], most rep rewards start at lvl 333, so get to grinding those out (I was honored with all of the reputations after just leveling through the zones) -- make sure you buy the tabards for the various factions to wear during the instances [you can get them at friendly].

Note that you will need a LOT of hit to be raid capped (1746 if I remember correctly, for 17%) so make note of what the weaker stats are on your gear (this depends on your spec) and reforge those into hit.
*If you are wearing gear with spirit on it -- get rid of it, or at worst case reforge it until you can get rid of it.

Last but not least, use those Justice Points (JPs) that you have been gaining (or kept from WotLK) on gear from your faction's vendor, it is all ilvl 346 with costs from 950-2200 [depending on the piece].

Extra Notes

It is important to remember to always read through at least the last few pages of these threads as there is generally some very nice nuggets of information to be found there that may not always be in the first post or updated to the latest patch.

Edited, Dec 14th 2010 8:42am by Anobix

Edited, Dec 14th 2010 10:02am by Anobix
#2 Dec 14 2010 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix wrote:
As always if you have any questions after reading the guides/links below feel free to ask here, we can be a bit more forgiving of a simpler question than those at EJ.
I generally only make fun of you if you're Mazra. Smiley: grin

You know, your thoughts on gearing makes me wonder if anyone has put together a Kaliban's Class Loot List type gear suggestion page for Cata yet.
#3 Dec 14 2010 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
There are loose class loot lists, but the problem is that the specs differ by which loot/stat is prioritized, granted you will be taking a lot of loot with hit on it anyway.

#4 Dec 15 2010 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
I wouldn't mind helping out a bit on Raiding as Fire. Stuff like practical/alternative rotations, etc.
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#5 Dec 15 2010 at 1:24 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
After finally getting around to reading part of the EJ fire thread, I'm glad I'm still with it enough to have guessed the relative stat weighting.
#6 Dec 15 2010 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
What are your thoughts on the lack of hit-capping explained in the FIRE section?

It seems to me that they are saying INT>HIT.

Now I'm sure at a value of 0 hit, that isn't true...

But the exact quote from EJ, Fire Thread is:

1 Intellect 4.2022 Intellect is King. It's the strongest stat by far, irrespective of whether you're above or below the Hit Cap.

2 Hit 3.0633 Hit is a very strong stat, but still weaker than intellect. You need 17% hit (1742 rating) for Tier 11 boss mobs. Read the section below for general strategy on how best to cap Hit rating. The value of Hit falls off completely after you're Hit capped, however this is unlikely to happen during the initial Tier of Cataclysm content.

I'd like to get your take on that?
#7 Dec 15 2010 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
I think that it is somewhat valid, that you should be picking up gear that has hit on it, but not sacrificing intellect in order to get more hit. As said, point for point int is a better stat (more spellpower + more mana [more casts/fireballs]) > missing once in a while, but hit is still extremely strong comparatively so should be focused on.
#8 Dec 15 2010 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix wrote:
I think that it is somewhat valid, that you should be picking up gear that has hit on it, but not sacrificing intellect in order to get more hit. As said, point for point int is a better stat (more spellpower + more mana [more casts/fireballs]) > missing once in a while, but hit is still extremely strong comparatively so should be focused on.
To add to this, focus on the "Point for Point" part. While hit now requires much more rating for a single percentage than it did last expansion, Int remains a straight up gain. The fact that hit rating remains as high as it does tells you that a single percentage point of hit is much more valuable than it used to be. The only reason it falls behind int is simply the rating system and how much rating it takes for that one percentage point.

Edited, Dec 15th 2010 11:41pm by Poldaran
#9 Jan 03 2011 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I dug through the arcane thread for stat scaling info(as it's not finalized so therefore not added to the main post), and here's what it is currently showing for those interested.

The exact order for arcane depends on your specific gear. But for example with BiS Preraid blue gear and BiS ilvl 359 epic gear, here are the scaling factors as given by the latest version of simcraft:


#10 Jan 04 2011 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts

EJ Fire thread wrote:
Pyromaniac Bug: There is currently a major, helpful bug with the Pyromaniac talent. Placing just one point into Pyromaniac will give you a permanent, free 5% Haste - even if you have 0 DOT's present on any targets. Furthermore, you will still get an additional 5% Haste (+10% total) when you have DOT's on three targets. Until this bug is fixed, temporarily adjust all builds to include placing just ONE point into Pyromaniac.
#11 Sep 22 2011 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
Aren't we on Tier 13 now?
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#12 Sep 22 2011 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
Yes. Maybe you should post a guide on getting ready for T13. You can't expect poor Poldy to do everything. Smiley: tongue
#13 Sep 23 2011 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
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PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Yes. Maybe you should post a guide on getting ready for T13. You can't expect poor Poldy to do everything. Smiley: tongue

T11 is still the starter raid. T13 isn't out yet, I don't think. That said, a "get raid ready for T12 guide" would probably read, at least if I wrote it:

1)Do Molten Front Dailies.
2)Save Private Thrall
4)AH to fill in missing slots
5)Your *** best have at least honored with Guardians of Hyjal and Therazane.
6)Why in god's name isn't all your stuff enchanted? You Are Not Prepared.
7)No, it doesn't exist: The truth about the Archaeology "Acquired" big q-tip o' doom.

Those would be the titles. Each entry would have a short listing of gear and reprimand people for questioning me. The entire final segment would just say:

#14 Sep 23 2011 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
You know, that actually sounds kinda fun to write. Smiley: laugh

Maybe if I get bored next week.
#15 Sep 23 2011 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
But you need Revered with Hyjal for the head enchant. =x
#16 Sep 24 2011 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
So if you're not at least honored, you're doubly failing, right?
#17 Sep 24 2011 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
Okay, fair point.
#18 Sep 26 2011 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
If I were to write a guide on mage anything it would suck so bad that Poldy would have to write two guides to just make the hurt from mine stop. I know little about mage end game.
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